How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Get a Girl to Like You (LGBT)
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QuestionMy bisexual friend has recently been holding my hand a lot, as well as hugging and cuddling me. Are these signs that she might like me?Community AnswerIt depends on the type of person. Usually these are signs, but she could also have the touchy-feely sort of personality. Try and see how she behaves around other people. You could also try getting more flirty with her and see how she reacts.
QuestionI think I'm bisexual but I'm kind unsure. I've had a crush on a certain girl, but it went away after a month. What does this mean?Community AnswerYou may well be bisexual. Crushes can fade, whoever they're on. If you're unsure, that's fine too. You'll see who else you get attracted to over time and figure it out.
QuestionI used to date a girl and she broke up with me because she didn't like over-summer relationships. How do I get her back?Community AnswerTell her that it wasn't just a summer relationship to you, and you would like to pick back up on the relationship or at least have her in your life as a friend.
QuestionI have a crush on this cute girl and I'm bisexual, and she is too. But she is already dating another girl, and I told her I like her. How do I talk to her now?Community AnswerUnless you want to ruin a good relationship, you need to treat her like a friend. A friend is happy for someone they care about, even if they are in a relationship. Maybe, being friends can draw you closer, or maybe you will find a lifelong friend you can always count on.
QuestionI am trying to date a girl who is bisexual and that is either super shy or is giving me mixed signals. When I try flirting or making eye contact she tends to look away quickly. What does that mean?Hazel MeehanCommunity AnswerIt could mean any number of things. She might be shy, she might not have feelings for you, or not know how she feels. One thing you could try is asking her on a date, or to hang out to get to know each other better.
QuestionThere's this girl that I like, and she called me pretty and asked for my number, but I feel like she doesn't see me as a potential girlfriend. What should I do?Community AnswerFlirt with her. Follow the steps above. It sure sounds like she likes you, based on what you've said. Maybe you're just feeling insecure. Drop a hint, let her know you're available.
QuestionI really love my best friend and sometimes she does flirty things to me, but I don't know if she's just joking. What do I do?AntiviralCommunity AnswerFind out if she's interested in women. If she is, then you do what you do with anyone: tell her your feelings, and ask if she feels the same way.
QuestionMy friend that I have known for a while does that flirtatious eyebrow thing (where they look at you and wiggle their eyebrows while smiling suggestively) but I don't know if she likes me or not and I'm too shy to ask. How do I work up the courage to ask her if she likes me?Community AnswerThink: do you like her? If you do, then think of all the good things about her and picture her standing in front of you and then when you see her, you will have nothing negative about her to stop you asking.
QuestionWhat can I do if the girl I like is intimidating and sending mixed signals?Community AnswerYou could either come right out and ask her, or send obvious signals and see how she reacts.
QuestionI have a crush on a girl who is pansexual. I really like her but I am way too shy to confess my love for her. What should I do?Community AnswerBe honest! If you never tell her how you feel nothing will ever come of it.
QuestionI absolutely love a girl who hardly knows me. I'm not a stalker, but I know she likes stuff I like. How do I become friends without making her think I'm weird?The Emo PandaCommunity AnswerGo up to her and make a joke or compliment her. Or look for a conversation starter. Do you take the same classes? Is she holding a book you've read? Anything like that will work. Then just keep talking to her and eventually you two will become friends. Then, just follow the steps from this article.
QuestionMy friend is lesbian and I am a boy. How do I get her to like me?Community AnswerSorry, but you can't really change what she's into. If you're not sure whether she dates girls exclusively, you could try asking, but don't get your hopes up.
QuestionWhat can I do to encourage a new girl at school to be a lesbian?SaltbaeCommunity AnswerYou should not force her to have same sex attraction, but just be open with her. Tell her how you feel and then wait for her response.
QuestionWhy is it that only girls look at me?Community AnswerMaybe it's because you have something that garners the attention of females, like a masculine charm or nice clothes that they envy.
QuestionI confessed my love to a girl, but she was going out with someone. Now she has dumped him. What should I do next?Community AnswerThat's great progress — now you need to work up the courage to ask her out! That's the next step. One thing I always do to encourage myself is to imagine the best possible outcome, in your case it would be her saying yes. Maybe give it some time since she's still processing the break up, but once the time's right, ask her. Chances are, she won't bite.
QuestionWhat happens if the girl doesn't like you? What can I do? I really love her.Community AnswerYou cannot force someone to love you, you can only help them them realise how deeply you love them and hope that they realise your love as time goes on. Unfortunately, chemistry has a mind of its own, so you may need to learn to let go of this girl and be open to the possibilities still awaiting you out there.
QuestionI have the biggest crush on my best friend and she looks and acts lesbian, but she talks about boys. I don't want to ruin our friendship by telling her I like her, what do I do?Community AnswerSince you two are best friends, I would suggest simply asking her about her sexual and romantic orientation. Just because someone talks about the opposite sex doesn't mean that person is solely attracted to the opposite gender. Ask her directly, but don't say anything about her "looking" or "acting" like a lesbian, some people might find that offensive. Once you know her orientation, then work it out from there. Even if you get rejected, I'm sure she would want to stay friends with you.
QuestionWhat should I do if I like a friend who is straight?Andrew SerranoTop AnswererIf your friend is straight, you liking them isn't going to change that. Take this as a lesson learned. There will be plenty of other people that come along, but you have to learn to keep clear boundaries between friends and romantic interests.
QuestionHow do I find out if a bisexual woman likes me?Community AnswerIt is no different than finding out if a straight or lesbian woman likes you. Just ask her, or figure it out from her friend.
QuestionWhat if my friend is a lesbian, but she likes another girl right now?Community AnswerIf you're interested in your friend, you could try to get her attention by spending more time with her and being more flirtatious than usual. If your friend starts seeing another person though, you should respect their relationship and back off.
QuestionWhat is the best way to do the last step - the confession? I really like my best friend, but I don't know how to tell her how I feel.Community AnswerTry to just mention it casually. Just say, "I have a crush on you," or "I think I'm beginning to have feelings for you." I would recommend you do it in person, not through text or a note, because that way she can't ignore what you've said.
QuestionMy friend is always hugging me and holding my hand and just being kind of touchy-feely. I don't know if she is lesbian and likes me, and I don't know how to ask without making it awkward. Any advice?Community AnswerGirls are a bit touchy at times so it can be hard to tell. You can ask her if she's ever had a boyfriend or if she wants one. Then, casually ask about a girlfriend.
QuestionI am a girl and I love my female teacher. How can I express my love to her?Community AnswerYou should not do that. Student/teacher relationships are inappropriate, and against the rules at most educational institutions. It's okay to have a crush on your teacher, but you should not pursue it.
QuestionIf I'm 17, how do I get someone that's 28 to fall in love with me?Community AnswerThere's no way to "make" anyone fall in love with you, regardless of age. The only thing you can do is get to know that person and see if your lifestyles and personalities mesh in a way that opens up the possibility of a romantic relationship.
QuestionHow do I find out if she feels the same way about me?Community AnswerThe quickest way to find out would be to just ask her.
QuestionI am lesbian and a straight girl found out I like her and won't talk to me. What do I do?Community AnswerDo you know the saying, "It's only awkward if you make it awkward"? Act normal around her. In fact, you may even want to ignore her; she may decide she misses the attention. If not, just move on.
QuestionI told my best friend that I like her and she keeps holding my hoodie and laughs at my stupid jokes and sometimes flirts. Does that mean she likes me?Community AnswerIt definitely sounds like it. There's always a chance she just likes the attention so she's trying to encourage you with the flirting. But you know your friend best, if it seems like she's into you, she probably is.
QuestionI have crush on a female friend. We were best friends before, but once after a quarrel we didn't talk for a long time. A few months ago we became a bit closer, but now we don't talk again. What should I do?The Emo PandaCommunity AnswerApologize for whatever you did or whatever you said after she did something. Even if she started the quarrel, you probably are also to blame, so try to tell her you're sorry. Hopefully, you two can become friends again.
QuestionWhat should I do if someone won't admit to being gay?Community AnswerDo nothing. Be patient and don't push them, if they are gay, they will tell you when they're ready. In the meantime, take any opportunity you can to express support for the LGBTQ+ community.
QuestionIf I said "I like you," and the girl said "cool," what does that mean? And then we were sending heart emojis and kissing faces emojis back-and-forth to each other. What does this mean?Community AnswerThe emojis are a pretty good sign that she likes you back, especially if she sent them after you told her you liked her. There's always a chance she is just flattered by your attention, though. The only way to know for sure is to ask her.
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