Q&A for How to Tell Your Parents That You're in a Girl to Girl Relationship

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    What do you do when your parents don't accept you?
    Inge Hansen, PsyD
    Clinical Psychologist
    Dr. Inge Hansen, PsyD, is the Director of Well-Being at Stanford University and the Weiland Health Initiative. Dr. Hansen has professional interests in social justice and gender and sexual diversity. She earned her PsyD from the California School of Professional Psychology with specialized training in the area of gender and sexual identity. She is the co-author of The Ethical Sellout: Maintaining Your Integrity in the Age of Compromise.
    Clinical Psychologist
    Expert Answer
    Remember that your parents' lack of acceptance has nothing to do with you and your inherent worth. Instead, find people in your life who will accept and celebrate you for who you are. Give your parents time and space as much as possible, and offer them opportunities to learn more about LGBTQ+ identities or to meet other parents who are further along in their acceptance journey.
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    What do I do if my parents say no?
    Community Answer
    You should not worry. If your parents cannot accept you (which they should unless they're not very nice people), it is their problem. Do not feel ashamed. You're unique, so work it! Tell them you won't act any different and that you will still be their daughter; that should help to console them.
  • Question
    How should I tell my mother that I'm a lesbian and I'm 13 years old?
    Community Answer
    Bring up the subject of lesbians a few times see how she reacts to it. If she reacts well you can tell her right then. If she reacts poorly, bring it up a few more times so she will get used to the word and what it is and after that you should tell her. In the end she's your mom and all she wants is for you to be happy.
  • Question
    I've told my mum that I'm a lesbian, but she just thinks that I'm messing around, even when I say that I'm deadly serious. How do I get my mum to believe me?
    Community Answer
    Consistency. Just never give in and keep telling her that you're gay. It could take years, but she'll eventually have to come to terms with your sexuality.
  • Question
    Is it okay to ask them if they want to met her at least, to see what they think?
    Community Answer
    That sounds like a great idea to me. Seems like you know what you're doing.
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    How do I handle parents that do not believe me and are homophobic?
    Community Answer
    Accept that you cannot make them change their minds. They will have to be the ones to decide to change their minds. All you can do is tell them that their response is hurting you and making it difficult for you to trust and feel safe around them.
  • Question
    I am a girl, and my best friend likes other girls. My parents are okay with that, but hers are not, and she told me that they hit her because of it. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell your parents about this, or tell a teacher or guidance counselor at school. This is abuse and your friend needs your help.
  • Question
    Is it OK to even date at my age? I'm twelve years old and already asked someone out.
    Community Answer
    It is okay, as long as you feel ready. Just make sure to use caution, and only date people you trust.
  • Question
    I'm bisexual and I love a girl who is straight. How do I make her love me? She is so pretty that I can't stop staring at her.
    Community Answer
    You can't change her sexuality. If she's straight, there's nothing you can do about that. You cannot make her love you, at least not the way you want her to.
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    I'm thirteen and I want to go on a date with a girl from school who asked me out. Should I tell my parents that it's a date?
    Community Answer
    You don't need to. You can just tell them that you're going to hang out with your friend from school.
  • Question
    How do I tell my religious parents that I'm gay?
    Community Answer
    This is the article you want: how to come out to strict religious parents when you're gay . As a side note, keep in mind that your parents' convictions matter a lot to them, and, consequently, should to you as well. While you are likely going to disagree on this subject, be respectful of where they're coming from and try to keep the tone kind and loving, even if you get frustrated.
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    What can I do if I have parents that I don't trust and are hard to talk to?
    Community Answer
    If you do not trust your parents, it may be safer to not tell them anything as long as they are able to impact your life. Once you move out and can live on your own, you can tell them more without worrying about how they will react. In the meantime, try finding another adult you can trust and talk to, such as a school counselor, a grandparent, coach, teacher, or therapist.
  • Question
    I am 11 years old and I asked this person out. They said yes. My parents know I am pansexual, but they don't know that I have a partner yet. Should I tell them?
    Community Answer
    Sure, if they're okay with you being pansexual, they will probably be okay with whomever you're dating. Since you're so young, they might want to meet the person, though, so be prepared for that!
  • Question
    My friend's parents know I have a crush on her, and are planning on telling my parents. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell your parents first. It will be better coming from you. Just sit them down and tell them everything, that you like girls, that you have a crush on a girl, how/why her parents said they were going to talk to your parents, etc. If you're scared they might react badly, ask another adult (like a teacher or counselor or another family member) to be present during the conversation.
  • Question
    Do my parents need to know that I'm a lesbian?
    Community Answer
    No, not necessarily. It's entirely up to you whether or not you tell them about your sexuality.
  • Question
    I love this one girl, but her ex girlfriend is mad at me now and threatens me. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Threats should be taken seriously, tell your parents or any trusted adult if you are scared. Relationships can get messy, as feelings are involved, but you need to try and keep a cool, logical stance if anything happens. If she attacks you, tell a teacher or call the police.
  • Question
    What if I am 11 years old?
    Community Answer
    Wait a while, it could just be a phase because when I was your age (I'm 13 now), I went through a phase that made me like my best friend. Now I am back to liking boys, so you might want to wait until you're older and you are definitely sure.
  • Question
    How can I tell my parents that I'm in a relationship with another girl? I'm scared
    Stacia Gagnon
    Community Answer
    If you feel like telling them will put you in an unsafe situation, such as you think they will kick you out of your home or mentally or physically abuse you for it, don't tell them. But my best advice is: if you are scared to do it now, nobody is forcing you. Wait until you are comfortable with telling them, it's your decision on whether and when you choose to tell them.
  • Question
    What happens if my parents kick you out for being a lesbian?
    Community Answer
    It's best not to anxious anticipate what MIGHT happen. Tell them, and then deal with the reality of their response. Even if your parents don't respond positively, it's not likely they'll kick you out of the house, especially not if your underage.
  • Question
    My parents know I'm in a relationship with a girl, and they want me to break up with her. What should I do? I love the girl so much.
    Community Answer
    It really depends on your parents and how strict they are. I would suggest you tell your parents that you broke up with her and the two of you decided to just remain friends. That way you can still see each other. If they forbid you from seeing her, you can try to keep seeing her in secret by saying you're going somewhere else, meeting other friends, etc.
  • Question
    I'm an 11 year-old girl and am attracted to other girls. I can't find the courage even to tell my best friend, who I know would be supportive. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You don’t have to come out if you don’t want to. Coming out can take time, and it’s okay to wait until you feel ready to come out.
  • Question
    I am in 6th grade, and I am sort of dating this girl. We don't know if it is even official. How do I tell my mom?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what kind of mom you have. I have friends who casually mentioned they were dating someone without having to come out to them, and I have others who had to sit their parents down and have an in-depth talk about their sexuality. When you tell your mom about this girl, ask her if she wants to meet her. Of course, if you're not ready to tell your mom about this, you can wait until you feel more comfortable.
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm 12 and I struggle to start conversations at the best of time and get nervous when I have to tell them something?
    Community Answer
    It's okay. It's hard to have conversations like this. Dinner time is usually a good opportunity to talk, or right afterwards, you could just say, "Can I talk to you guys about something?" Plan out what you're going to say beforehand, and maybe even practice in front of the mirror. It will be a lot easier if you go in with a plan.
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