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Virgos are one of the most sympathetic and loving signs of the zodiac, so it's no surprise if you want to attract one. Sensual Virgos can't be rushed—their passion is more like a slow burn than an intense fire. However, you'll be rewarded with an attentive lover who puts your needs first. We'll show you tricks to stoke your man's desire and keep him hooked.


Make it clear that you're interested in him.

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  1. Your Virgo man might really like you, but he may be second-guessing himself or be unsure of your feelings. Make it easy on him and ask him out. He'll really appreciate that you're being direct.
    • You might mention a common interest when you ask him out. Say something like, "If you like Turkish coffee, you'd really like the new Mediterranean cafe. Would you like to try it out with me? I'd love to know what you think."
    • You could also try something more direct like, "I think we've got a lot in common. Would you like to go out this weekend?"
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Take time getting to know him.

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  1. If you don't know him very well, he'll probably seem shy or guarded—he certainly won't share his emotions or make big, romantic displays of affection. Give him time and become his friend first so you develop a deep connection. It will pay off later! [1]
    • You'll probably find that the more you get to know each other, the more expressive he is. Virgos can become dedicated partners. It just takes some time and patience.

Stimulate his mind.

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  1. Try to plan dates that give you a chance to really talk to one another. You might discuss politics, chat about his interests, or practice a little witty flirting. If you can stimulate his mind, you're that much closer to arousing him. [2]
    • For instance, skip a movie or concert and choose an intimate dinner instead. Want something with less pressure? Go out for ice cream and take a long walk so you can talk.
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Send him a few flirty texts.

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  1. Skip sending him a revealing selfie or sending dirty texts. Instead, try to send him a thoughtful, fun text that leaves him wanting more. [3]
    • For example, you could say, "Tell me, have you missed me?" or, "If you want to come over tonight, I'll make it worth your time 😉."

Be reliable and grounded.

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  1. After all, you've both taken the time to get to know each other so he trusts that you're a reliable presence in his life. While routine and habit might not turn on other zodiac signs, Virgos thrive on stability.
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Practice good hygiene.

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  1. He won't want to jump in bed if you haven't bathed yet or you've just come home smelling like your job. Don't let his cleanliness fool you, though—he can be quite the opposite in the bedroom. [4]
    • Your Virgo man would probably jump at the offer of showering together. Make it a fun part of foreplay!
    • If you're choosing lingerie, pick classic, elegant styles. Virgos aren't drawn to flashy, dramatic styles.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 516 wikiHow readers who've dated Virgo men, and 74% of them agreed that the their go-to style for attracting them is classy, fitted clothing. [Take Poll]

Declutter your home and bedroom.

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  1. Your man won't be able to relax and unwind if you bring him to a messy home. Instead of focusing on you, he'll be noticing the clothes on the floor, the dirty blankets on the bed, or a load of laundry on the couch. Take time to clean your place before your guy comes over.
    • Don't be surprised if your man suggests spending time at his place. He probably feels more comfortable and in control since he knows the space is just how he likes it.
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Set the mood with a romantic atmosphere.

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  1. Since sex is something to be savored, he'll love it if you plan a whole romantic evening. Set out amazing food or your favorite drinks, dim the lights, and turn on soft background music. You'll instantly help him slip into a sultry attitude. [5]
    • He might enjoy it if you start by sipping drinks and talking before you move the bedroom. It's a little old-school, but this is what Virgo loves.

Communicate your needs and wants.

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  1. You might talk about your preferences before you even make it to the bedroom. For instance, let him know what positions you like or if there are parts of your body that you want him to pay attention to. Plus, talking about what pleasures you is a great way to turn him on.
    • You could also share things you'd like to try and ask him what he prefers in the bedroom. Remember, this builds a connection that's really important to your Virgo man.
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Take your time with foreplay.

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  1. Foreplay deepens your connection and helps him relax. You might spend extra time making out or planting gentle kisses across his body. He might love a massage, too.
    • He'll probably also take his time with pleasuring you. Don't expect frantic, rushed kisses or a race to the bedroom.

Reassure your Virgo man.

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  1. A lot is probably going on in your Virgo guy's mind when you're together and he's probably wondering if you're enjoying yourself. Encourage him to keep doing what you like so there's no question in his mind.
    • For example, you might groan when he starts kissing your neck or you might say, "I love it when you stroke my side."
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Join the Discussion...

Any tips for complimenting a Virgo guy and making him feel good and loved?
My Virgo man always holds himself to a really high standard. When I compliment him on something that he worked hard for, I can tell that makes him feel good about himself. Like I know he's been sticking to a workout routine, so I complimented him on his physique and his dedication to waking up early to go to the gym regularly!
Whenever I tell my Virgo boyfriend that he's a grounding presence for me, he seems really touched by it. I think he likes being characterized as stable and dependable, so he appreciates it when I recognize him for it.

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