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If you've developed feelings for your best friend and want them to know, take a second to think about how this might affect your friendship. Look for signs that they like you too, such as if they avoid talking about their crushes around you or give you playful touches on the arm or leg. When you tell your best friend how you feel, do it away from other people and in person. Be honest about how you feel and give your best friend time to process what you've told them. No matter what they say, try to put your friendship first and be proud of yourself for having the courage to tell them!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Looking for Signs They Like You Back

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  1. Try flirting with your best friend to see how they respond. There are lots of ways to flirt, but it’s important to use subtle tactics so you don’t make your best friend uncomfortable. Try holding their gaze for a few seconds longer than usual or gently teasing your friend to see how they react. [1]
    • Be aware that your best friend may view your flirting as you just being nice, so don’t base your judgment of whether or not they like you on just this.
  2. If your best friend often tells you about who they currently like or want to date, this is a sign that they’re not thinking about you romantically. See if your best friend brings up crushes around you, or ask them who they’re currently crushing on to be more direct. [2]
    • You might ask them, "Do you have a crush on anyone?" when you two are talking about your friends' crushes or relationships.
  3. These could be things like a hand on your arm when you two are talking or even an extra long hug. Similarly, use playful touches to see if your best friend might be interested in you by giving them a casual back rub or throwing your arm around their waist as you’re walking. [3]
    • Pay attention to how your best friend responds if you give a playful touch. If they seem uncomfortable or pull back, this likely means they’re not interested. [4]
  4. Compliment your best friend to hint that you like them. Tell your best friend things you like about them that you wouldn’t normally share. For example, you might tell your best friend how great they look in an outfit or how impressed you are with their academic abilities. [5]
    • You might compliment your friend by saying, “I love watching you play soccer, you just have so much talent!” or “That shirt really brings out the color in your eyes.”
  5. If you and your best friend have another friend that you’re both close to, this friend may know how your best friend feels about you. Consider talking to your mutual friend about how you’re feeling and see what they think about you telling your best friend that you really like them. [6]
    • Know that the mutual friend might tell your best friend what you talked about, so be clear when you’re talking to your mutual friend if you don’t want them to share your conversation with anyone else.
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wikiHow Quiz: Am I in Love with My Best Friend?

Are you starting to wonder whether your feelings for your best friend are strictly platonic? Maybe you think about them all the time or get butterflies in your stomach when they’re around; either way, it feels like there’s something more to your relationship with them. If you’re ready to figure out how you feel about your bestie (and how to deal with those feelings), take our quiz below.
1 of 12

Do you try to look nice when you know you’ll be seeing your bestie?

Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Talking with Your Best Friend About Your Feelings

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  1. Write out specific things you want to tell your best friend when you're sharing your feelings, or even just think about what you might say in your head beforehand. Preparing some specific things to say will help you feel more relaxed and confident when you have the real conversation. [7]
    • Practice what you'd like to say in front of a mirror to help you feel more confident if you're super nervous.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 643 wikiHow readers who've told their friend they like them, and 54% of them agreed that their goal in doing so is to see if there’s a chance for a romantic relationship. [Take Poll] If you’re hoping to date your friend after you confess your feelings, consider how you’d like to ask ahead of time.
  2. Telling your best friend that you like them during a commercial break or right before they need to go isn’t a good idea. Pick a moment where you’re both comfortable and have nowhere to rush off to, such as in the evening or during the weekend. [8]
    • For example, you might choose to talk to them Friday after school so they have the whole weekend to think about their own feelings.
    • Telling them right before school or really quickly in between activities might cause them to feel overwhelmed.
    • Plan to have enough time to not only tell your best friend how you feel, but to allow them time to think and respond if they’d like to.
  3. While it can be tempting to tell your best friend about your feelings over text or through a phone call, it’s better to talk to them in person. This helps show that you’re serious about your feelings, and you can gauge your best friend’s reaction more easily when you’re face-to-face.
    • Talk to your best friend when you’re together on a casual outing, such as at the park or eating a meal.
  4. Pick a spot to talk that isn't very public, like in a park or a secluded part of school. It’s also best to talk to your best friend away from family and friends so that neither of you feels awkward or like people are listening to your conversation. [9]
    • Instead of having the conversation at a loud and crowded restaurant, think about taking a walk with your best friend and telling them then.
  5. Start a conversation by talking about things you would normally talk about, such as school, homework, or extracurricular activities. Once you're both feeling comfortable, let them know you have something you'd like to share with them. Be open and honest about your feelings by telling them that you’ve developed feelings for them, and you thought it was important that they knew. [10]
    • You might say something like, “It’s not easy for me to tell you this, but I've had a crush on you for awhile now.”
  6. While you want to turn your friendship with your best friend into something more, it’s important to tell your friend that you don’t want to lose them if they don’t return your feelings. Tell them how much you value the friendship and that you want to make sure it stays intact. [11]
    • After telling your best friend your feelings, you might add, “If you liked me back that would be great, but I want our friendship to be the top priority.”
  7. It's likely that your best friend will be surprised by your news, and they may not know exactly what they're thinking quite yet. Reassure them that you're not asking them for an answer, and that you just wanted them to know how you feel. [12]
    • Avoid immediately asking your friend how they feel about you or what they’re thinking to give them time to sort through their thoughts.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Dealing with Your Crush's Response

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  1. It might take your best friend a couple days to sort through their thoughts and feelings. Give them some space and time to figure out how they feel, as well as what they want to say to you. [13]
    • While you should give your best friend a day or two to process what you've told them, continue hanging out and talking with them as you normally would unless they say they need some time to themselves.
  2. After you’ve told your best friend your feelings, give them time to process them. Whether they seem confused, excited, embarrassed or any other type of emotion, stay calm and be respectful of their feelings. [14]
  3. If your best friend tells you they like you too, awesome! Take your time when starting a relationship and avoid jumping into things too quickly. Remember that your friendship is still very important, and you don’t want to do anything to jeopardize it. [15]
    • Start by planning a romantic date for just the two of you to test out how your new relationship will work.
  4. If your best friend tells you that they don’t see you that way and just want to be friends, accept this news and try to put it past you. While it’s normal to feel awkward around your best friend because of your shared feelings, be proud of yourself for putting yourself out there and make an effort to keep your friendship just as strong. [16]
    • It’s a good idea to put some distance between yourself and your best friend for a little while after revealing your feelings if you’re feeling especially sad about their decision.
  5. If you're feeling sad about your best friend's decision, try to focus on things you enjoy. Spend time hanging out with other friends, visiting with family, and exploring your hobbies and passions to help put you in a good mood. [17]
    • Make arts and crafts, play a sport, read, or write music to help you focus on things you love.
    • If you need to talk about your feelings with someone, ask a family member or other close friend if they wouldn't mind listening and giving you advice.
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Join the Discussion...

How do I handle having a crush on my best friend? I think she’s amazing, and we do everything together. But I don’t know if she feels the same way, and I’m really scared of ruining things.
John Keegan
Dating Coach
This is a tough situation to be in. The best thing to do when you have a crush on your best friend is find out if they feel the same way. Sometimes great friends really do become great lovers.

Eventually, you want to be able to directly say, "You know what, I think I'm starting to feel something for you." But it’s better to be more subtle at first to get a sense of where they're at. For example, when you're hanging out, lean in close to their ear and whisper something funny or tell them that they look great. Just feel their vibes, and see if you can start to create some heat. At some point, you'll have to ask yourself, "Is it worth ruining the friendship we have for me to take this risk?" And if the answer is yes, then you have to do it.

You can try gradually moving towards more physical interactions by subtly doing things like saying "Let's hug," or leaning in and kissing their cheeks like you're in France. See if it feels like something's happening, if that person wants to meet you where you're at. It's very subtle, and you don't have to deal go over the top.

If it seems like they're being receptive, that can be the time to say, "I'm really starting to feel like there's something more between us" or "Maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like there's something more between us, and maybe we should explore it."

But first, I would just initiate light physical escalation and read the signs you receive.
Laura Bilotta
Dating Coach & Matchmaker
If you talk to your friend and she doesn't feel the same as you, a little bit of distance can work wonders to help you heal. Keep in contact with your friend, but have less contact than before.

Don't make a big deal of it. You don't want to go around telling everyone or feel angry about the rejection. It is important to remember how the friendship was before you developed this crush.

If you have to, stop looking at their social media accounts for the time being. Talk it out with them so no one is left feeling awkward, and then commit to letting it go. Allow yourself to grieve and get over it. That could happen by creating a bit of space.

It could mean taking a few weeks or a month off of seeing them, but this could be best for both of you in the long run. Focus on other activities and on yourself, get back to doing things you love, and learn how to just be a friend again to this person.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Should you tell your best friend you like them?
    JT Tran
    Dating Coach
    JT Tran is a Dating Coach and a Dating Advice Columnist for LA Weekly and Baller Magazine. JT also runs the ABCs of Attraction, a dating boot camp where he specializes in coaching Asian men and women on how to navigate the cultural and social sensitivities associated with Asian dating culture. With over ten years of dating coaching experience, JT has presented dating and relationship advice as it relates to cultural issues at Harvard University, Yale University, and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. His work has been featured in AsianWeek, New York, NU Asian Magazine, the Huffington Post, Channel News Asia, and Voice of America News TV.
    Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    It depends. If you have a reasonable suspicion that they like you and you're willing to put yourself out there, go for it. If you really value the friendship and you don't know how they'll respond, you may want to not risk it. It's totally up to you, though.
  • Question
    How can I get into the right headspace to tell a friend I like them?
    JT Tran
    Dating Coach
    JT Tran is a Dating Coach and a Dating Advice Columnist for LA Weekly and Baller Magazine. JT also runs the ABCs of Attraction, a dating boot camp where he specializes in coaching Asian men and women on how to navigate the cultural and social sensitivities associated with Asian dating culture. With over ten years of dating coaching experience, JT has presented dating and relationship advice as it relates to cultural issues at Harvard University, Yale University, and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. His work has been featured in AsianWeek, New York, NU Asian Magazine, the Huffington Post, Channel News Asia, and Voice of America News TV.
    Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    Shower, listen to some music, do your hair, and put on a really nice outfit. Reframe what you're about to do by reminding yourself that you're the catch, and your friend has something to lose, not you! That way, you'll come into the conversation feeling confident and prepared.
  • Question
    What kind of hints can I give to someone that I like them?
    Community Answer
    Make eye contact when talking, get to know their friends, make conversation and be confident in yourself!
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      • Be aware that telling your best friend that you like them may change your friendship, so be sure it's what you want to do before having the conversation with them.

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      Article Summary X

      If you’ve developed a crush on your best friend and you suspect they feel the same way, you might be ready to tell them how you feel. Choose a time to talk to them about your feelings when you’ll both be relaxed and have plenty of time for an uninterrupted chat. Ask to meet with them in person if possible. Go someplace private before you open up to them so they won’t feel put on the spot. Wait for a quiet moment in the conversation and say something like, “There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you. I’ve had a crush on you for a while now.” Let them know that their friendship is important to you and that you aren’t putting pressure on them to return your feelings if they don’t feel the same. Give them some time to respond, and do your best to accept their answer gracefully, whatever it might be. For tips about how to accept your friend’s reaction, keep reading!

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