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Learn how to curb a dog’s barking (and prevent them from forming the habit in the first place)
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Barking is a dog’s natural form of vocalization. It can, however, also become a problematic behavior if chronic or uncontrolled. If your dog develops a bad barking habit, you can, with the proper techniques and by addressing the underlying cause, teach your dog better behavior.

Teaching Your Dog Not to Bark

If your dog barks, don’t shout or tell them to stop—they may interpret this as rewarding their behavior by giving them attention. Instead, try to ignore them until they stop. When your dog stops barking, wait a minute to make sure they don’t start up again, then reward them for being quiet with a treat.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Preventing the Dog from Developing the Habit

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  1. Training a dog not to bark early on is much easier than breaking the habit once your dog has developed it. One of the keys to this is to avoid ever reinforcing or rewarding barking in the first place. If your dog barks and you shout for quiet, you are rewarding the barking with attention in your dog’s mind. [1] Your dog may even interpret the shouting as your version of barking in response. By mistaking this for approval, your dog is more likely to repeat the behavior.
  2. Instead of shouting at your new dog for quiet, try first ignoring the barking. If the dog never starts associating barking with attention and responses from you, then the dog is less likely to use the behavior. [2]
  3. If ignoring the barking doesn’t stop the behavior after several minutes, then try to distract your dog from the behavior. Continue ignoring the barking, but then drop something on the floor, open the pantry, or something else that usually gets your dog’s attention and causes the dog to investigate.
  4. Once you have distracted your dog from the barking and the dog has approached you to investigate, then use a familiar command to the dog, such as “sit.” Reward the positive behavior immediately, which will reinforce the commanded behavior instead of any barking. [3]
    • This highlights the need for basic training with your dog as well. Distracting your dog with other basic commands that the dog understands is a great way to avoid reinforcing barking by accident. [4] To learn more about teaching your dog commands, check out How to Teach Your Dog Basic Commands .
    • Clicker training your dog is another great way to help positively reinforce desired behaviors.
  5. If your new dog’s barking takes place in your yard at passersby, then bring the dog inside in a way that ignores the barking. wait until the dog stops barking at a passer and put his or her leash on. Next time the dog starts barking at another passer, immediately lead the dog inside by the leash. By doing it mid-bark, you teach the dog that barking means the end of having fun out in the yard. [5]
  6. [6] Barking is a manner of expression for your dog, and the dog may bark in response to emotional states, especially boredom. Providing plenty of exercise and attention to your dog will help stop the dog from developing a habit to bark in response to boredom. [7] Spend at least two fifteen-minute training sessions with your dog each day, and take your dog out for exercise twice a day to play fetch and run—up to an hour a day for large, energetic breeds. [8]
    • If your dog still seems to bark due to boredom despite being out twice a day to expel some energy, try ramping up the amount of time you spend out for each exercise session.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Finding the Cause

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  1. The first step to stopping your dog’s barking is to find out what’s causing the barking. You may need to do some deducing, particularly if your dog tends to bark when you aren’t around.
    • To help you track the barking behavior, talk with your neighbors. Ask when they notice your dog barking and if there’s any pattern to the behavior. Demonstrating to your neighbors that you’re aware of and working to address your dog’s barking will also help them see you as an ally rather than a part of the problem.
    • Leave a tape or video recorder running while you’re away. Taking video may be preferable to only taking audio as it will allow you to investigate potential visual as well as aural triggers of your dog’s barking. Record your dog at home over the course of several days and review the recordings so you’ll be able to get a better representation of your dog’s behavior.
  2. After gathering evidence, begin looking for patterns and triggers. Common triggers include: [9]
    • Drawing your attention to a need. Your dog may be looking to get your attention because of an immediate need—to use the bathroom, hunger, thirst, etc.
    • Feeling bored or frustrated. A dog may be bored or frustrated because it has been confined to a particular area or has no outlets for its energy. Barking may be a way for the dog to release anxiety or create a distraction.
    • Feeling afraid. If a person, thing, or noise frightens your dog, it may be barking as a response. You can tell from your dog’s body language whether it’s responding out of fear—a fear posture will include the ears pulled back and the tail lowered.
    • Feeling territorial. If a dog perceives a person or other dog as intruding on its territory, it may bark as a way of asserting a claim to that territory. You can often tell when a dog is barking territorially because its ears will be forward and its tail held up high.
    • Feeling excited. Dogs may bark when they’re excited to see you as an expression of their eagerness.
    • Experiencing health issues. If a dog is dealing with health issues like deafness, pain, or mental distress, it may bark as a sign that something is amiss. [10]
  3. If you have any reason to suspect that your dog may be barking because of a health concern, make an appointment to see your vet.
    • Keep in mind that older dogs may bark as a result of dementia. If that’s the case, your vet may be able to prescribe a medication to help your dog cope with the symptoms. [11]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Curbing the Barking

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  1. Once you’ve determined what’s causing your dog to bark, work on removing the incentive.
    • Your dog barks because it experiences some kind of reward from that behavior. If you remove that payoff, your dog will lose incentive to bark. [12]
    • For example, if your dog barks at passersby while in the house, close the blinds or curtains to block their view. If your dog barks at passersby while in the yard, bring the dog inside when it begins barking at someone. [13]
  2. When beginning to re-train your dog, you need to start by not reacting to the barking. Dogs interpret your yelling at them or telling them to stop as attention, which in and of itself reinforces the behavior, regardless of whether you’re angry at or scolding your dog. [14]
    • When your dog barks, don’t acknowledge it in any way. Don’t look at your dog, talk to your dog, pet your dog, and definitely don’t feed or give your dog treats.
    • Be aware that you dog's barking will get worse before it gets better if you need to break an existing habit. When you fail to react after your dog is used to you responding to barking, then the dog will interpret that as a need to bark more because it didn’t work. Avoid the urge to acknowledge the barking in any way.
    • You may want to explain to neighbors that you are trying to stop the barking issue and apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime. If they understand you are trying to do something constructive—rather than just being incredibly irritating—hopefully they will be more sympathetic.
  3. As soon as your dog stops barking, wait a minute to ensure that the dog doesn’t confuse the reason why, and then reward the silence with a treat. If you do this consistently, then your dog will begin to understand that the barking does not receive a reward but the quiet does.
    • Your dog will begin to associate being quiet with receiving a treat. As that happens, begin to lengthen the amount of time the dog must be quiet before receiving a reward.
    • If you are utilizing clicker training with your dog, then remember to mark the silence with a click before rewarding the quiet.
  4. When your dog begins to bark, redirect it to do something that will distract it from the stimulus.
    • Telling your dog to lie down is a good way to redirect, as it won’t be construed as a reward for barking.
    • When you dog lies down quietly, reward it with a treat--but only once it’s quiet.
  5. While in the process of re-training your dog, keep your dog out of hearing range of the neighbors as much as possible to minimize nuisance.
    • Keep in touch with your neighbors and let them know you’re aware of your dog’s barking and are working to fix the problem.
    • Having your neighbors on your side is the best way to maintain good will and avoid nuisance calls. [15]
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Keeping Your Dog Well-Adjusted

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  1. Dogs are social and need environmental stimuli to stay healthy and well-adjusted.
    • Take your dog for regular walks around the neighborhood.
    • Whenever possible, take your dog to parks or open spaces where it can run around freely.
  2. [16] Dogs are pack animals and need to feel part of a family, so when you come home, bring your dog inside and allow it to socialize with you and your family.
    • Don’t leave your dog outside or unattended while you’re home; it will likely lead your dog to become anxious and frustrated, leading to poor behavior.
  3. Dogs are often confused by human inconsistency--sometimes when they bark, you yell, but at other times you don’t respond. As a result, your dog can’t tell whether barking is a good or a bad thing.
    • The only way to train your dog in the behavior you want is to be consistent, so it will be able to learn the behaviors you want and don’t want it to have. [17]
  4. Teaching your dog how to respond to a “quiet” command is more productive than yelling at your dog to “be quiet” or “shut up.”
    • As with any behavior you want to instill in your dog, consistency is key.
    • Begin by teaching your dog to “speak” on command. You can do this by knocking on the door to simulate a visitor. When the dog barks, provide a treat (and remember to use the clicker if you’re clicker training). Once the dog responds regularly and looks for the treat, give this behavior a cue word, such as “speak.”
    • Once your dog can reliably bark on command, teach the “quiet” command. Find a quiet environment with no distractions. Tell your dog to “speak,” then say “quiet,” wait for the to stop barking, use the clicker if you’re clicker training, and reward your dog with a treat.
    • Repeat as necessary until your dog learns to associate the command “quiet” with stopping its barking and with being rewarded for the quiet. [18]
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I train my dog to stop barking?
    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
    Expert Answer
    If the dog is a seasoned barker, then label his barking with a cue word such as "Speak." Then offer a treat. When he's eating the treat, softly hold his muzzle and say "Quiet," then reward him again. Repeat this enough times and you'll put both barking and silence on cue, so you can interrupt his barking and have quiet.
  • Question
    Do bark collars hurt my dog?
    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
    Expert Answer
    Different anti-bark collars work in different ways, but they are always unpleasant (which is what teaches the dog not to bark). Some collars definitely hurt (electric shock ones) and others are just mean (citronella spray). Since bark collars are on the whole not effective unless unpleasant, this seems a flawed way to treat a pet friend.
  • Question
    How do you train your dog not to run away?
    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
    Expert Answer
    Some dogs are natural escape artists and it's in their blood. For those dogs, you need to prevent the dog running away with high fences and the like. Otherwise, if the dog runs off when on a walk, teach a rock solid recall. Do this by finding something super-tasty the dog loves to eat, and offering this as a reward when they return. Use a longline while retraining the dog, so they can't disappear completely.
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      • Understand that changing your dog’s behavior will take time. You won’t change your dog’s barking habits overnight or even over the span of a few days. You’ll need to repeatedly work with your dog over several weeks or even months to remodel their behavior. The longer your dog has had the habit, the longer it will take to rewire that behavior. [19]
      • Don’t leave your dog unsupervised for an entire day and night or more; it will cause your dog distress and lead to the development of poor coping mechanisms like barking. [20]
      • Always be kind and patient and never hurt your dog.
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      • Don’t “de-bark” your dog. “De-barking” is a surgical procedure to remove folds of tissue around the larynx, leaving the dog with a raspy, reduced bark. The procedure is considered inhumane by many animal experts, and complications like difficulty breathing, choking, chronic pain, and even death are common. And because the procedure only interferes with the dog’s vocal tissue, it doesn’t address the underlying behavior. [21]
      • Most humane societies also recommend against using “anti-bark” devices that will shock your dog or spray it with an offensive smell if it barks. Like “de-barking,” these devices don’t address the underlying behavior. Moreover, because dogs’ senses are more acute than those of humans, these deterrents, though they may seem relatively minor to you, can be cruel to your dog. Finally, because these collars use punishment as a training tool, they’re unlikely to be effective. Dogs won’t associate punishment with the behavior; rather, dogs respond most effectively to positive reinforcement and reward for good behavior. [22]


      1. Don't Shoot the Dog. Karen Pryor. Ringpress Books
      2. Don't Shoot the Dog. Karen Pryor. Ringpress Books
      3. Don't Shoot the Dog. Karen Pryor. Ringpress Books
      4. Don't Shoot the Dog. Karen Pryor. Ringpress Books
      5. Don't Shoot the Dog. Karen Pryor. Ringpress Books
      6. Ty Brown. Dog Trainer. Expert Interview. 4 June 2020.
      7. The Power of Positive Dog Training. Pat Miller. Howell Book House
      8. The Power of Positive Dog Training. Pat Miller. Howell Book House
      9. http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/dogs/tips/barking_causes.html?credit=web_id96379310

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To train dogs not to bark, avoid responding with shouting, since your dog may interpret this as positive attention. Initially, try to ignore the barking so the dog won't start associating barking with attention from you. If that doesn't work, try distracting your dog by dropping something, opening the pantry, or giving it something else to investigate. Then, use a command like “Sit” and reward the positive behavior immediately to reinforce commanded behavior instead of barking. For tips on understanding why your dog might be barking frequently, read on!

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