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Snus, the Swedish word for snuff, is an oral tobacco product that comes loose or in small pouches. It is less harsh than regular chewing tobacco, so you don’t have to spit when you use it. Try snus in pouches if you want the least messy version, or use the loose kind if you want more control over your portion sizes.

Tips for Using Snus

If you’re using loose snus, pinch some of it between your thumb and index finger. If you’re using snus pouches, pick up a single pouch. Place the loose snus or snus pouch between your upper lip and gums, and keep it in for up to an hour. Remove the snus when you no longer enjoy the flavor and buzz.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using Loose Snus

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  1. Order a tin of snus online or buy it from a tobacco shop. Snus comes in a variety of flavors, so you can pick something, like mint or citrus, that appeals to you. [1]
    • Snus is less harsh than regular chewing tobacco. However, keep in mind that it can still contribute to oral cancers.
    • Loose snus is the same product that is inside snus pouches. It can be messier since it is not packed neatly inside a pouch, but it also gives you more control over portion sizes.
    • Loose snus comes in different strengths. If you are trying to quit nicotine, then choose a weaker variety so you don't increase your body's nicotine addiction.
  2. Grab the tin with your thumb on the bottom and your other fingers on the top. Turn it sideways and knock the side against a hard surface, like a table, a few times so that the snus packs to the side of the tin. [2]
    • This will make it much easier to remove a compacted portion of snus from the tin.
    • Make sure that the lid is on tightly before you do this so it doesn't accidentally come off when you knock it against something.
  3. Take the lid off the tin after you pack it, then pinch a small portion about the size of your fingertip or a little bigger out from the tin. Start with a portion on the smaller side and then work your way up to more when you get a feeling for how the snus feels in your mouth and affects you. [3]
    • You can pack and roll the snus between your fingers after you remove it from the tin to compact it and make it less messy if you prefer.
  4. Grab your upper lip with your other hand and pull it out away from your gums. Insert the portion of snus between your upper lip and gums wherever it is most comfortable, then release your upper lip so it snaps back into place and holds the snus there. [4]
    • If you don’t mind the flavor, then you can use your tongue to help pack it in. However, this is not recommended because swallowing the snus can make you feel sick.
    • You can put snus in your lower lip, but it is not recommended because it tends to generate more saliva which causes you to spit more.
  5. Hold the snus in for as long as you are feeling the nicotine buzz or until you no longer want to taste or feel it. You don’t need to spit while you have the snus in. [5]
    • When you are done with the snus, grab it between your thumb and index finger again and dispose of it in a trash can.
    • If at any point you start feeling nauseous, remove the snus and dispose of it. This is common for users who are new to snus or don’t have a high nicotine tolerance.
    • A portion of loose snus can last up to an hour before it totally loses its effects and flavor. The length of time the effects last depends on the size of the portion, its strength, and your nicotine tolerance.
  6. Like pouches, loose snus is perishable. It will last for 14-20 weeks when stored in a refrigerator, which will keep it from drying out and maintain its freshness. [6]
    • This is only necessary if you want to store your loose snus for more than a week. If you plan to use a tin of snus in a week or less, then you can keep it in a cool, dry place.
    • Recycle empty tins of snus.
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Trying Snus Pouches

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  1. Purchase the tin at a tobacco shop or online. There are different flavors, such as mint or citrus, that you can choose from. [7]
    • There are American-made versions of snus, but they are less-regulated than the Swedish variety and may contain more carcinogens.
    • Strength labels are Normal, Stark, & Extra Stark. Normal contains the least amount of nicotine. If you are trying to quit nicotine, then go with a weaker variety.
    • Snus also comes in three different pouch sizes: Mini, Normal/Large (most common) and Maxi. Bigger pouches contain a bigger portion of snus, hence more nicotine, so if you are trying to quit nicotine then choose smaller pouch sizes. You can also choose a size that is more comfortable in your mouth.
  2. A tin of snus pouches contains several small tea bag-like pouches of the tobacco product. Take the lid off the tin and grab 1 of the pouches between your thumb and index finger. [8]
    • Since it is already packed into little pouches, you don't have to shake the tin to "pack" the snus as you would with loose varieties. If you want, you can roll the pouch between your fingers to loosen the tobacco up before you put it in your mouth.
  3. Pinch your upper lip between the thumb and index fingers of your hand that isn’t holding the snus pouch. Insert the pouch in between your upper lip and your gum wherever it is most comfortable, then release your upper lip. [9]
    • You can also simply put the snus pouch on your tongue and use your tongue to slide the pouch up between your upper lip and gums.
    • You may find it is most comfortable to place the pouch off to the side between your upper lip and gums, rather than in the middle, but do whatever is most comfortable for you.
    • It’s possible to put snus in your lower lip, but this will make you salivate more and you may need to spit. Snus is designed to be spit-free, so it’s recommended to put it in your upper lip.
  4. You will start to feel that familiar nicotine buzz shortly after putting the pouch in. The effects of snus last for different lengths of time depending on the strength and your tolerance, but most users keep a pouch in for 20 minutes to 1 hour. [10]
    • Unlike other types of oral tobacco products, it’s not necessary to spit while using snus.
    • Snus is a variety of "wet snuff." It is composed of about 30 percent tobacco and 70 percent water and flavoring. Because of the existence of salt and flavoring, it promotes less saliva than other smokeless tobaccos.
    • If you're an inexperienced tobacco user, you may start to feel a strong head-rush, some nausea, and may even need to vomit. This is a normal nicotine response. Remove the packet if it starts nauseating you.
    • Always dispose of used snus in a trash can. Don't litter by tossing it out elsewhere.
  5. Snus is perishable, but will last for 14-20 weeks when stored in a refrigerator. The refrigerator will keep it from drying out and maintain its freshness. [11]
    • This is only necessary if you want to store snus longer than a week. If you go through a tin of snus in a week or less, then you can just store it in a cool, dry place when you aren’t using it.
    • When you finish a tin of snus, recycle it.

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      • Snus contains nicotine, a highly addictive drug. If you aren't addicted to nicotine, don't start. [12]
      • Although substantially safer than cigarettes and other tobacco products in terms of lung health, snus use can still contribute to oral cancers and other oral health problems. [13]

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you're interested in using snus, start with the pouches since the loose variety can be a bit messy for beginners. After you choose a flavor, take a pouch out of the snus tin with your fingers. Next, pinch your upper lip between your thumb and index fingers and insert the pouch in between your upper lip and your gums wherever it feels most comfortable. Then, release your upper lip and enjoy the flavor and buzz for as long as you like. Most users keep a pouch in for 20 minutes to 1 hour. Keep in mind that it’s not necessary to spit while using snus like you would with other oral tobacco products! When you're done with the pouch, be sure to dispose of it in a trash can. For tips on using loose snus, read on!

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      • Glenn Gordon

        May 5, 2016

        "The appropriate description and exact steps not only taught me how to properly use Snus, but also where it came ..." more
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