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How do you win a charming and clever Gemini guy's heart? This social butterfly probably has many people vying for his attention, but you can rise above the rest if you're persistent. And while he gets bored quickly, you'll impress him with a combination of humor, confidence, and some clever banter for good measure. Read on for our complete guide to winning your Gemini guy and getting him to fall for you!


Become his friend first.

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  1. Let his feelings develop gradually, as Gemini isn't naturally romantic. [1] Spend time with him as a platonic friend and focus on having lots of casual fun together; you can worry about romance once your friendship feels solid. If you're his friend first and foremost, this normally free-spirited sign won't be as worried about committing to a relationship. He already knows you're his favorite person!
    • You'll know that he's feeling closer to you when he starts to confide in you beyond his usual jokes and clever comments.
    • He might also seem anxious or tongue-tied in your presence—which is unusual for a chatty Gemini.
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Maintain an air of mystery.

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  1. Geminis are extremely inquisitive by nature. [2] Talk about yourself but don't tell him everything—and hint that there's more to know or another story to tell each time you see him. If you're a little mysterious, he'll eagerly embrace the challenge and try to learn everything he can about you.
    • Rather than saying exactly where you grew up, say, "I'm from a little town in the south. What about you?"
    • When you're texting a Gemini , leave him on a (positive) cliffhanger from time to time. "I've gotta go run some errands. Remind me to tell you that story some other time! 😉"

Teach him something new.

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  1. They love to be entertained and appreciate a partner who can intellectually keep them on their toes. [4] Share new ideas with your Gemini, from crazy facts about the world he's never heard before to a genre of music he might be unfamiliar with. You'll keep his brain stimulated, making him crazy about you.
    • "Have you ever listened to this podcast before? There are some wild stories on it! Listen to this episode, and then we'll talk about it."
    • "Fun fact of the day! Did you know that a single cloud weighs about 1.1 million pounds?"

Impress him with clever banter.

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  1. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication—which means he loves to talk. You don't need to be the smartest person in the room to win his heart; just keep up with his fast banter and talk about everything. This sign's mind can go in any direction, so it doesn't matter what you talk about; as long as you're interested and enthusiastic, he will be, too. [5]
    • Ask him thought-provoking questions like "If you could go anywhere, where would you visit?" and "What's the coolest thing that's ever happened to you?"
    • Talk about your favorite books, movies, and hobbies. He'll be fascinated and eager to share his ideas on those subjects.
    • Send him a topical news story and ask for his opinion. Be willing to discuss your own thoughts, too.
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Surprise him.

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  1. [6] In astrology, "mutable" signs are flexible, adaptable, and strive for change throughout their lives. Catch him by surprise with a thoughtful gift, or invite him on a spur-of-the-moment outing. Geminis generally don't like routine, so the more unexpected fun you bring to his life, the more you'll win his heart.
    • Surprise gifts don't have to be grand and expensive. It can be as simple as bringing over his favorite homemade snack or remembering his coffee order and picking up a cup without telling him.
    • Don't be afraid to alter your plans with him at the last minute if a great idea comes to you. He won't mind the change—it'll probably excite him.

Go on adventures together.

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  1. He's impressed by an adventurous spirit and eager to try new things! Suggest trying out a new hobby together, eating at a different restaurant than he's used to, or visiting someplace he's never been. If you become his partner in crime and adventuring buddy, he'll always want you around. [7]
    • Tailor your adventures to his interests. Bring him to a museum with a cool new exhibition if he's into art. If he likes nature, find a hiking trail with a spectacular view. If his favorite band is in town, grab tickets.
    • Ask him to go on a weekend trip with you and pick a lively place with plenty of new activities for him to do.
    • Tell him about any cool travel experiences you've had, too; he's impressed by worldly people.
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Flaunt your independence.

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  1. Take time to pursue your own hobbies, hang out with other friends, and do fun things whenever you feel like it. The more free-spirited you seem, the more irresistible Gemini will find you. He wants to know that his partner won't get too clingy or make him feel stifled, so show him that you're as independent as he is. [8]
    • Make plans outside of your relationship and try not to change them around for him. Just tell him you're busy and offer an alternative date. He won't be offended; it'll make you seem more desirable because your time is limited.

Engage him with playful flirting.

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  1. To win his heart, you'll first have to attract your Gemini man by flirting openly. Tease him with humorous and creative pick-up lines without taking him (or yourself) too seriously. When it comes to flirting, Gemini prefers not to get overly sappy. Steer clear of highly emotional declarations while you flirt with him. [9]
    • Try flirts like, "Wow, you look hotter than the bottom of my laptop!" or "Do you know CPR? You're taking my breath away!"
    • If you're successfully winning your Gemini's heart, he'll flirt back—often. He won't be able to stop himself from teasing you whenever a catchy line pops into his head.
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Be bold and tell him how you feel.

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  1. Tell him that you're interested in him once you've developed a strong friendship and tested the waters with light flirting. If you assertively let him know that you'd like to spend more time together, he'll admire your confidence—and likely reciprocate. Boldness is alluring to your Gemini!
    • Say something like, "I really like you. Wanna go out with me sometime?"
    • "You're so fun to be around, and I think we get along really well. Would you want to have lunch with me this week?"

Stay positive.

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  1. While Gemini prefers to keep things upbeat, his own dual nature could cause him to get moody sometimes. Steer conversations toward fun, cheerful subjects and keep a smile on your face when you're with him. If you become a source of positivity in his life, he'll want to be with you all the time.
    • When he seems upset, ask if he'd like a distraction. Text him funny memes to make him smile, or tell him an entertaining story that'll lift his spirits.
    • If he's comfortable around you, he might decide to talk about his negative feelings. In that case, focus on being compassionate and encouraging to cheer him up.
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Get creative in the bedroom.

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  1. Once you've won his heart, enjoy every aspect of your relationship with Gemini. During intimacy, he wants you to try new things, laugh a little, and thoroughly enjoy yourself. Use your imagination and share all of your wildest fantasies when you're in bed together. He'll do his best to make them a reality!
    • Try some dirty talk if you're comfortable with it. Because he's ruled by the planet of communication, Gemini will be just as chatty in bed as he is normally.
    • Gemini's adventurous and spontaneous spirit means that he has very few limits in the bedroom, so there's no need to be shy or hold back around him.

Learn How to Attract a Gemini Man with this Expert Series

Gemini men are outgoing, witty, and often flirtatious. This air sign is easily distracted, but we've put together this expert series to help you attract the Gemini of your dreams.

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      1. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      2. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      3. https://www.astroreveal.com/How-To-Attract-Any-Zodiac-Sign.aspx?a=GEM&g=M
      4. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      5. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      6. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      7. https://astro79.com/make-gemini-man-crazy-about-you
      8. https://www.astrology-zodiac-signs.com/man/gemini/
      9. https://www.astroreveal.com/How-To-Attract-Any-Zodiac-Sign.aspx?a=GEM&g=M

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