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Plus, tips on how to play that help teens open up & have fun
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Whether you're a teacher looking for a classroom icebreaker or a teen looking for some fun questions to text your friends, nothing beats "Would You Rather" questions. The best questions encourage you to think outside the box by comparing things you wouldn't necessarily relate to each other—and that's an important skill to have! Keep reading for the best "Would You Rather" questions out there, chosen specifically for teens.

Section 1 of 23:

Pop Culture Questions for High School Students

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  1. Teens drive pop culture, so you can be sure that these questions will always be a hit. Asking about anything popular is a great way to stimulate conversation. Here are some ideas:
    • Would you rather be an influencer or be made into a meme?
    • Would you rather be the star in a reality show about your own life or be a member of the Kardashian family?
    • Would you rather go to a concert with Taylor Swift or Ariana Grande?
    • Would you rather be stuck as a character on Friends or a character on Stranger Things?
    • Would you rather play a supervillain or a superhero in a movie?
    • Would you rather watch a football game with Tom Brady or watch a basketball game with LeBron James?
    • Would you rather hang out with a famous actor or a famous musician?
    • Would you rather never meet your favorite celebrity or meet them and find out they're a jerk?
    • Would you rather never watch TV again or you can only watch TV in a language you don't know?
    • Would you rather be a TikTok influencer or a YouTube influencer ?
    • Would you rather create your own content or share content created by others?
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Section 2 of 23:

Would You Rather Questions About the Future

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  1. Talking about the future gives you the opportunity to speculate about some neat tech, but it's also a great way for students to get to know each other better . When they talk about what they hope for, it tells you what they value. [1] Here are some forward-thinking questions you might try:
    • Would you rather have a flying car or be able to teleport?
    • Would you rather have the latest tech first or have the tech you do get last forever and never break?
    • Would you rather be known for your intelligence or for your ideas?
    • Would you rather have lots of money or lots of love?
    • Would you rather be a teenager forever or fast-forward to your 30s?
    • Would you rather have a stable income from a job you hate or a volatile income from a job you love?
    • Would you rather travel the world or put down roots?
    • Would you rather live in a large urban area or a quiet rural area miles from the nearest neighbor?
    • Would you rather be famous but poor or be rich but unknown?
    • Would you rather own a beach house or a cabin in the mountains?
    • Would you rather live in 2525 or in 1525?
Section 3 of 23:

Fantasy Would You Rather Questions

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  1. The development of creativity and imagination is crucial to developing the critical thinking skills students will need to succeed in the world. [2] Here are some fantasy questions that can get your students thinking outside the box:
    • Would you rather visit another galaxy or another dimension?
    • Would you rather be able to magically persuade anybody of anything or be able to read minds?
    • Would you rather be a ghost or a zombie?
    • Would you rather have a unicorn or be an elf?
    • Would you rather time travel to the past or to the future?
    • Would you rather have the ability to become a mermaid or have the ability to become a centaur?
    • Would you rather breathe fire or sweat glitter?
    • Would you rather live in a castle in the clouds or a palace under the sea?
    • Would you rather be friends with a vampire or have proof that unicorns exist?
    • Would you rather have a basilisk for a pet or join bigfoot for lunch?
    • Would you rather have a tail like a horse or a horn like a unicorn?
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Section 4 of 23:

Food-Related Would You Rather Questions for Teens

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  1. [3] That means food-related questions are sure to be crowd pleasers! Here are some more to whet your appetites:
    • Would you rather eat nothing but tacos or nothing but pizza?
    • Would you rather eat spaghetti with your hands or eat pizza with a knife and fork?
    • Would you rather only be able to eat sweets or only be able to eat savory food?
    • Would you rather eliminate world hunger or eradicate chocolate?
    • Would you rather drink melted ice cream or eat frozen hot chocolate?
    • Would you rather have everything you eat taste slightly salty or never eat another taco?
    • Would you rather always eat standing up or always eat sitting on the floor?
    • Would you rather only eat 2 large meals or have 7 snacks throughout the day?
    • Would you rather always have to eat with your hands or always have to eat with utensils?
    • Would you rather eat at a fancy restaurant or a neighborhood BBQ?
    • Would you rather never eat candy again or never eat pizza again?
Section 5 of 23:

Would You Rather Questions about Social Media

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  1. Social media is a major force in every teenager's life—often even if they don't have any social media accounts! Scope out everybody's thoughts on screen time and doom-scrolling with these questions:
    • Would you rather have unlimited screen time or have a caregiver read every text message you ever send?
    • Would you rather stream a live video of a party on social media or turn your phone off and live in the moment?
    • Would you rather never be able to post a selfie again or never be able to like anyone else's selfies?
    • Would you rather have to post a picture of everything you ever eat or have to post a regular update about your current mood?
    • Would you rather give up social media forever or have to eat the same food for dinner every day?
    • Would you rather be unable to use search engines or unable to use social media?
    • Would you rather go viral on TikTok or start a trend on TikTok?
    • Would you rather have a million followers with low engagement or 100 followers with really high engagement?
    • Would you rather be required to verify your identity on social media or be required to be completely anonymous?
    • Would you rather be tagged in an unflattering photo or accidentally like someone's photo from a year ago?
    • Would you rather have your parents scroll through your social media or have your crush scroll through your private messages?
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Section 6 of 23:

Would You Rather Questions for Teens about Jobs

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  1. For a lot of high school students, the biggest question on their mind is what they're going to do for a living when they get out of school. Motivate them to consider their prospects with these interesting questions:
    • Would you rather work from home or commute to an office every day?
    • Would you rather have a job that was mentally taxing but physically chill, or physically taxing but mentally chill?
    • Would you rather work in the same place every day or have a job that required you to travel?
    • Would you rather work long hours and make a lot of money or only work part-time and make just enough to cover your expenses but have plenty of free time?
    • Would you rather work mostly indoors or work primarily outside?
    • Would you rather have a regular schedule or be able to set your own hours?
    • Would you rather go to work during the day or overnight?
    • Would you rather primarily work alone or primarily work with a team of coworkers?
    • Would you rather have a workday with a lot of structure or with a lot of flexibility?
    • Would you rather have a job where no two days were the same or a job that was fairly predictable week in and week out?
    • Would you rather have a supervisor who was really hands-on or one who left you alone to work independently?
Section 7 of 23:

Gross Would You Rather Questions for High Schoolers

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  1. Listen, gross stuff is funny—it's fine to admit that. Laughing about gross stuff together is also a great way for teens to feel more comfortable around each other. Get your giggles out with these questions (and try not to gag):
    • Would you rather have uncontrollable farts or uncontrollable burps?
    • Would you rather always have really smelly farts or always have really loud farts?
    • Would you rather eat a caterpillar or pop a huge zit?
    • Would you rather only ever eat food the consistency of dog food or eat actual dog food once?
    • Would you rather always have B.O. or always have bad breath?
    • Would you rather have taste buds in your butt or have teeth in your ears?
    • Would you rather eat a live worm or a dead cockroach?
    • Would you rather never wash your hair or never change your socks?
    • Would you rather smell like rotten eggs or have skin that's always slimy?
    • Would you rather always have wet socks or always feel like you're about to throw up?
    • Would you rather eat a rotten banana or drink spoiled milk?
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Section 8 of 23:

Would You Rather Questions About Home and Family

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  1. Caution warning, though—some teens don't have the best relationships with their family, so if someone seems uncomfortable, give them a pass! With that out of the way, here are some interesting questions about family:
    • Would you rather have another sibling or another pet?
    • Would you rather eat dinner with your family every night or never eat together but get to eat whatever you want?
    • Would you rather know that you had a secret sibling or be allergic to mango?
    • Would you rather live close to your family but never see them or live far away from your family but see them every weekend?
    • Would you rather never have to do the dishes or never have to take a shower?
    • Would you rather live in a small house with a large family or a large house with a small family?
    • Would you rather marry a stranger and fall in love over time or fall in love with someone at first sight but never get married?
    • Would you rather be the smartest person in your family or the funniest person in your family?
    • Would you rather never get in trouble for anything or never eat pizza?
    • Would you rather find out you're royalty or find out you're related to a celebrity?
    • Would you rather be in The Simpsons family or the Belcher family from Bob's Burgers?
Section 9 of 23:

Questions About Extracurricular Activities

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  1. You know what they say about all work and no play! Explore what students would rather be doing after school with these fun questions:
    • Would you rather play soccer or play saxophone?
    • Would you rather never be able to play sports or never be able to watch sports?
    • Would you rather commute to school on a unicycle or have to wear a clown nose during classes?
    • Would you rather have a personal chef to cook for you or a personal trainer to keep you in peak condition?
    • Would you rather plant a garden or build a website?
    • Would you rather do a free internship in the career you hope to pursue or work a part-time seasonal job that pays good money?
    • Would you rather take up a new hobby every month or have to stick with the same thing for at least 5 years?
    • Would you rather learn how to surf or learn how to snowboard?
    • Would you rather start your own business while you're still in school or work for someone else and earn a steady paycheck?
    • Would you rather act in a play or play in a band?
    • Would you rather play a board game or role-playing game?
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Section 10 of 23:

School-Related Would You Rather Questions for Teens

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  1. Would you rather questions that focus on school can give you a little window into your students' minds without them feeling any kind of pressure about it. The questions are all hypothetical, right? Scope out their feelings about life at school with these questions:
    • Would you rather do a group project or work alone?
    • Would you rather be famous at your school or be famous on the internet?
    • Would you rather get caught starting a rumor or catch someone spreading a rumor about you?
    • Would you rather wake up with a huge zit the morning of a big dance or have to take a test you didn't study for?
    • Would you rather have an extra class every day and no class on Friday or school on half-days 6 days a week?
    • Would you rather be popular or be the best at everything?
    • Would you rather never have to study to make good grades or never have a date?
    • Would you rather take classes online or in a classroom?
    • Would you rather learn a new human language or a new computer language?
    • Would you rather live in a dorm or stay at home with your parents?
    • Would you rather work full-time and go to school part-time or go to school full-time and work part-time?
Section 11 of 23:

Dating-Related Would You Rather Questions

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  1. For many teenagers, the social scene revolves around dating. That means you're sure to get some enthusiastic answers to some of these dating questions:
    • Would you rather go on a fun group date or a romantic one-on-one date?
    • Would you rather always make the first move or never make the first move?
    • Would you rather tell your crush you like them or make your crush confess who they like?
    • Would you rather kiss a shark or date your best friend?
    • Would you rather talk all night until sunrise or spend all day adventuring?
    • Would you rather hold feet instead of hands or have to hold hands with your partner all the time?
    • Would you rather only eat when your partner feeds you or only eat fish?
    • Would you rather date someone you couldn't hear or date someone you couldn't see?
    • Would you rather have uncontrollable gas on a first date or run into your parents while you're on a first date?
    • Would you rather date someone who's hot but boring or someone who's plain-looking but really interesting to talk to?
    • Would you rather be spontaneous on dates or plan everything out in advance?
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Section 12 of 23:

Thought-Provoking Would You Rather Questions for Teens

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  1. Whoa—these questions can get pretty deep pretty fast. But it's always great to encourage teenagers to think seriously about deeper issues. Here are some good conversations to start:
    • Would you rather eliminate auto-correct or global hunger?
    • Would you rather eliminate war or eliminate racism?
    • Would you rather bring about world peace or find a cure for cancer?
    • Would you rather forgive and forget or get revenge?
    • Would you rather be loved or be feared?
    • Would you rather be stranded on a deserted island alone or with the person who annoys you the most?
    • Would you rather be able to speak and understand any language or be able to play any musical instrument?
    • Would you rather be immortal or have the power to bring other people back from the dead?
    • Would you rather have the ability to cause anyone's death or have the ability to save anyone's life?
    • Would you rather be able to heal emotional wounds or physical wounds?
    • Would you rather know what happens after death or know exactly when you will die?
Section 13 of 23:

Would You Rather Questions About Nature

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  1. A growing body of research shows that exposure to nature has serious benefits for your overall health and wellbeing. [4] Use these questions to talk about the natural world:
    • Would you rather save an endangered species or discover a new one?
    • Would you rather be able to talk to animals or be able to heal them?
    • Would you rather research in Antarctica or in the Sahara?
    • Would you rather be an archaeologist or an astronaut?
    • Would you rather be friends with a crow or a dolphin?
    • Would you rather go off the grid or live an entirely virtual existence?
    • Would you rather preserve natural habitats or expand zoos?
    • Would you rather live in a treehouse or a houseboat?
    • Would you rather explore the depths of the ocean or the outer reaches of space?
    • Would you rather learn sustainable farming or learn how to hunt and gather and live off the land?
    • Would you rather plant 200 trees or 200 acres of crops?
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Section 14 of 23:

Funny Would You Rather Questions for Teens

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  1. Funny questions are great ice-breakers for a reason—sharing laughter helps you feel closer. [5] Ask any of these to get the giggles going:
    • Would you rather have a third arm or a third leg?
    • Would you rather have a personal theme song that plays in the background everywhere you go or a personal catch phrase that you have to say before you can say anything else?
    • Would you rather always have to rhyme or always have to sing?
    • Would you rather grow feathers instead of body hair or shed your skin like a snake?
    • Would you rather have to wear a clown nose all the time or honk instead of laugh?
    • Would you rather have to wear a tutu every day or have to wear a chicken suit every day?
    • Would you rather tell people jokes or listen to other people tell jokes?
    • Would you rather hiccup every time you say hello or sneeze every time you say goodbye?
    • Would you rather wear clown shoes every day or carry around an emotional support parrot that says "bless you"?
    • Would you rather have a permanent unibrow or have no eyebrows at all?
    • Would you rather sound like a sheep when you laugh or sound like a chicken when you cry?
Section 15 of 23:

Would You Rather Questions About Fashion and Style

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  1. Fashionistas, here's your chance to shine! These are the burning style questions that everyone really wants the answer to this season:
    • Would you rather be a fashion designer or a model?
    • Would you rather wear rain boots to a formal dance or wear high heels in the middle of a muddy field in a rain shower?
    • Would you rather be able to make your own clothes or only be able to shop online?
    • Would you rather always have access to the latest fashions or always have timeless classics that lasted forever?
    • Would you rather always wear bold patterns or only wear solid colors?
    • Would you rather have a capsule wardrobe or a maximalist closet full of clothes?
    • Would you rather show up to a party overdressed or underdressed?
    • Would you rather follow the latest trends or create your own style?
    • Would you rather have gray hair or pink hair?
    • Would you rather never be able to wear makeup or have permanent makeup tattooed on your face?
    • Would you rather take style cues from Homer Simpson or from a random fifth grader?
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Section 16 of 23:

Friendship-Related Would You Rather Questions

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  1. Research shows that people with close friends are more satisfied with their lives overall. [6] Here are some great questions teens can use to scope out their platonic vibes:
    • Would you rather have an introverted or extroverted best friend?
    • Would you rather have a small group of close friends or a large group of acquaintances?
    • Would you rather have a friend who was a good writer or a friend who was a really good speaker?
    • Would you rather have friends you have a lot in common with or friends who have totally different interests than you?
    • Would you rather be the center of attention or hang on the edge of a crowd and people-watch?
    • Would you rather go out and do active stuff with your friends or stay home and veg out on the couch?
    • Would you rather be really popular on social media but not have a lot of friends locally or have a large group of local friends but not be active on social media?
    • Would you rather hang out in a quiet café where you can talk to your friends or go to a loud concert and dance together?
    • Would you rather be roommates with your BFF for the rest of your life or never get to hang out with them again?
    • Would you rather swap clothes with your best friend for a week or swap places with them for a day?
    • Would you rather have a friend who was always late for everything or a friend who was always broke?
Section 17 of 23:

Random Would You Rather Questions for Teens

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  1. Teen humor is known for its absurdity, so these questions certainly hit that mark. [7] Some of these questions might make you think, others might make you laugh, but most of them will definitely make you wonder—"Why would you ever ask anybody that?"
    • Would you rather eat with your eyes or smell with your fingers?
    • Would you rather have hands for feet or have feet for hands?
    • Would you rather only be able to dance instead of walk or only be able to sing instead of speak?
    • Would you rather have a pet python or sneeze uncontrollably every Tuesday?
    • Would you rather only be able to speak in a nonsense language or only be able to wear pajamas?
    • Would you rather only be able to yell or only be able to whisper?
    • Would you rather never have a hug again or never eat chocolate again?
    • Would you rather have an elephant-sized cat or a cat-sized elephant?
    • Would you rather live in a world made of candy or live in an actual gingerbread house?
    • Would you rather be covered head to toe in tattoos or in hair?
    • Would you rather be able to hear color or be able to see sound?
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Section 18 of 23:

Health-Related Would You Rather Questions for Teens

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  1. These questions really encourage students to consider how they take care of their mind and body—important stuff as they get ready to go out into the world. Here are some questions you might use:
    • Would you rather have unlimited energy or unlimited patience?
    • Would you rather never get sick or always feel a little hungry?
    • Would you rather always be cold or never feel pain?
    • Would you rather have perfect sight or perfect hearing?
    • Would you rather give someone a great pedicure or get a terrible pedicure?
    • Would you rather swim with sharks or climb Mt. Everest?
    • Would you rather be a great player in an obscure sport no one's ever heard of or a mid player of a popular sport everybody follows?
    • Would you rather play in every game but your team always loses or sit on the bench every game but your team always wins?
    • Would you rather be really great at one sport and terrible at all of the rest or mid at every sport?
    • Would you rather be an artist or an athlete?
    • Would you rather take a sauna or take an ice bath ?
Section 19 of 23:

Would You Rather Questions About Super Powers

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  1. Everybody loves speculating about super powers—what it would be like to have them, which ones might be better than others. Let your students indulge in their superhuman fantasies with these questions:
    • Would you rather have the gift of flight or have a tail?
    • Would you rather be Deadpool or Iron Man?
    • Would you rather be able to turn invisible or be able to turn into any other person at will?
    • Would you rather be able to change the past or be able to predict the future?
    • Would you rather have the power to control fire but not start it, or have the power to start fires but not start them?
    • Would you rather be able to turn into any animal or be able to communicate with animals?
    • Would you rather be super strong but look extremely frail or be super fast but look slow and lazy?
    • Would you rather be able to grow into a giant or be able to shrink to the size of an ant?
    • Would you rather have the power to control time or the power to control the weather?
    • Would you rather have a car that turned into a spaceship or an underground lair the size of a castle that you enter through a shed?
    • Would you rather wear a cape or wear a mask?
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Section 20 of 23:

Retro Would You Rather Questions for High School Students

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  1. Teenagers often embrace the counterculture of the previous generation, including its fashion trends, music, and icons. Go vintage with these retro-inspired questions:
    • Would you rather live in the 1990s or in the 1960s?
    • Would you rather light your home exclusively with lava lamps or fairy lights?
    • Would you rather go back in time to see the original Woodstock or Woodstock 99?
    • Would you rather wear bell bottoms or skinny jeans?
    • Would you rather watch a marathon of Seinfeld or Friends?
    • Would you rather have a boombox full of pop music from the '80s or a walkman with grunge from the '90s?
    • Would you rather have your grandfather's haircut or your grandmother's wardrobe?
    • Would you rather sing karaoke with Janis Joplin or Amy Winehouse?
    • Would you rather have to wear disco clothes and platform shoes all the time or have to style your hair in a beehive hairdo ?
    • Would you rather host Saturday Night Live during the 70s or during the 90s?
    • Would you rather listen to music on vinyl or stream it digitally?
Section 21 of 23:

Travel-Related Would You Rather Questions for Teens

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  1. In this interconnected world, every teen has the world at their fingertips—it's only natural to long to explore it! Let them satisfy their wanderlust with these travel-related questions:
    • Would you rather fly in a helicopter or a hot air balloon?
    • Would you rather explore the depths of the ocean or climb the highest mountains?
    • Would you rather visit a different country every day for a year or live on the moon for 6 months?
    • Would you rather backpack through Europe or go glamping in South America?
    • Would you rather explore Iceland or safari in Kenya?
    • Would you rather go on a cruise or go skiing in the Alps?
    • Would you rather travel back in time to Paris, France in 1929 or to anywhere in the world in 2929?
    • Would you rather go on a road trip with your friends or fly to the same destination solo?
    • Would you rather eat spaghetti in Rome or eat a croissant in Paris?
    • Would you rather ride an elephant or pet a lion?
    • Would you rather tour the Pyramids or discover the lost city of Atlantis?
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Section 22 of 23:

Would You Rather Questions About Music and the Arts

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  1. These are perfect to get those creative juices flowing and get your students thinking about new and different ideas. Dive into some of these questions:
    • Would you rather write a bestseller or win the Nobel Prize?
    • Would you rather choreograph the dance or compose the music for a ballet?
    • Would you rather have perfect pitch or instantly master a single instrument?
    • Would you rather play in a world-famous rock band or symphony orchestra?
    • Would you rather have your art hanging in a museum or go viral online?
    • Would you rather have thousands of fans who didn't understand your art or a dozen fans who understood it on a deep personal level?
    • Would you rather express yourself through words or through movement?
    • Would you rather search for the beauty in ugly things or point out the ugliness in beautiful things?
    • Would you rather understand how an artist intended their work to be interpreted or would you rather make up your own interpretation?
    • Would you rather win a Grammy or an Oscar?
    • Would you rather watch a movie in the theater or stream it at home?
Section 23 of 23:

How to Play Would You Rather

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  1. 1
    Ask questions focused around a particular topic. You can choose a topic specifically or have a list of topics and let students choose. Ask the question, then give each student a chance to answer. [8]
    • If you have a large group, you might ask for a show of hands on each option, then choose a couple of students to explain why. That will allow you to keep the game moving and ask more questions.
    • If you prefer to focus on the different possibilities that might come up with the answers to a particular question, you might stick with that one question and get every student to explain their answer before moving on.
  2. 2
    Encourage students to think and share with follow-up questions. Extending the hypotheticals to think about what might happen is a great exercise that can boost teenagers' critical thinking skills. Being able to evaluate and rank different options is a really important skill that will help teens learn and better navigate the world. [9]
    • For example, if a student claims they would rather have lots of money than lots of love. You might mention that humans generally find their lives more fulfilling if they have love and ask the student if they think having lots of money will make up for that.
    • Getting students talking about the reasons for their answers can help them identify their core values and get in better touch with who they are as people and what matters to them most.
  3. 3
    Use the game as an icebreaker so students feel more comfortable with each other. A lot of classroom icebreakers embarrass students and put them on the spot. Because "Would You Rather?" deals with hypotheticals, it's a lot less personal—so it can actually work to break the ice . It's easier to take a stand on something that's not real and won't actually affect your life in any concrete way. [10]
    • As an adult working with teenagers, be on the lookout for students who might be withdrawing from the activity or feeling uncomfortable.
    • Look for ways to help withdrawn students get more involved. For example, they might be more interested in sharing if they got to pick the category of questions.
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Join the Discussion...

There are tons of funny "Would you rather?" questions for kids that are sure to make them laugh and come up with creative answers. Some silly questions you could ask include:
  • Would you rather go back in time or ahead to the future?
  • Would you rather eat pizza every day or ice cream every day?
  • Would you rather be able to fly or turn invisible?
  • Would you rather spend one night in a haunted house or one minute in a room full of snakes?
  • Would you rather meet a dragon or a unicorn?
  • Would you rather fly to space or dive to the deepest part of the ocean?

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