Kevin Burnett
Software Developer
- MBA, Eastern Mennonite University
- BA, Computer Science and Spanish, Eastern Mennonite University
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Co-authored Articles (19)
How to
Run a Program from the Command Line on Linux
Most Linux distributions have a graphical user interface that allows you to open programs by just clicking on the program's icon in the Apps menu. However, there are situations where you may want to run a program from t...
How to
Use Windows Command Prompt to Run a Python File
''A quick guide to operating Python scripts in command prompt''Whether you're writing Python code on your Windows PC or just want to use existing Python scripts, it'll be helpful to learn how to run code from the Command...
How to Troubleshoot Sound Issues on Your Windows Device
Fix no sound and other audio issues on your Windows PC or laptop If you can't hear music and other sounds coming from your Windows 10 or 11 PC, don't worry—there's usually an easy fix! This wikiHow article will teach y...
How to
Open a Python File
This wikiHow teaches you different ways to open and run a Python script on Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. Simply installing the latest version of Python 3 from (or by using your Linux distribution's packa...
How to Comment Out Multiple Lines in Python: Formatting & Shortcuts
Quickly turn multiple lines into comments in Python Trying to comment out a block of code in Python? There are multiple easy methods to do so! You can use the hash character # or turn the lines into a string. The k...
How to
Open a CHM File on PC or Mac
View and read CHM files on any computer with our guide This wikiHow teaches you how to use any web browser to open and view the contents of a CHM help file. CHM files are compressed HTML files with text, images, hyperlin...
How to Network Computers: Windows or macOS
Use a wireless home network or ad-hoc method A computer network is a group of 2 or more computers connected by a common communications link so that data, resources and peripheral devices can be shared between them. Alt...
How to Detect and Remove Malware From Your Computer
What to do if you notice unusual activity on your Mac or Windows computer Malware, short for “malicious software,” has the ability to infect your computer to the point where it collects your personal data, gains acce...
How to See the Python Version on Mac, Windows, and Linux
Find out which version of Python you have on any computer Do you need to find out which version of the Python interpreter is installed on your PC or Mac? Whether you're using Windows, macOS, or Linux, you can easily chec...
How to
Start Programming in Python
Do you want to start learning how to program? Getting into computer programming can be daunting, and you may think that you need to take classes in order to learn. While that may be true for some languages, there are a v...
Enable & Configure IP Routing on Cisco Routers & Switches
A step-by-step guide to enabling IP routing on Cisco Do you need to enable IP routing on a Cisco switch or router? By default, IP routing is disabled on most Cisco routers and switches. This can prevent devices on differ...
How to
Run Ruby Code
This wikiHow teaches you how to run your Ruby script in Windows, macOS, and Ubuntu or Debian Linux. To run a Ruby program, you'll need to have Ruby installed on your computer. Although macOS and most Linux distributions ...
How to Import a Repository on GitHub
Import a repository on GitHub with this easy guideGitHub's personal repositories are essentially storage spaces for project files. You can import a repository on GitHub by using an old project URL and the GitHub Importer...
3 Quick & Easy Ways to Clone a GitHub Repository (With Pictures)
Clone a GitHub repo in minutes with our complete guide GitHub is a very common tool in collaborative software development. Cloning a GitHub repository locally stores the latest changes of a project, allowing you to branc...
How to
Create a Very Simple Program in Python
Python is a simple yet powerful programming language to learn. It accommodates all levels of programmers from beginners to advanced programmers. Python is flexible and can work on available operating systems e.g., Mac, W...
How to
Install Python on Windows
If you want to start programming in Python on your Windows PC, you'll need to download and install a version of Python.. 26 July 2023. This wikiHow teaches you how to install Python (2 or 3) using the official Windows in...
How to Get ChatGPT to Write Effective Code & Build Websites
Get ChatGPT to write usable code for applications and websites By now, you've heard that ChatGPT can write code. But can the AI chatbot generate ''effective'' code? While ChatGPT isn't an experienced software engineer, t...
How to Install OpenCV in Anaconda
Steps for installing OpenCV on Windows, PIP, & Linux OpenCV is a tool used for image processing and computer vision. Python is the most popular programming language that is supported by OpenCV because it is simple to us...
How to
Install Python
Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language that is a great place for beginners to start learning how to program. Python comes installed on Macs and with Linux, but you'll need to install i...