Mark Weiser

Mark Weiser is an Artist and Gallery Manager for DKW Art Gallery based in Marion, Iowa. He and his wife Deb manage the gallery, which boasts a variety of art, including paintings, ceramics, and photography. The gallery also provides art classes for the community, hosts shows, and runs events that build awareness of regional artists of all ages. He creates carved slate and wood pieces inspired by Irish and Celtic art, featuring the Gaelic language done in the ancient Ogham alphabet. Some of Mark's previous clients include CNN, Pinnacle Bank, and Collins Aerospace. Before becoming a gallery owner, he was an Italian Chef and a substitute teacher for grades 6-12.


  • BS in Business Administration, Minors in Education and Psychology - Emporia State University

Professional Achievements

  • Has owned and operated art galleries in Florida, Georgia, and Iowa
  • Has taught subjects ranging from Algebra, Chinese, Theater, Interviewing & Hiring, and Cooking

Certifications & Organizations

  • President of Chamber of Commerce in SW Florida
  • President of Business Alliance in SW Florida
  • President of Southern Florida Arts Council
  • Chairman of Marion Arts Council

Favorite Piece of Advice

  • Don't get bogged down by the moment. Life can seem tough and hard, but take a deep breath. Give it a chance.
  • If you act happy, don't take criticism as an insult. Some people don't know how to react to art. Examine what they say and see if there is any truth to what they say. If they made a point, learn from it. If not, ignore it and move on. Don't be petty. Be the better person and forget them.

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Co-authored Articles (35)

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