Vikas Agrawal
Visual Content Marketing Expert & Entrepreneur
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Co-authored Articles (10)
A Complete Guide to Making Your Own Website
Tips and tricks to get started making your own website Building a website is a great way to share your ideas and thoughts with the world. But if you've never done one, it can seem daunting. There's all that http-dot-what...
How to Make a Free Website: Site Builders, Expert Tips, & More
As you scroll through the websites of businesses, bloggers, and everyone in between, you might be thinking: “I’d like to have my own website, but I just don’t have the tech know-how or budget for it.” Well, you�...
7 Easy Steps to Add Videos to Google Slides
Quick steps to add video clips to a presentation in Google Slides If you're using Google Slides on a computer browser, you can easily insert videos using the "Insert" menu. You can put videos from YouTube, Google Drive, ...
How to
Become a Graphic Designer
If you find yourself daydreaming about designs or creating designs in your spare time, then a career in graphic design may be for you. You can either train yourself in graphic design or get a formal education. Volunteer ...
How to Advertise Your Car on Facebook and Sell It Fast
A comprehensive guide to leveraging Facebook to sell a car Facebook is one of the most frequently visited social media websites on the Internet. This makes it an excellent platform to advertise cars you're selling, beca...
How to
Write a Personal Ad
Writing a personal ad can be nerve-racking if you don't know where to begin. You may feel the need to hide your flaws lest you will scare off that special someone. Or maybe you’re comfortable with yourself and have no ...
How to
Create an 'Escape the Room' Game in PowerPoint
Escape Room games are popular and can be an elaborate and expensive form of entertainment. If you know how to use Microsoft PowerPoint, you can create your own "escape the room" game for virtually no cost. Get started at...
How to
Create a Powerpoint Handout
If you're giving a PowerPoint presentation and want to provide your viewers with a printed version, you can create a handout page. A handout page is a printed version of your presentation that can help viewers follow alo...
How to
Create a Flyer Using Microsoft Publisher
Using Publisher to create printed flyers with photos, tear-offs, and moreFlyers can be useful to disseminate information, call attention to special offers or sales, alert people to fundraisers or other events, or just to...
How to
Read Personal Ads
Are you trying to read a personal ad but you can't seem to get past all of the acronyms and unrecognizable abbreviations? Fear not. There's a method to the madness and you can decipher the code pretty easily once you kno...