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Escape Room games are popular and can be an elaborate and expensive form of entertainment. If you know how to use Microsoft PowerPoint, you can create your own "escape the room" game for virtually no cost. Get started at step number one below.

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  2. How about an escape the basement? You can find a perfect, dirty basement image by: Clip art/click the drop down button for the type of clip art/only select photographs/type in, basement, or room. Then look around until you find an orangey like colored basement. Or just get it from your file.
  3. Make sure to use the same basement picture for every slide you make, or you can take various pictures around a basement where you live, but not the same.
  4. Click one of the arrows (make sure you have more than five slides for this game!), then hyperlink/place in this document/click the slide where you want it to go to.
  5. Make another arrow, that faces the opposite way of the other in the previous slide, then hyperlink it to the previous one.
  6. Don't make it too obvious for the players to see the escape door. For example, make a key, to open that door. Or better, a puzzle! Or maybe a riddle, so players go deeper into the game.
  7. If you wanted to make a puzzle or a riddle, get help from your parents or something or from the internet.
  8. that looks like a door. Then shapes/oval. Draw up an oval on the door. Then, select the door and then the doorknob, then press control+G. This will group the whole thing, selected.
  9. .
  10. Then animation/custom animation/add effect/appear.
  11. Then add another effect for the doorknob/disappear.
  12. Timing, triggers/start effect on/click the group key. Now when you play, hover your mouse pointer to the doorknob. The cursor won't change to a hand! Why? Then click the key. Then the doorknob that covered the group, will appear!
  13. To make one, Make a rectangle. Then copy and paste the group key, fitting it just right in the rectangle. Then create another rectangle, but covering the key. Then, right click/format picture/fill/solid fill/transparent it until the key looks clear enough to see. Then click the line color tab/solid line/transparent it, 100%.
  14. Add effect/appear/timing/triggers/on click of/the group key on the ground. Then do the same, but this time, disappear.
  15. Then do the same, disappearing.
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      • Just tell your friend, or someone that's playing, to press escape, then F5 when they lost, or want to try again.

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