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When writing a report or research paper dealing with culture or social science topics, you may want to cite a religious text, such as The Qur'an. Each citation method has a particular way of citing religious texts that differs from how other books are cited. The specifics of the format you'll use to cite The Qur'an depend on whether you're using the Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), or Chicago citation style.

Things You Should Know

  • MLA Example: The Qur'an . Translated by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem, Oxford UP, 2005.
  • APA Example: "The Qur'an 5:3 (Translated by M.A.S. A. Haleem) specifies some dietary restrictions for Muslims."
  • Chicago Example: The Qur'an 12:69 (Translated by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem).
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:


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  1. Unlike "Works Cited" entries for other books, when citing a religious text you type the name of the work first, rather than any author or translator. Put the title in italics, then place a period at the end. [1]
    • Example: The Qur'an .
  2. There are many different translators of The Qur'an However, you want to list the name of the individual who translated the version you are referencing. Start with the phrase "Translated by," then type the translator's name including any title, starting with their first name and then their last. Place a comma after the translator's name. [2]
    • Example: The Qur'an . Translated by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem,
  3. After the translator's name, type the name of the publisher of the version of The Qur'an that you are referencing. Place a comma after the publisher's name, then type the year that edition was published. Place a period after the year. [3]
    • Example: The Qur'an . Translated by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem, Oxford UP, 2005.
  4. The MLA requires parenthetical citations in the body of your work, typically with the last name of the author followed by the page number. For religious texts such as The Qur'an, provide the title in italics. Then type the name of the book. Follow with the sura and verse, separated by a colon. [4]
    • Example: ( The Qur'an Joseph 12:69)
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:


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  1. APA style does not require reference list entries for classical religious works, or for ancient Greek and Roman works. This includes religious works such as The Qur'an and The Bible. [5]
    • In some types of papers, your instructor or supervisor may want you to include an entry for The Qur'an in your reference list. If they express this preference, ask them how you should format the entry.
  2. If you are quoting or referencing The Qur'an in the body of your work, name the work and provide the sura and verse where the material comes from. In your first mention, identify the translator or version of The Qur'an that you used. [6]
    • Example: "The Qur'an 5:3 (Translated by M.A.S. A. Haleem) specifies some dietary restrictions for Muslims."
  3. The standard APA parenthetical citation provides the author's last name and the date of publication. For classical religious works such as The Qur'an, provide the name of the text along with the sura and verse referenced. Since sura and verse numbers are systematic across all editions, they are preferred to page numbers. [7]
    • Example: (The Qur'an 12:69)
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:


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  1. In the Chicago style, sacred religious texts, such as The Qur'an or The Bible, are not given a bibliographic entry. When the text is referenced in the body of your paper, provide the sura and verse in a footnote. [8]
    • If your instructor or supervisor prefers you to include a bibliographic entry for The Qur'an in your work, ask how you should format the entry.
  2. For the basic footnote format, start with the name of the text, then provide the number for the sura, a colon, and the number for the verse or verses. Use Arabic rather than Roman numerals. Place a period after the verse number. [9]
    • Example: The Qur'an 12:69.
    • Use a hyphen to indicate a range of verses. For example: The Qur'an 19:17-21.
  3. When your work involves comparing several different editions or translations of The Qur'an, it may become necessary to distinguish the versions in the footnotes. Include publication information or the name of the translator in parentheses after the sura and verse. Place a period outside the closing parentheses. [10]
    • Example: The Qur'an 12:69 (Translated by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem).
  4. Chicago style typically uses a shortened form of the citation in subsequent footnotes for the same source. However, when citing The Qur'an, it is appropriate to use the full form of the citation each time. [11]
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How to cite Qur’an when I translate the verses by my own?
    7e12 7e12
    Community Answer
    You can just write your name as the translator as you are the translator of the verses.
  • Question
    Is it the same way if it’s written in Arabic?
    7e12 7e12
    Community Answer
    It is presumed that it is, as Arabic may use a similar reference system to APA.
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