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These instructions will allow you to convert frames from a video into image files, using VLC Media Player. For those looking to prove picture quality in a video or those just needing high quality screen captures of a video, this tutorial will provide instructions that anyone can follow.

  1. If you don't have it installed yet, you can download it here . VLC is a free medial player that supports many types of video files.
  2. Copy the full path of this folder.
  3. From the toolbar, select 'Tools' then 'Preferences'.
  4. Under 'Video' click on 'Filters'. Click the box to enable 'Scene Video Filter'.
  5. Click 'Scene Filter'.
  6. This adjusts the proportion of frames from the video that will be exported. For example, if the recording ratio is set to 10, 1 out of every 10 frames will be saved to your folder as an image file.
  7. Let the video play as long as is needed. (Media -> Open File).
  8. Once your video is done playing and you are satisfied with the image captures, disable the 'Scene video filter' so that VLC will not generate images during every video that is played.
    • Tools -> Preferences
    • Show Settings -> All
    • Click the box to disable 'Scene Video Filter'.
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  • Question
    Seems like there's something missing between 10 and 11. How do I tell it to save/export the image? Should it automatically generate them while the video plays? It didn't work for me.
    Community Answer
    Yes, it will make them automatically if you are running VCL as admin. Be sure to open it by right clicking and selecting "Run as admin." If you don't, no files will be generated.
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      • Don't forget to disable 'Scene Video Filter' when you are done extracting your images! Failure to do so will result in VLC continuing to export images from every video file that is played.

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