Am I a World History Buff?

Test your history knowledge with this trivia quiz!

World War 2. The Russian Revolution. The Cold War. At its core, world history is a patchwork quilt of humanity’s greatest achievements and conflicts. How much do you really know about the subject, though?

There’s only one way to find out. Hit “Start Quiz” to see if you’re a certified whiz when it comes to world history.

A small inflatable globe sits in the center of an open book in front of a green chalkboard with writing on it.

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Questions Overview

1. In which country did D-Day take place?
  1. France
  2. Germany
  3. Great Britain
  4. The Netherlands
2. What year did Australia officially become a country?
  1. 1942
  2. 1883
  3. 1901
  4. 1957
3. After which global conflict was the United Nations formed?
  1. World War 1
  2. World War 2
  3. The Cold War
  4. The Korean War
4. Which of these countries is the oldest?
  1. Iran
  2. China
  3. USA
  4. India
5. Which country was NOT considered one of the “Big Three” Allies in World War 2?
  1. USA
  2. UK
  3. Soviet Union
  4. Canada
6. Which Latin American country was involved in an infamous missile crisis in 1962?
  1. Cuba
  2. Guatemala
  3. Venezuela
  4. Mexico
7. What was the name of the military mission led by the US in the Gulf War?
  1. Operation Desert Storm
  2. Operation Thunder Wave
  3. Operation Desert Ground
  4. Operation Ocean Shield
8. What was the name of the famous trading route network that linked China to other regions?
  1. The Ivory Road
  2. The Silk Road
  3. The Spice Road
  4. The Wool Road
9. In which country was the Taj Mahal built?
  1. India
  2. Thailand
  3. Pakistan
  4. Myanmar
10. What was the first state established in the USA?
  1. Pennsylvania
  2. New York
  3. Delaware
  4. Rhode Island
11. Which prehistoric age is NOT real?
  1. The Iron Age
  2. The Stone Age
  3. The Gold Age
  4. The Bronze Age
12. Which event kickstarted the beginning of World War 1?
  1. The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
  2. The German invasion of Luxembourg and Belgium
  3. The German naval blockade of Great Britain
  4. The sinking of the Lusitania
13. Which of the following WASN’T one of Christopher Columbus’s ships?
  1. The Niña
  2. The Santa Maria
  3. The Niño
  4. The Pinta
14. Who was the very first Roman emperor?
  1. Augustus
  2. Caligula
  3. Nero
  4. Tiberius
15. Which battle ended the American Revolutionary War?
  1. The Battle of Yorktown
  2. The Battle of Trenton
  3. The Battle of Lexington and Concord
  4. The Battle of Bunker Hill
16. What was the infamous European plague of the 1300s called?
  1. The Plague to End All Plagues
  2. The Great Plague
  3. The Black Death
  4. The Great Reckoning
17. Who helped start the Protestant Reformation by writing a document known as the Ninety-five Theses?
  1. Martin Luther
  2. John Calvin
  3. William Tyndale
  4. John Knox
18. What event inspired the USA to join World War 2?
  1. The bombing of Pearl Harbor
  2. The invasion of Poland
  3. The capture of Paris
  4. The Blitz of the UK
19. Who did Ancient Egyptians worship as the god of the Sun?
  1. Anubis
  2. Ra
  3. Horus
  4. Seth
20. Which small European territory is the home of the Catholic Pope?
  1. Vatican City
  2. Andorra
  3. San Marino
  4. Monaco
21. Which state became part of the USA on January 3, 1959?
  1. New Mexico
  2. Alaska
  3. Arizona
  4. Hawaii
22. What year did World War 2 end?
  1. 1943
  2. 1944
  3. 1945
  4. 1946
23. Which country did Australia officially establish independence from in 1986?
  1. The UK
  2. Belgium
  3. The Netherlands
  4. France
24. Who was the leader of the Russian Revolution in 1917?
  1. Vladimir Lenin
  2. Karl Marx
  3. Joseph Stalin
  4. Georgy Malenkhov
25. Which European city was famously split by a wall between 1961 and 1989?
  1. Paris
  2. Budapest
  3. Prague
  4. Berlin
26. Which of the following countries still has an emperor?
  1. Japan
  2. The UK
  3. Brazil
  4. Vietnam
27. Which of the following WASN’T one of the original 13 American states?
  1. Georgia
  2. Virginia
  3. New York
  4. Florida
28. What is the official dividing line of North and South Korea?
  1. The 38th Parallel
  2. The 35th Parallel
  3. The 40th Parallel
  4. The 21st Parallel
29. Which African country has the most pyramids built?
  1. Egypt
  2. Sudan
  3. Uganda
  4. Ethiopia
30. How many years was Alexander the Great the King of Macedonia?
  1. 13 years
  2. 20 years
  3. 25 years
  4. 8 years

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a lot<\/i>. Like, the whole world<\/i> a lot. There\u2019s absolutely no judgment if history isn\u2019t your strong suit\u2014it\u2019s a lot to keep inside your head, especially when it comes to the geographies, cultures, and histories of countless civilizations. We definitely threw a few curveballs into this quiz, too!

The good news: it\u2019s never too late to get a little more well-versed in world history (especially if you\u2019re looking to retake this quiz\u2014which you totally should!). Sites like the Britannica Encyclopedia<\/a>, Library of Congress<\/a>, and National Archives<\/a> are all great places to get started, especially if you\u2019re based in the USA.

YouTube is also an amazing resource for learning more about world history. Channels like
Timeline<\/a>, Epic History TV<\/a>, and Simple History<\/a> are all great starting points.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-History-Buff"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Study-History"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be a History Buff","id":223488,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-History-Buff","image":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/bf\/Be-a-History-Buff-Step-18.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-a-History-Buff-Step-18.jpg","alt":"How to Be a History Buff"},{"title":"How to Study History","id":6066355,"url":"https:\/\/\/Study-History","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/4e\/Study-History-Step-15-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Study-History-Step-15-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Study History"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You're a World History Beginner.","meaning":"A lot of our questions seemed to stump you, which is totally valid. World history spans, well, the whole world<\/i>. It\u2019s a lot to keep inside your head, especially if history and social studies aren\u2019t really your passions. We definitely threw a few curveballs into this quiz, too!

The good news: it\u2019s never too late to get a little more well-versed in world history (especially if you\u2019re looking to retake this quiz\u2014which you totally should!). Sites like the
Britannica Encyclopedia<\/a>, Library of Congress<\/a>, and National Archives<\/a> are all great places to get started, especially if you\u2019re based in the USA.

YouTube is also an amazing resource for learning more about world history. Channels like
Timeline<\/a>, Epic History TV<\/a>, and Simple History<\/a> are all great starting points.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-History-Buff"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Study-History"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be a History Buff","id":223488,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-History-Buff","image":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/bf\/Be-a-History-Buff-Step-18.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-a-History-Buff-Step-18.jpg","alt":"How to Be a History Buff"},{"title":"How to Study History","id":6066355,"url":"https:\/\/\/Study-History","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/4e\/Study-History-Step-15-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Study-History-Step-15-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Study History"}],"minimum":6},{"text":"You're a Budding History Scholar.","meaning":"You seem to know your way around world history\u2014kudos to you! World history is an incredibly broad field, and it\u2019s completely valid if you were feeling a little stumped at times. We definitely threw a few curveballs into this quiz, too, so give yourself a pat on the back for nailing a fair chunk of them!

The good news: it\u2019s never too late to get a little more well-versed in world history (especially if you\u2019re looking to retake this quiz\u2014which you totally should!). Sites like the
Britannica Encyclopedia<\/a>, Library of Congress<\/a>, and National Archives<\/a> are all great places to get started, especially if you\u2019re based in the USA.

YouTube is also an amazing resource for learning more about world history. Channels like
Timeline<\/a>, Epic History TV<\/a>, and Simple History<\/a> are all great starting points.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-History-Buff"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Study-History"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be a History Buff","id":223488,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-History-Buff","image":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/bf\/Be-a-History-Buff-Step-18.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-a-History-Buff-Step-18.jpg","alt":"How to Be a History Buff"},{"title":"How to Study History","id":6066355,"url":"https:\/\/\/Study-History","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/4e\/Study-History-Step-15-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Study-History-Step-15-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Study History"}],"minimum":11},{"text":"Not bad! You're a Budding History Buff.","meaning":"You seem to have a very solid understanding of world history, even if you didn\u2019t quite nail all the questions. World history is a lot<\/i> to keep inside your head, and we\u2019re proud of you for doing such a solid job!

Think you can do a little better? It\u2019s never too late to get a little more well-versed in world history (especially if you\u2019re looking to retake this quiz\u2014which you totally should!). Sites like the
Britannica Encyclopedia<\/a>, Library of Congress<\/a>, and National Archives<\/a> are all great places to get started, especially if you\u2019re based in the USA.

YouTube is also an amazing resource for learning more about world history. Channels like
Timeline<\/a>, Epic History TV<\/a>, and Simple History<\/a> are all great starting points.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-History-Buff"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Study-History"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be a History Buff","id":223488,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-History-Buff","image":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/bf\/Be-a-History-Buff-Step-18.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-a-History-Buff-Step-18.jpg","alt":"How to Be a History Buff"},{"title":"How to Study History","id":6066355,"url":"https:\/\/\/Study-History","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/4e\/Study-History-Step-15-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Study-History-Step-15-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Study History"}],"minimum":16},{"text":"Color us impressed! You're a Near History Expert.","meaning":"You nailed the majority of the questions on this quiz\u2014we\u2019re so proud of you! World history is definitely a challenging field ( it spans the entire world<\/i>, after all\u2026), and it\u2019s amazing that you already know so much.

What if you could know even more, though? It\u2019s never too late to get a little more well-versed in world history (especially if you\u2019re looking to retake this quiz\u2014which you totally should!). Sites like the
Britannica Encyclopedia<\/a>, Library of Congress<\/a>, and National Archives<\/a> are all great places to get started, especially if you\u2019re based in the USA.

YouTube is also an amazing resource for learning more about world history. Channels like
Timeline<\/a>, Epic History TV<\/a>, and Simple History<\/a> are all great starting points.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-History-Buff"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Study-History"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be a History Buff","id":223488,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-History-Buff","image":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/bf\/Be-a-History-Buff-Step-18.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-a-History-Buff-Step-18.jpg","alt":"How to Be a History Buff"},{"title":"How to Study History","id":6066355,"url":"https:\/\/\/Study-History","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/4e\/Study-History-Step-15-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Study-History-Step-15-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Study History"}],"minimum":21},{"text":"Wow, you're a Certified History Expert!","meaning":"You\u2019re a genuine history buff\u2014you nearly got a perfect score! You're probably the first of your friends to remember a random history factoid, and when you play pub trivia, you've always got the history category covered. We\u2019re showering you with confetti through the screen. Seriously, amazing job!

You\u2019re basically a pro when it comes to the essentials, but there\u2019s still plenty more world history that\u2019s just waiting to be learned about.

Sites like the
Britannica Encyclopedia<\/a>, Library of Congress<\/a>, and National Archives<\/a> are all great places to get started, especially if you\u2019re based in the USA. YouTube is also an amazing resource for learning more about world history. Channels like Timeline<\/a>, Epic History TV<\/a>, and Simple History<\/a> are all great starting points.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-History-Buff"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Study-History"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be a History Buff","id":223488,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-History-Buff","image":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/bf\/Be-a-History-Buff-Step-18.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-a-History-Buff-Step-18.jpg","alt":"How to Be a History Buff"},{"title":"How to Study History","id":6066355,"url":"https:\/\/\/Study-History","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/4e\/Study-History-Step-15-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Study-History-Step-15-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Study History"}],"minimum":26},{"text":"Are you a Certified Historian? We think so\u2026","meaning":"Okay, wow. Seriously, just\u2026 wow. You just aced this quiz like it was nothing. Do you hear that? That\u2019s us giving you an epic round of applause. And a standing ovation, for good measure. Hats off to you for being a certified world history whiz!

Still, your world history know-how doesn\u2019t have to stop here. You can expand your historical horizons even more with sites like the
Britannica Encyclopedia<\/a>, Library of Congress<\/a>, and National Archives<\/a>, along with amazing YouTube channels like Timeline<\/a>, Epic History TV<\/a>, and Simple History<\/a>.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-History-Buff"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Study-History"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be a History Buff","id":223488,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-History-Buff","image":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/bf\/Be-a-History-Buff-Step-18.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-a-History-Buff-Step-18.jpg","alt":"How to Be a History Buff"},{"title":"How to Study History","id":6066355,"url":"https:\/\/\/Study-History","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/4e\/Study-History-Step-15-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Study-History-Step-15-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Study History"}],"minimum":30}]" class="quiz_results_data"/>\"Past<\/picture>","alt":"Who Was I in a Past Life Quiz"},{"title":"Am I Mature Quiz","id":14060092,"url":"https:\/\/\/Maturity-Test","image":"\"Maturity<\/picture>","alt":"Am I Mature Quiz"},{"title":"What Is My Weakness Quiz","id":14058419,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Is-My-Weakness-Quiz","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Is My Weakness Quiz"}],"number":1},{"text":"Look to the future. I want to embrace the unknown as I become who I'm meant to be.","result":"Amazing! With that mindset, we think you might enjoy some of these quizzes:","next_quizzes":[{"title":"What Should I Be When I Grow Up Quiz","id":14072241,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Should-I-Be-when-I-Grow-Up","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Should I Be When I Grow Up Quiz"},{"title":"What Pet Should I Get Quiz","id":13586682,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Pet-Should-I-Get-Quiz","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Pet Should I Get Quiz"},{"title":"College Major Quiz","id":14014934,"url":"https:\/\/\/College-Major-Quiz","image":"\"College<\/picture>","alt":"College Major Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>

The Importance of World History

History is a mainstay among most school curriculums—and for good reason. Let’s take a deeper dive into why this field is so important:

  • It helps us understand current society. Civilization as we know it now doesn’t exist in a vacuum—it’s been molded and influenced by nations, leaders, and decisions of the past. Understanding the way the world used to work is an essential part of understanding how it works now.
  • It holds us accountable. Every civilization and country has made its fair share of mistakes—some bigger than others. Reflecting on and learning from the wars and conflicts of the past can help prevent such conflicts from occurring again.
  • It helps us develop critical thinking skills. History isn’t just about reading words on a page. It’s about reading between the lines and better understanding why certain civilizations were so prosperous in the past (and why others weren’t).
  • It helps us see how things have improved. There are plenty of things wrong with the world as a whole; but, thanks to history, we can still appreciate how society has grown and gotten better.
  • It helps us understand what it means to be human. World history, at its core, is an examination of humanity’s greatest successes and failures. It invites us to look at humanity’s most ground-breaking achievements, horrific tragedies, and everything in between. When you study history, you’re actually studying the undying determination and motivations of the human spirit.

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    May 5

    "I liked how clear the questions were. Add more questions/make another quiz like this one."
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