Q&A for How to Be Patriotic

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    What steps should I take to make my nation more patriotic?
    Community Answer
    Well, you can not expect to change everyone in your country into more patriotic people, because they have their own minds, and even though you're allowed to disagree with them and express your opinions, you're not allowed to force them to change. You can, however, become a more patriotic person yourself and try to inspire your friends and family by showing them all of the best qualities of your nation.
  • Question
    How can I inspire other people to be patriotic?
    Community Answer
    By being patriotic yourself, you can inspire others with your example. Of course, talking to people about why you love your country and encouraging others to get involved in patriotic holidays and in serving their country could also inspire them.
  • Question
    How do I make my nation patriotic?
    Community Answer
    Do your part. Fly a flag every chance you get; celebrate national holidays; demonstrate your pride in your country in your attitude, actions, and conversations.
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    How can patriotism can be instilled in the youth?
    Community Answer
    Most schools have a tradition of flag ceremonies or singing the national anthem weekly or monthly. The school curriculum may also put heavy pride on the nation, such as the need to pass the national language and maths sections to enter high school. Geography and History could mostly be focused on the nation itself, and if there is anything about other countries in the textbook, it is just ignored.
  • Question
    As a citizen, what are the important duties towards our country?
    Community Answer
    Important duties include voting and acting respectfully to authorities. Protesting for liberty and freedom is important too. If you can, donate to causes that help the less fortunate in your community.
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    How can we encouraged students to be patriotic?
    Community Answer
    We can encourage our students to be patriotic by teaching them the internal cultural values of a country and symbols that signify it, such as its constitution, flag, national anthem, etc.
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    Many people say that they believe in nationalism. Is it right to be a nationalist.
    Strategic By Nature
    Community Answer
    The difference between patriotism and nationalism is a patriot is proud of their country for what it does, and a nationalist is proud of their country no matter what it does. The first attitude creates a feeling of responsibility, but the second is a feeling of blind arrogance.
  • Question
    How can I be patriotic to the United States of America as a child?
    Community Answer
    Learn about your country's values. Ask a teacher if you're not sure where to begin. Thank local veterans for serving and be respectful to people. Ask your parents to visit a museum to learn something about your country's history, or check out the history books in the library.
  • Question
    How does the study of history develop patriotism?
    Top Answerer
    It shows us why a nation operates the way it does. Learning about a nation's darkest moments shows us how far the nation has improved from then. Whilst nationalism attempts to cover up, minimize, or justify history, patriotism admits to it, and points out how much a nation has improved. Think of Germany: after fascist and communist rule ended, it has effectively become one of the most accepting and diverse countries in Europe.
  • Question
    How can I make people love their nation when the media and schools teach them to be ashamed of it?
    Community Answer
    No one can force anyone else to love their country, or for that matter, to be ashamed of it. Blind pride in a country without recognizing and working to change its faults is false pride or nationalism. Revealing the shortcomings in a society's history offers a chance for reconciliation and improvement. True pride is based on the actual achievements of the country and its ethics, and the most personally meaningful pride is based on the individual's efforts to improve the society's flaws and to appreciate the diversity of its people and the blending of their cultures into a rich and resilient fabric to which all have contributed.
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