Q&A for How to Cheat at Monopoly

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    How do I win in Monopoly without looking like I'm cheating?
    Our Family Plays Games
    Board Game Experts
    Our Family Plays Games, LLC is a family-owned business based in Omaha, Nebraska. Launched in 2018, their mission is to promote growth and awareness of the modern board game hobby and bring more BIPOCs and families into the board game community. In June 2020 they were featured on Good Morning America and have since been featured on NBC News Online, Senet Magazine (UK), Ligadas.com (Brazil), a variety of YouTube programs, podcasts, and on local television. In January of 2022, they launched a second program on their channel, called OFPG Voices to highlight other underrepresented voices in the hobby. In addition, they make special appearances at board game conventions all around the country and work with board game publishers from around the world.
    Board Game Experts
    Expert Answer
    To secure victory in Monopoly, actively pursue bankrupting all your opponents before they have the chance to do the same to you. This strategic approach aims to eliminate rival players and enhance your financial standing, ultimately increasing your chances of winning the game.
  • Question
    If I am caught, do I get a fine or property taken from me?
    Community Answer
    Monopoly has no rules about what happens when you cheat, as cheating is not supposed to be a part of the game. What happens depends on the people playing with you. Some might decide to punish you in some such way. Some might want to start the game over and make sure you are prevented from being able to cheat this time. Some people might choose to just stop the game and not play with you again, because it's no fun playing with cheaters.
  • Question
    If I have an alliance and the bloke double-crosses me, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    Do everything to stop them. For example, if your friend lands on a property and does not buy it, the banker will auction it starting at $50. Bid $250 straight away and then they will know you're eager and they will overbid you and lose a bunch of money.
  • Question
    How can I always win an auction?
    Community Answer
    Bid high at an auction. Even if another player bids over you and wins the property, that player will have to pay more than it was worth. They will also owe more money if they land on the Income Tax space.
  • Question
    How do I know they are using the cheats against me?
    Community Answer
    Watch what they are doing and if you catch them, point it out and make them feel guilty. If they don't stop, refuse to keep playing and leave.
  • Question
    What if I really want to win, but I don't want to cheat?
    Community Answer
    Just do your best! There is an article here with some good tips for playing the game well.
  • Question
    Can I cheat only one time, or can it be an ongoing process?
    Community Answer
    If you're going to cheat, cheat as frequently as you can get away with it.
  • Question
    Is it cheating if I see the dice while rolling?
    Community Answer
    No. As long you do not set the dice down, you can keep your palms open when rolling. If you shake the dice and put them down on the number you want, that is cheating.
  • Question
    What happens if I'm only playing with one person and they are always watching me, even when I pick a card they look at it to make sure I don't cheat?
    Community Answer
    Encourage the other player to drink something so they will have to leave and use the restroom. While they are gone, take a little extra money from the bank, not a lot, as you don't want to get caught.
  • Question
    What do I do when I know someone is cheating and they know I am too? Do you point it out and risk losing or keep it a secret?
    Community Answer
    Probably best to keep quiet about it, as it would be hypocritical to call it out unless you are willing to stop cheating yourself. If it's just the two of you against each other, then you're both on equal footing if you're both cheating. If there are other people involved, then you both have an unfair advantage over the others - if that bothers you, then you shouldn't be cheating.
  • Question
    What do I do if the other players found out I was cheating after the game was over?
    Community Answer
    First, you should apologize. Make it sincere and promise that you will not do it again. Hopefully, they will accept your apology and will let you play with them in the future.
  • Question
    What do you do if someone finds out I took their money and threatens to take my money?
    Community Answer
    If you feel too guilty, then give back the money. The point is to not get caught.
  • Question
    I want to have a rule in Monopoly to punish cheaters in the game. Can I have it?
    Community Answer
    Sure, you can have it, but the rules need to be agreed upon at the beginning of the game, and you shouldn't try to punish anyone whose cheating can't be proven.
  • Question
    What if someone points out that I cheated and they kick me out of the game?
    Community Answer
    First of all, be careful and don't get caught. If you do, though, and you get kicked out, just say something like, "Aren't we all getting bored with this game anyway? Let's go watch TV."
  • Question
    How do I help someone without them knowing?
    Community Answer
    I would suggest that if that player keeps his money lying or if they leave the table, when no one is looking put money in his pile. But be warned helping people with money can be risky considering you can end up paying rent or tax when landing on someone's property.
  • Question
    How do I get my opponent to make a wrong choice when playing?
    Community Answer
    Deceive your opponent into thinking the wrong choice is beneficial to them by only detailing the advantages of that choice and creating your own fake advantages.
  • Question
    What if the others know I cheat and have someone watch the game to make sure I can't do anything?
    Community Answer
    You can plan in advance. Hide bills in your pocket or hand, then pull them out subtly when necessary. This helps if your friends are playing at your house with your board. Another way to cheat is by sticking two bill together. Adding a few drops of water to two bills will cause them to temporarily stick together, and they can be pulled apart with ease.
  • Question
    Is it a good idea to return a player's money to the bank when they take a restroom break?
    Community Answer
    Possibly. But most players obsessively count their money, and will accuse you of cheating. One thing most players don't count is ones, but that won't give you much of an advantage anyway. I find stealing from others never works, and it is far easier to steal from the bank. A strategy I often use is to trade in a fifty dollar bill for fifty ones. No one bothers to count your stack, to make sure you aren't cheating, because the job is too tedious, even for perfectionists. So I will trade in fifty, and really take about 150 dollars worth of ones.
  • Question
    What if people ask how I got so much money?
    Community Answer
    Give vague answers, such as saying you earned a lot from rent, or didn't buy much property.
  • Question
    What would I do if I get caught cheating?
    Top Answerer
    Games were invented to have fun. If cheating is the only way you can have fun when playing a particular game, you probably should find another game. If you develop a reputation for cheating, no one will want to play with you. Ask yourself, "What's the point of winning a game by cheating? What have I accomplished?"
  • Question
    What should I do when another opponent has counted the money and keeps looking at me until the game finishes?
    Community Answer
    They might think you’re suspicious and are making sure you aren’t cheating by keeping a close eye on you. To keep them away, just distract them or reassure them you’re not cheating in any way. You can also tell someone in your alliance to distract them while you swipe some money or roll the dice.
  • Question
    If a house is $100 dollars in an auction, can I pay more?
    Community Answer
    In an auction, you can bid as little as $1 or as much as you want. The highest bidder will have to pay the price they bid. If they can't, they will have to sell houses, properties, and make trades to come up with the money. If they still can't do it, they will become bankrupt, losing the game.
  • Question
    Can I do this in tournaments?
    Community Answer
    No, you can't cheat in the official tournaments. It will probably be recorded.
  • Question
    How do you do these cheats slowly without the other players noticing? Also, what do you do if you get caught cheating?
    Community Answer
    If you don't want people to notice you, come up with a distraction. You can say something like: "Let's take a break," or "Let's take a water break." Also, people won't suspect you if you act innocent and normal all the way up to when you cheat. As for getting caught, just laugh and say "You got me!" and offer to withdraw or stop cheating.
  • Question
    What if some one steals 1 of my bills?
    Kiki Lemni
    Community Answer
    Confront them so they won't cheat again. They may just need more money or take money to make you lose.
  • Question
    Do these work for Monopoly cheater's edition?
    Windows Vista
    Community Answer
    Yes, although you can only use cheats in the middle of the board. You are more likely to get caught, as people will be alerted to what you're doing.
  • Question
    How do I cheat if I am playing Monopoly: ultimate banking (it is all electronic)?
    Community Answer
    Hold the check and cancel buttons together, lower the volume of the bank unit, press M. This will lower the volume of the bane unit. Then, press M, scan you bank card, then you will get £200, as the unit will think you landed in go. To increase rent in property’s without landing on them: scan the Tittle Dead Cardd for the property, scan you bank card, and done. Note that this won’t work if the property has reached max rent.
  • Question
    My sister thinks that if we play ultimate banking, that she is allowed to cheat by keeping the properties next to her. How can I stop her?
    Community Answer
    Do not let her have them next to her.Tell her that she would not like it if you got Park Lane and Mayfair for completely free. If this does not work, thn stop playing with her for a time until she can play the game properly.
  • Question
    How do you cheat in ultimate banking?
    Community Answer
    Ultimate banking is harder to cheat in, but it is still possible. First, as the bank unit makes noise, hold the Check and Cancel buttons at the same time. Then, press X to lower to the lowest volume. Press M. Then, cover the back of the unit as much as possible to reduce any remaining volume. After this, press M, scan your bankcard, and you will get 200 pounds. If you want to increase the rent of a property, scan the property and then your bank card. If you want to charge a large amount for no reason, then wait until everyone's out of the room and take someone's card - just be sure they have enough money. Then you can scan one of your properties as a high value one on their bank card and they will be charged for it!
  • Question
    Why do you have to be the banker to cheat?
    Community Answer
    It is not a requirement, but generally, the banker is the closest to the bank's money, so it makes it easy to slip a note or two when know one is looking.
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