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Q&A for How to Determine a Quorum
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QuestionHow do we determine 2/3 of a quorum on a ten person board?Barry Sabahat, Esq. has been practicing law in California since 1993. He received his JD from Western State University College of Law in 1992. His current practice is based in the San Francisco Bay Area and focuses on Estate Planning, Transactional Law and drunk driving cases.You would need to have at least seven votes for a quorum in this situation. A quorum is present when the number of votes available meet at least the minimum number set forth in the bylaws. Since there is no such thing as a "fraction" vote, sometimes the number ends up being more than the minimum number. In your specific example, since there is no such thing as 6.6666 votes, the minimum number to meet quorum in a ten vote situation is seven votes (or seven people if each person has one vote).
QuestionCan a vote be passed with a quorum?Barry Sabahat, Esq. has been practicing law in California since 1993. He received his JD from Western State University College of Law in 1992. His current practice is based in the San Francisco Bay Area and focuses on Estate Planning, Transactional Law and drunk driving cases.The function of the quorum is to allow the vote to take place. That is why some politicians who know a bill would pass, will not attend a vote to prevent to vote to be taken. Once the quorum is met, the bylaws mandate what percentage constitutes a passing vote, be it majority or super-majority.
QuestionWhat is the quorum for a 7-member board?Community AnswerFour for a majority quorum, or whatever is specified in your constitution or by-laws. The latter takes precedence.
QuestionWhat constitutes a quorum on a 25-member board?Community AnswerYou would need 17 members for a quorum of 2/3 of the 25 members present to vote at the meeting.
QuestionIf you have ten members what is quorum?Community AnswerIt's up to the members to decide, or if the organization has a constitution, it would be addressed therein.
QuestionCan 2 be a quorum if I have a 4-member board?Community AnswerNo, unless your by-laws or constitution say otherwise. For a majority quorum, you need half the number of people plus one - so in this case, 3.
QuestionDoes a quorum exist if only three members attended our six member elected board?Community AnswerNo. You need 4 members to attend, unless it is written differently into your constitution or by-laws.
QuestionIf a council has 8 members and 5 are the required quorum, do all 5 need to vote in the affirmative to pass a motion?Community AnswerNo, a quorum of 5 is only required to make the vote a valid decision. A simple majority then rules the day - 3:2 or 4:1. If 6 turned up then the vote would be valid if it went 4:2 or 5:1 (assuming there was no casting "second" vote for the chair, and written into the constitution, when it ends up 3:3). If 7 turned up it goes 4:3, 5:2, 6:1 and so on. As you can see it is a good idea to have a council made up of odd numbered members to avoid stalemates - unless you have a casting vote from the chair written into your constitution.
QuestionIf there are only two board members, can you have quorum with only one board member?Community AnswerIt is possible for a matter of great urgency. The present member should communicate with the one in absentia and come to an agreement.
QuestionHow do I know what a quorum is?Community AnswerIt's the number of members of a group or organization required to be present in a meeting to transact business legally. Sometimes it's a majority, depending on your bylaws.
QuestionWhat is the number of members present to make a quorum in a 13 members committee?Community AnswerUnless written down as being otherwise, it is considered to be a simple majority of the committee members - so for 13, it would be 7.
QuestionCan a quorum of a board meet on a casual basis for dinner?Community AnswerThis is okay as long as no official decisions are made. Keep in mind though that this scenario is risky, especially if the board is a public body.
QuestionWhat is a quorum for a 5 member board?Community AnswerRead the rules for your association, institution or corporation. These will specify the quorum required.
QuestionWould 2 of the 3 filled seats constitute a quorum?Community AnswerNo because half of 3 is 1.5. Then you have to add one that makes it 2.5. So 2 is inadequate.
QuestionIf a committee has 14 members how many are required for a quorum to have meetings?Community Answer8 because half of 14 is 7. Then add one, which equals 8.
QuestionWhat would the quorum be for 54 members?Davidson EbongCommunity Answer27 members plus one more making it 28, except otherwise stated in the by-laws of the organisation.
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