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Q&A for How to Email to a Cell Phone
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QuestionHow do I receive emails from my home PC?Community AnswerGo onto the website of the email service you are using, log into the page and you will see any emails sent to you.
QuestionWhat do I write in the space indicated subject?Community AnswerIt depends on what you're writing about. Just fill in a few words about the topic of your email.
QuestionWill I be able to reply if I send an email to text?Community AnswerYes. You will be able to reply as long as you press the reply button.
QuestionHow do I send a receipt to my friend's phone?Community AnswerScreenshot it, then send it to your friend via social media.
QuestionHow can I find a recipient's carrier?Eddy StettlerCommunity AnswerA lot of times you can google their 10 digit phone number and the search results will tell you the carrier.
QuestionHow do I email a receipt?Community AnswerYou can attach the receipt to the email as a PDF, Word document, etc. You could also scan the receipt and attach it as an image.
QuestionHow do I send a video link to a cell phone?Community AnswerOpen the video on your phone and find the Share option. You should see an option to email the video. If not, open a blank email and attach the video as a file. The recipient can then open the email on their phone and view the video. (If the video is small enough, you could also text it to them.)
QuestionHow do I send photos from a phone to another with a different carrier?Community AnswerThe carrier shouldn't matter, only that you have the right phone address and name of carrier (if you are sending from your email).
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