Q&A for How to Explore Abandoned Structures

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    What should I do if there is a squatter in the structure I am exploring?
    Community Answer
    If the squatter isn't bothering you, ignore them and don't bother them. If the squatter appears threatening or attempts to attack you, leave the area immediately.
  • Question
    If the building has a fence for a door but no other fence, can I enter it?
    Community Answer
    If you can safely enter the area and it is not private property, you may enter through the fenced door.
  • Question
    What should I wear while I am exploring?
    Community Answer
    Wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty and thick shoes in case there is glass or other debris on the ground, jeans, sneakers or boots, and possibly a light coat or jacket should work.
  • Question
    Could I get poisoned or something if I explore an abandoned lab?
    Community Answer
    You could, depending on what activity was being conducted in the lab. Wear a mask, gloves, and ideally, a complete protection suit. If you feel sick after the exploration, go to a hospital, tell them where you have been, and list the symptoms you have.
  • Question
    How do you tell if a structure is safe or stable (besides doing a visual analysis)?
    Community Answer
    Well, you really can't. Just do the closest you can by walking slowly and testing your steps. Obviously, if the floor is collapsing, don't walk on it. It can also be helpful to do online and local library research to find out what has happened to the structure in recent years or decades, so that you understand its structural weaknesses clearly.
  • Question
    What if I get trapped?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you have a form of communication with people, such as a charged phone. Know the address of the location, let others know the address, and always try to bring someone with you.
  • Question
    Would it be okay to bring a dog along to keep me safe and find a way out if I'm lost?
    Community Answer
    It depends on whether the structure is stable and how likely the dog is to stay close to you. A lead would be a good idea to ensure its safety as well as yours. It is a nice idea in case someone tries to attack you, etc. but keep in mind, you will be putting the dog in danger.
  • Question
    How do I ghost hunt in an abandoned school?
    Community Answer
    Bring an audio recorder and camera with you to catch ghosts in action if possible.
  • Question
    What diseases might be found in abandoned buildings?
    Community Answer
    Asbestos and black mold are the most common found in old decaying buildings. As long as you're not in the building for too long, you should be OK. Breathing through your shirt could help, but if you're worried, get an inexpensive dust mask on Amazon or at your local hardware store.
  • Question
    How likely is it for an abandoned hospital to have equipment?
    Kevin Zhou
    Community Answer
    Highly unlikely. Any equipment will have been auctioned off at the time of the hospital's closure. If there is any equipment left, it means that the equipment is either broken or not worth taking.
  • Question
    How can I turn on the gas and water?
    Community Answer
    You cannot turn on the gas and water in an abandoned structure.
  • Question
    How do I protect myself from asbestos?
    Community Answer
    For a high level of protection, wear a disposable/non-disposable respirator and full body disposable overalls. Breathing through a shirt or a dust mask will not work, as the fibers are microscopic.
  • Question
    Do I need to worry about Asbestos and other poisonous substances if the structure was burned?
    Community Answer
    Asbestos becomes dangerous as it deteriorates, which includes burning. Be sure to wear a good quality respirator that prevents asbestos inhalation. There may be less mold since it was on fire, but there could be more asbestos.
  • Question
    There is an abandoned needle factory near my town, would it be safe to go on the top floor? Also, my friend and I sometimes carry legal knifes. What is the consequence of this should we get caught?
    Community Answer
    Since the knives are legal, they shouldn't be a problem, but you could be fined or arrested for trespassing, depending on whether or not anyone owns the building. An abandoned needle factory sounds like a place where you'd just be asking to get hurt in any number of ways, but if you're going to explore it, be extra cautious. Look out for sharp objects and any signs of deterioration to the structure.
  • Question
    Do I need to pick a lock to get into an abandoned structure?
    Community Answer
    No, you may be able to enter without picking a lock.
  • Question
    Is arson legal in some abandoned places?
    Community Answer
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    What are some tips for urban exploring?
    Enid Valiconcen
    Community Answer
    Bring a flashlight, camera, and broken radio. Broken radios are much cheaper to communicate with ghosts.
  • Question
    What should I do if a big sum of possibly stolen money is in there?
    Rhia O'Halloran
    Community Answer
    Leave it where you found it. It isn't yours. The biggest rule of urban exploration is leave everything as you found it. You could try to contact the authorities about finding the money, but you'd have to admit that you were exploring the property.
  • Question
    Can I explore an abandoned building that's boarded up?
    Community Answer
    The building is probably private property, which makes entering it without permission illegal. So, legally, no.
  • Question
    Is a small handgun a good thing to bring in case there's someone who threatens my well-being?
    Community Answer
    If you're going to carry a gun, you'd better be ready to use it if you need to. Be aware that shooting someone can lead to consequences far worse than getting caught trespassing in an abandoned property. If there is a squatter in the structure who threatens you, it's best to just leave as quickly as possible.
  • Question
    How would I go about getting permission to explore an old abandoned building that's in the middle of a town?
    Community Answer
    Contact the city offices of the city that the structure is located in. If you present yourself as a photographer rather than someone who is simply wanting to explore, you will most likely be given permission. If they explicitly tell you not to explore it, don't.
  • Question
    Can I film when exploring abandoned structures?
    Community Answer
    I would assume so. if you are trying to do this legally by getting permission from city offices beforehand, you could ask them about videotaping and photography, and they could give you that information.
  • Question
    Any tips for exploring sewage/flood pipes?
    Community Answer
    Wear rubber boots, bring flashlights, and wear a filter mask. You don't want to inhale black mold.
  • Question
    How do you figure out if an abandoned structure is owned?
    Community Answer
    You can check your local directory or library for tax records. You can also search "Registry of deeds [your town]." That might come up with some information on buildings and how to find their owners.
  • Question
    What do I look for in a property when deciding to squat in it?
    Community Answer
    You want to see whether it's abandoned completely, or if there are still people who occasionally come. See whether it has electricity and/or running water (well water is even better because the city cannot turn it off). Make sure it has not been foreclosed; that means it’s someone else’s property. Ensure it isn’t condemned, which generally means that it’s not safe to be in because of structural damage or bug infestation, among other things. You also want to check that no other squatters are there. You want to avoid a situation where you’re fighting over property, as this could cause a police call by someone else who could overhear you.
  • Question
    How can I find out if a house is abandoned?
    Community Answer
    Pass by often and see if anyone enters it. Check for any lights that are on inside. Also, if it is falling apart or vines are growing on it uncontrollably, it is likely abandoned.
  • Question
    What kind of respirator should I wear?
    Community Answer
    Typically a regular cloth mask or a paint mask should work, but if you're really paranoid about it, get a respirator, under a hundred dollars.
  • Question
    How can I tell if a house is abandoned and safe to enter?
    Dmitry Molotov
    Community Answer
    If there are signs of no one living there for a while, unkempt yard/shrubs, graffiti, broken glass, etc., these provide an indication it is abandoned. As for it being safe, you can't really tell if a house is stable or safe, especially when abandoned. But there may be signs of it being unstable, such as already collapsed parts, heavy rot on beams or drywall, squishy floor (if there are no other signs than a squishy floor just avoid that part because you don't want to fall into the basement). Trust your gut feeling––if it feels unsafe, presume that it is. If your gut is saying don't go in, you shouldn't go in unless you want to live life on the edge.
  • Question
    I was exploring my local woods, and a homeless woman with two dogs yelled at me to leave. Should I go back?
    Community Answer
    No. Unless the woods are on public lands (in which instance you should notify the police to deal with the woman), it would be best to put your safety first and avoid that area.
  • Question
    Can I explore abandoned sewers?
    Community Answer
    If you are certain it is safe to do so and you will NOT come into contact with sewage in any way at all, then it would be okay. Just be sure to wear things like rubber boots and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty.
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