Q&A for How to Hold Your Breath Underwater

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    How can I train myself to stay underwater longer?
    Hayley Church
    Aquatic Manager
    Hayley Church is an owner at Cooksey's Lifeguard & Swim Academy, LLC in Southern California. Hayley has been a lifeguard and swim instructor since 2007 and has dedicated her time to teaching people of all ages how to swim. Hayley and her team offer lifeguards and programming such as swim camp counselors, swim lessons, and water aerobics classes to clients of all sizes from large organizations to private homes. She received her Master’s degree in Recreation Management.
    Aquatic Manager
    Expert Answer
    Sit along the edge of the pool wall, get prepared, and then see how far you can swim without taking a breath. Have a friend stand at your stopping point (or mark it yourself); then, catch your breath, start again, and try to swim even further.
  • Question
    How do you breathe without taking in water in your nostrils?
    Community Answer
    Exhale. If water gets in your nose while you do a back flip or something similar, keep breathing out. It will help to keep the water out of your nostrils. You can also wear a nose clip if you cannot cope with the water going in.
  • Question
    Could you do a flip while exhaling?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Just make sure you are exhaling when you go upside-down. If you don't hold your nose or exhale, you will get water up your nose when you go upside-down.
  • Question
    Can I hold my breath for a long time?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it's possible to hold your breath for a long time. It takes a lot of training, though. You need to be careful, because holding your breath underwater carries a risk of drowning. The longer you try to stay underwater, the more likely you are to need a breath when you're surrounded by water.
  • Question
    When I try to hold my breath underwater, it helps me if I move around. Is that just a distraction or does it actually, physically, help?
    Community Answer
    It's a distraction. It's very interesting, however, because moving around requires using muscles and therefore uses up the oxygen you have stored faster. But if that is what you are comfortable with, continue doing it if you think it helps.
  • Question
    Why can't we inhale water?
    Community Answer
    We cannot inhale water because, unlike fish, we do not have gills. The gills are able to take in the dissolved oxygen from the water while expelling the water from the gill openings. Human lungs are not made to take in water, and a person will suffocate or choke if they try to inhale it.
  • Question
    Why does water get in your nose sometimes?
    Community Answer
    The force of you moving against the water, especially when you jump in or make a quick motion, can push water up into your nose. Or you may accidentally breathe it in sometimes.
  • Question
    What if I stay underwater too long, and I start drowning?
    Community Answer
    Try to get to the top and on your back. If you can't, try to make it noticeable that you're in need of help by flailing around in the water. FYI: It's best to practice holding your breath in water shallow enough for you to stand in.
  • Question
    What does exhale mean?
    Community Answer
    It means to breathe out. It's very important when you're underwater because if you're inhaling (breathing in) water, you're in danger of drowning.
  • Question
    What if I don't have 5 minutes to breathe before going back under the water?
    Mack Lee
    Community Answer
    Just use however much time you have to prepare yourself.
  • Question
    Can you clarify step 1?
    Community Answer
    Sit or stand out of water first and practice breathing in and out with your diaphragm.
  • Question
    Can you practice in the shower, or will that not work?
    Community Answer
    You can practice holding your breath anywhere. Whether it's in the shower doesn't really make a difference.
  • Question
    Can I stay under water for 2 or 3 minutes?
    Community Answer
    With proper training, yes. The world record is 22 minutes, but do not push yourself.
  • Question
    I am a kid and I have trouble staying under water for long periods. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    First, be careful and make sure that there is an adult around in case of an emergency. It is hard to stay under water, so gradually increase the time you stay under water by a few seconds at a time. If you feel dizzy, don't try to push through and force yourself to stay under the water.
  • Question
    Why does your body not like water going up your nose? Because people have very active reactions!
    Community Answer
    For the same reason your body doesn't like water going down your windpipe. You nose connects to your lungs, and if you get water in your lungs, you can't breathe and it can cause you to drown. The reactions people get when water gets into their nose is a primitive instinct to make sure nothing gets into your respiratory system.
  • Question
    What do I do if I am alone and accidentally inhale water and start choking?
    Community Answer
    Make a fist and thrust it into your abdomen softly, but with firm pressure.
  • Question
    What if I go underwater and my nose hurts when I come back up?
    Humayra Ahmed
    Community Answer
    Blow bubble out of your nose - it really helps, especially when going underwater.
  • Question
    When doing underwater performances, what tricks can I do with my face so it doesn't look like I'm holding my breath?
    Rey Starchaser
    Top Answerer
    Don't puff out your cheeks. This is a sure fire way for people to see that you're holding your breath.
  • Question
    I'm a coward. I've always wanted to learn to swim but I'm really scared. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Start in shallow water where you can stand. Take some lessons with someone who is responsible enough not to let you drown.
  • Question
    How can I be sure that this will work?
    Community Answer
    Well, start somewhere shallow, so if you panic, you can just lift your head up.
  • Question
    I am unable to relax my arms when floating. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Put your hands by your side or shake them before you start. While you're floating, distract yourself by thinking of other things. The more you focus on what your arms are doing, the less you'll be able relax.
  • Question
    Is there a way to breathe under water?
    Community Answer
    If you mean inhaling as well as exhaling, then no. Your lungs would fill up with water, which usually results in drowning.
  • Question
    How long do I need to do the breathing training before it helps?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    It is possible that the breathing training is already helping, you simply haven't yet noticed the difference. Another way to look at it is: keep up the breathing training until it helps. It's different for everyone, so there's no exact answer.
  • Question
    Can I breath in and out while under water and not coming up?
    Community Answer
    As humans do not have gills, there is no way to separate oxygen from water, and you will drown quicker.
  • Question
    How do I keep water out of my nose?
    Community Answer
    Some people can keep water out of their noses by humming. You could also breathe out heavily through your nose, but that may shorten how long you can hold your breath. Try plugging your nose if you aren't swimming. If you are swimming, try to move your head quickly to an upright position.
  • Question
    How long do I have to practice this?
    Community Answer
    It may take a while, but hold your breath every day and try to hold it longer each day.
  • Question
    How easy is it to float?
    Trinity Lippard
    Community Answer
    It's really easy after you learn how to keep your stomach up. You may need to move your legs a little bit so they stay up instead of weighing you down.
  • Question
    Do I inhale or exhale underwater?
    Addison Dorr
    Community Answer
    Inhale means to breathe in. Of course, you don't want to breathe in water, so exhale. This means to breathe out.
  • Question
    How do I tread water?
    Community Answer
    Move both arms horizontally at or near the surface of the water, and kick your legs at the same time.
  • Question
    What if water gets in my ears?
    Edwin ng
    Community Answer
    Pull your ear front or sideways using both hands to get water out. When turning to the left, water goes out of the left ear, and water goes into the right ear. When turning to the right, it's the same as left but opposite.
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