Q&A for How to Make Cold Porcelain

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    How hard is dried cold porcelain?
    Community Answer
    Depending on thickness, it can be very hard. A quarter inch piece would be hard to break.
  • Question
    How do I clean the pot after making porcelain?
    Community Answer
    Always wait until the pot is a little cool. Then, fill with hot water and let it soak till the water is cooled. Pour the water out and wash it like usual.
  • Question
    Would this be a good choice for making a shawl or hair pin?
    Community Answer
    It could be, but remember that cold porcelain is going to dry hard and unable to bend, so you will have to be very careful with your pin.
  • Question
    How do I make the flower?
    Community Answer
    First, shape clay into water droplets (number of petals will depend what flower you want). Next, make a big/small circle again depending how big you want your flower to be. If you don't feel comfortable attaching your pieces while they are still wet, you can stick them together with glue after they dry and put on sealant for protection.
  • Question
    What should be used as a mold release if I press this into a plastic mold?
    Community Answer
    Try lining your mold with soft soap. To make soft soap, melt your leftover bits of soap in a tin or something with a tiny amount of water. When it is cool, you should have a jelly-like substance which you can wipe thinly on the inside of your mold. It washes off easily.
  • Question
    When you say "white glue" do you mean PVA?
    Community Answer
    They mean Elmer's glue, but PVA will work too, they're basically the same thing.
  • Question
    Why should I use lemon juice or vinegar?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to use it, but it inhibits mold growth on the clay both while it's wet and as it cures before being sealed.
  • Question
    Can I use corn meal instead of cornstarch?
    Community Answer
    You must use cornstarch or corn flour. No other type of starch or flour will do.
  • Question
    Can food coloring be used to dye the clay?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but it's better to use oil-based paint since food coloring contains more water. The water can cause the clay to shrink and crack when it is drying.
  • Question
    Can I replace the cornstarch with talc or calcium carbonate instead?
    Community Answer
    No, the recipe won’t work if you use anything else, including other flours & starches.
  • Question
    Can we use normal flour?
    Community Answer
    You must use cornstarch or corn flour. No other type of starch or flour will do.
  • Question
    Can this clay be used for hand print ornaments?
    Alex S
    Community Answer
    I don't think that's the best idea due to how much the porcelain shrinks while drying. The idea behind hand print ornaments is to preserve the size and shape of the print at the time, and cold porcelain will not dry with an accurate reproduction.
  • Question
    Can cold porcelain be suitable for use in a garden?
    Community Answer
    Cold porcelain is not suitable for a garden. Exposure to moisture will damage it.
  • Question
    Can I paint the porcelain if I want to leave it white?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes the porcelain gets a yellow/brownish tint over time, so I'd still recommend painting it white if that's the color you desire.
  • Question
    What should I do if my results will not solidify?
    Community Answer
    Regardless of proportions, the result will harden. If your resulting clay feels soft, try adding more cornstarch, but be conservative; too much can make the clay too hard to mold.
  • Question
    Can I use rubber cement instead of white glue?
    Community Answer
    No, use white glue or PVA only. The rubber cement will not work the same.
  • Question
    When microwaving the mixture of glue, cornstarch, vinegar and oil, does it create toxic fumes? I'm worried these toxic fumes will poison food.
    Community Answer
    As long as you use non-toxic glue (such as Elmer’s school glue), the fumes should not be toxic. To be on the safe side, wait at least 15 minutes after cooking your cold porcelain to cook food in your microwave.
  • Question
    Is it possible to glue organic material to a porcelain clay object?
    Community Answer
    The overall answer is yes, but it depends more on the material in question and the adhesive you are using. Leaves and smaller pieces of wood will quickly adhere with PVA glue; rocks, on the other hand, will need stronger types. Also, while it's still wet, the clay can adapt to several things. However, depending on the surface, bonding with glue is needed to make it permanent.
  • Question
    Can I make the clay to make a bowl?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    Is this clay non-toxic and "food safe"?
    Community Answer
    No, you should not use food on it. It should only be for decoration.
  • Question
    When is the best time to paint the clay for the most vivid color: while still moist, or once dried?
    Community Answer
    Painting the clay when it's still moist causes the paint to soak into it, so the color will be duller than if you were to paint it when it's completely dry. However, the paint will rub off very easily if it's applied once the clay is dry, so you will have to use a varnish.
  • Question
    Will this work for creating figures or ornaments that are carved and molded?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Some statues and porcelain figurines are carved and molded from cold porcelain, so it is suitable for making utensils and other porcelain items.
  • Question
    Can I use corn meal instead of cornstarch/corn flour?
    Community Answer
    No, cornmeal is too gritty. Cornstarch is very fine and makes a smooth dough.
  • Question
    How long can I keep the unmolded clay?
    Community Answer
    If wrapped well enough, you can keep it for about 2 weeks. It's a bit harder to work with and often requires a bit more oil, but it can be done.
  • Question
    Can I use rice flour instead of cornstarch/corn flour?
    Community Answer
    You must use cornstarch or corn flour. No other type of starch or flour will do.
  • Question
    Can this be rolled with a rolling pin and then cut with cookie cutters for tree decorations?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but keep in mind that cold porcelain is not entirely food safe, so be sure to clean your rolling pin and cookie cutters thoroughly when you finish.
  • Question
    Is oil paint really advisable? Do to being oil based the sometimes toxic elements in the paint are more easily absorbed into skin. Gloves could help but won't it also mess with how the clay dries?
    Jennifer Keech
    Community Answer
    I do not recommend oil paints. I tried it with oil paints both by mixing it in as well as painting it on & did not like any of it. It stains work surfaces/hands, smelled very unpleasant & took 3-4 times longer to dry when painted on & even longer to dry when mixed in & the dried results didn't look nice. I tried using watercolor paints from the tubes, it was OK to paint on after but cracked as it dried when mixed in. Acrylic paints are the best way to color I found. Both acrylic paints from tubes & bottled paints & both ways, mixed in & painted on after. No troubles, easy cleanup, & regular, if not faster drying time & best looking end results too.
  • Question
    Can this porcelain safely be used for cooking and heating in the oven or microwave?
    Community Answer
    No, it cannot. Unfortunately, cold porcelain (despite the name) is not suitable for crockery. It will melt and soften once it's exposed to heat and water (especially hot water).
  • Question
    Would this be suitable for making a sculpture doll with a wire armature inside?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but it's not the best choice. First, I would suggest testing the technique on a small piece and letting it dry completely to see how much it shrinks. However, Fimo clay would be a better choice.
  • Question
    Can we use any other cooking oil?
    Jennifer Keech
    Community Answer
    I found that cold porcelain made with cooking oil (I've tried both canola and olive oil) went moldy much faster (3-4 months before baby oil did) and the final texture wasn't as smooth as the cold porcelain I made with baby oil. My tried & true recipe I use every time is basic: 1 cup cornstarch, 1 cup Elmer's white (PVA) glue, 2 tbs baby oil, 2 tbs white vinegar. Mix the ingredients in a saucepan. Stir over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Remove the mixture from the heat once it starts pulling away from the side of the pan. It should look similar to ricotta cheese when finished. Knead until the mixture cools.store in an airtight container.let clay rest 24 hours before use.
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