Q&A for How to Make a Superhero

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    How can I make my superhero unique?
    Lucy V. Hay
    Professional Writer
    Lucy V. Hay is a Professional Writer based in London, England. With over 20 years of industry experience, Lucy is an author, script editor, and award-winning blogger who helps other writers through writing workshops, courses, and her blog Bang2Write. Lucy is the producer of two British thrillers, and Bang2Write has appeared in the Top 100 round-ups for Writer’s Digest & The Write Life and is a UK Blog Awards Finalist and Feedspot’s #1 Screenwriting blog in the UK. She received a B.A. in Scriptwriting for Film & Television from Bournemouth University.
    Professional Writer
    Expert Answer
    The first thing I recommend doing is looking at myth, legend, and the history of the superhero, not just in comic books, but also in movies and TV. Next, try to work out what is missing from this picture. To make your superhero stand out, think about what people have never seen before.
  • Question
    Do I have to give my character a weakness?
    Community Answer
    No, but you should. If the character has no flaws, the story will get boring, because there's no real danger. Also, an important part of a story is the main character facing problems/threats and then overcoming their weaknesses to defeat the problem and grow as a person.
  • Question
    Do some superheroes have weapons?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Most heroes without powers use weapons, and ones with powers can also use them.
  • Question
    Any tips for designing a unique costume?
    Community Answer
    Take inspiration from other artists. It's okay to inspire yourself with other people's work. Try to come up with a mask that reflects the superhero's powers in a way that is unique to him, if you plan for your hero to have a mask. Avoid capes, turned up collars, and boots if you want your superhero to have a unique look.
  • Question
    Can I start the story on another planet, and not just Earth?
    Community Answer
    Of course. In your story, Earth doesn't even have to exist.
  • Question
    How can I balance between making a character overpowered and making him useless?
    Community Answer
    You could extremely overpower them as much as you want, and then give them a weakness or two to counteract almost every power, and make it possible for different sorts of people to be able to acquire or create his weakness.
  • Question
    Could my hero randomly lose powers then have to regain them by defeating an enemy with no powers?
    Jo Jo O
    Community Answer
    Of course! Most readers love seeing heroes try to fit back into their life with no powers, and then struggle to regain them.
  • Question
    Can my superhero discover her powers in the middle of the book or somewhere in the mid-beginning?
    Community Answer
    Of course, or maybe the first bit could be slowly leading up to her getting her powers. Your hero can develop however you see fit.
  • Question
    Can I make my superhero's origin story like Wonder Woman's or other superhero's but with some small changes?
    Community Answer
    It's considered plagiarizing if you make the origin story almost just like another's, only changing little details like location and names. Do not do that. Be creative and come up with something unique and interesting.
  • Question
    How do I draw my superhero design if I can't really draw?
    Community Answer
    Picture it in your head and draw it step by step.
  • Question
    How do I show romance between two vigilantes while trying to hide the romance?
    Community Answer
    Thought bubbles can show how they think and feel about each other while their actions are cold. Or, if they are a thing and they don't anyone else to know, just have private moments between them and have them act normally when they're not alone.
  • Question
    Is having a superhero with too much power a bad thing?
    Community Answer
    No, but they should still face difficult conflicts. Superman once obliterated an entire solar system by sneezing, but even he's been put in a coma once thanks to Doomsday. If you feel your character has too much power, give him or her some weaknesses and limits, or even try giving him or her a few emotional struggles so they feel human.
  • Question
    Does my superhero need to have a girlfriend or boyfriend?
    Community Answer
    No, they don't need to have a partner at all.
  • Question
    Can I make a superhero with no powers?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can if you want. Batman, Ironman and Hawkeye do not have any powers.
  • Question
    How would I get my character discovered by a company?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    First finish the stories, then contact as many publishers as it takes until one agrees to work with you.
  • Question
    I am having trouble with designing my superhero. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Make it your own. Use your favorite colors, names, animals, bugs, etc. And better yet, if you can design your hero as anime.
  • Question
    How do I come up with a good name for my superhero?
    Community Answer
    You'll find some helpful tips in the wikiHow articles Create a Super Hero and Find Unique Names for Your Characters .
  • Question
    How do I make an action comic?
    Community Answer
    Find some examples of comic paneling, then poses for fighting between two or more people. Then read LOTS of comics! Making a comic takes a lot of time and patience, so keep at it and you'll end up with something REALLY cool.
  • Question
    Could my hero's best friend become a superhero because of his friend?
    Community Answer
    This is a good idea, but you should think about how the hero's BFF got their power. Did the hero's power somehow rub off on their friend? Or maybe the hero's friend got their superpower from the same source the hero did? Just make sure you have a plan going in.
  • Question
    I have an idea for a comic. I am terrible at drawing, but I have a friend that's an artist. Should I have them draw the comic and give them credit for the illustrations?
    Community Answer
    Sure, as long as your friend is willing to do the illustrations, that should work out well.
  • Question
    Does my hero have to be human?
    Community Answer
    Nope! If you look around, there are plenty of non-human heroes out there, and no one will mind if you add another!
  • Question
    Can you fit your superhero into an already existing universe like Marvel?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what you mean by "fitting your character into an already existing universe". If you're only doing it for fun like a fanfiction, then sure. if you are planning to publish it as an official character, you'll need to get permission from Marvel first.
  • Question
    Is it true that the most popular superheroes are the less powerful?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that is very much true. Ever heard of Batman? Or Shadow Cat aka Kitty Pryde of the X-men? People will love your character because of their personality not because of their powers alone.
  • Question
    Do I have to make my superhero a human?
    Top Answerer
    Not necessarily; there are plenty of superheroes who are aliens, robots, animals, and other non-human creatures. That could be an interesting way to build your hero's powers/abilities, too. For instance, a superhero that's an animal could have heightened senses or better agility, depending on what kind of animal they are.
  • Question
    Should I make a prologue that explains why superheroes exist in my story?
    Top Answerer
    It's completely optional. A prologue explaining where superheroes/superpowers come from can be a great way to introduce what your story is about while also adding some worldbuilding.
  • Question
    Can a superhero be a kid? If so, how do you manage a kid superhero?
    Top Answerer
    Superheroes can absolutely be kids/teenagers - examples include most versions of Spider-Man, and the Parr family's children from The Incredibles. This is especially common in superhero stories that are aimed at kids, but you can have kid heroes in stories aimed at any demographic - however, kid heroes in stories for older audiences may instead be portrayed as a sidekick to the main hero. When creating a superhero who's a kid, try to think about how they balance their superhero lifestyle with parts of their everyday life, such as going to school. Do they have to keep their secret identity from their parents/family/friends, or do they also know? Consider what works best for your story.
  • Question
    Can your superhero be from space like Starfire?
    Silly Billy
    Community Answer
    Yes, a lot of superheroes are actually aliens. It's a cool idea and a nice trait.
  • Question
    How do you make your superhero's weakness?
    Silly Billy
    Community Answer
    It could be the opposite of their strengths, or it could be something silly, like "orange juice". If you want it to make sense, make sure it fits with the superhero's personality or powers.
  • Question
    Can you make a superhero that can turn into any video game character?
    Silly Billy
    Community Answer
    Your superhero can have any super-power they want! That does sound like a cool one, go for it!
  • Question
    I have created many superheroes but some of my family members and my friends think that I have copied them from Marvel and DC superheroes, what should I do?
    Silly Billy
    Community Answer
    Point out some differences between your character and the characters you were accused of copying. Try to really think if it's too similar, or consider adding or re-designing some of your character's traits.
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