Q&A for How to Prevent Hair from Frizzing After Shower

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    Do I just leave the conditioner in my hair and don’t rinse off?When it’s dried or wet?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Rinse off normal conditioner in the shower; leaving it in may make your hair brittle and dull. However, a leave-in conditioner (which is a separate product) can definitely help control frizz and you don't need to wash it out. Check the label of conditioning products to make sure it's "Leave-In Conditioner" versus normal conditioner.
  • Question
    I have fairly straight hair with some natural waves, but I've tried everything. It seems like I have very thick hair as well, any advice for me?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Leave-in products can really help control thick hair. Try a leave-in conditioner, coconut oil, or a thick styling cream, and see if that helps.
  • Question
    Should I air dry or blow dry my hair?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Air-dry your hair whenever possible. If you really need to dry it faster, use a low setting on your hairdryer or invest in an ionic hairdryer to prevent frizz.
  • Question
    Do I brush my hair after showering, if it is tangled?
    Community Answer
    Your hair is most fragile when it's wet, so dont brush when it's soaking wet. Let it dry a little, then comb it with a wide tooth comb.
  • Question
    Should I wash in cold or hot water for to treat frizzy, dry, dandruff prone hair?
    Community Answer
    Wash in warm, not hot, water to help dissolve oils. Always rinse in cool water.
  • Question
    My hair gets frizzy after I've washed it, and also it gets quite full of dandruff really easily. How shall I reduce the frizz as well as the dandruff?
    Community Answer
    If you have dandruff, try to rinse the products thoroughly. To reduce the frizziness, wash your hair with warm or cold water. Hot water will not only cause frizz, but will dull your hair and causes dry hair.
  • Question
    What can I do to prevent frizz on the top of my head?
    Community Answer
    There are many effective methods, mainly anti-frizz serums. If you don't currently have access to those, rubbing your hands through some hand lotion and moisturizer, then smoothing your fingers through the frizz has proven to be helpful. Hair milk is another option, as well as hair oils. Or else, if you're just in a rush, pulling a headband over your hair works as well!
  • Question
    How do I stop hair loss and dandruff?
    Community Answer
    Hair loss is natural for everyone. If it is becoming excessive, try using a different brush/comb. Also try brushing and washing your hair less vigorously. Use a soft pillow case - something like silk. For dandruff, use anti-dandruff shampoo about once a week.
  • Question
    How do I prevent frizz on the top of my head naturally?
    Community Answer
    Get some dry conditioner and put it on the top of your head. After a couple of seconds, comb your hair.
  • Question
    Why does my hair dry out in cold weather?
    Community Answer
    In the summer, your hair is more oily because you perspire more but in the winter your hair dries out from the lack of perspiration.
  • Question
    After I shower, my hair gets very tangled, and when I brush it, my hair comes out. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    That's normal. Many people experience hair falling out during or after the showering process. Buy a wide tooth comb and comb the conditioner through your hair when in the shower rather than combing after you get out.
  • Question
    What should I do if my hair is still frizzy after it dries?
    Community Answer
    You should put styling products in while your hair is still wet. If you've already been doing that and your hair is still drying frizzy, I recommend putting your hair in a low bun or loose braid and letting it air dry completely. This usually helps fight off the frizz while drying.
  • Question
    Can I apply coconut oil on wet hair to untangle my hair?
    Community Answer
    I don't suggest it as applying coconut oil to your hair right after showering can cause it to appear greasy depending on your hair type. I would use a conditioner and comb to untangle your hair.
  • Question
    Only part of my hair frizzes after a shower. What should I do for that?
    Community Answer
    Apply most of your hair products in that specific area. You can also try re-wetting that section with cold water after it dries frizzy.
  • Question
    Does this work for dudes too?
    Community Answer
    Of course it does, it works for all hair, light and dark, long and short, male or female. If any of these things don't work, see your hairdresser for specific help.
  • Question
    I like to brush my hair while in the shower, but after my shower my hair is extremely frizzy. Is this bad to do?
    Community Answer
    If you want to brush your hair in the shower, you should use a wide-toothed comb. If your hair is still frizzy, then you can put in extra conditioner where it's frizzy or after you are out of the shower, an anti- frizz serum (argan oil works well).
  • Question
    Do I stand in front of the freezer while my hair is wet or when it has completely dried?
    Community Answer
    When it is completely dried. If you stand in front of the freezer when your hair is wet it will freeze and damage your hair.
  • Question
    When my hair is dry and I brush it, it frizzes. How can I stop the frizzing?
    Community Answer
    Run your fingers through your hair instead, or use a wide tooth comb, or add certain oils (coconut oil, argan oil et cetera).
  • Question
    I straighten my hair every day. I want to stop, but the top of my hair is always frizzy and puffy. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    This might be because you wash your hair too often. Washing too often strips your hair of its natural oils. If you wash your hair every day, try washing every other day, or every two days. I personally have thick, wavy hair that goes a couple of inches below my shoulders and I only need to wash it once or twice a week.
  • Question
    Does diet affect hair growth?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If you want longer, stronger hair, make sure you drink plenty of water and consume plenty of food rich in protein and omega-3s.
  • Question
    What will happen if I don't use conditioner after a shower?
    Community Answer
    Your hair will be very dry and much more prone to frizziness, since shampoo strips your hair of its natural moisture, and the conditioner replenishes it.
  • Question
    How long should it take to get shampoo and conditioner out of my hair?
    Community Answer
    Shampoo rinses out faster than conditioner--maybe about 30 seconds. Conditioner may take 30 seconds to a minute to fully rinse out, but it's okay to leave a little conditioner in your hair if its on the dry side.
  • Question
    How often should I shampoo very thick hair?
    Community Answer
    It really depends. I usually tell me clients to wash when your hair needs it, when you notice oil, flaking, our your strands start to look dull. In between days you can always re-wet hair and condition. Massage the scalp is also a great way to distribute the hair's natural oils.
  • Question
    Will it attract dirt particles to my hair if I apply coconut oil after shampoo?
    Community Answer
    Not particularly, it just locks in the moisture.
  • Question
    What if I have short, wavy hair and it gets frizzy?
    Community Answer
    Add extra conditioner and try to comb the frizzy parts with a wide-toothed comb after showering.
  • Question
    When I get out the shower I brush my hair with a comb and leave it to dry, and then I add a tiny bit of oil to make my hair smooth, but it becomes frizzy, fluffy and out of control. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try combing your hair before your shower instead of after, and try a de-frizzing product if the oil is not helping.
  • Question
    What can I do to prevent frizz on my hair roots?
    Community Answer
    When I dry my hair I usually put my a hair in a soft braid until I go to sleep or just for a few hours. You can also make a bun as it doesn't make frizz.
  • Question
    How do I stop my hair from being poofy when I get out of the shower?
    Community Answer
    You can use leave in conditioner. You can also buy a bunch of products to stop frizz.
  • Question
    What can I do to prevent frizz on the lower part my hair?
    Community Answer
    Apply a conditioner to your roots after applying shampoo. Apply a hair serum when your hair is semi-dry.
  • Question
    Will dry conditioner work as well?
    Community Answer
    Yes, if you put it on after you shower and after your hair is mildly damp, not right after showering, which would damage your hair even more.
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