Q&A for How to Stay Up All Night Secretly (for Kids)

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    What if I hear fake footsteps and keep on closing my laptop?
    Community Answer
    It's okay to be paranoid! Being extra cautious is better than getting caught. You could also do something that would be easier to hide, like reading in bed on your side so that if anybody looked in it would look like you were asleep.
  • Question
    What if I have to pee?
    Community Answer
    Pee. If you run into a parent or something, just say you woke up and you had to go to the bathroom. It happens.
  • Question
    Can I turn in my "sleep" as they are walking by?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Lots of people move in their sleep, so it will seem normal to them. Don't do it super abruptly though, try to make the movement slow and casual.
  • Question
    Do I have to leave my bedroom?
    Community Answer
    No, and it's better if you don't, as you'll be less likely to get caught. This is why you should gather all of your supplies ahead of time.
  • Question
    What if my siblings have the same plan?
    Community Answer
    You can work together and find games or activities that you can all play.
  • Question
    How do I stay awake without a wet rag?
    Community Answer
    It might sound weird, but (lightly) slapping yourself can keep you awake. Drinking cold water or putting your face against something cold (like a window) will also help.
  • Question
    If a child stays up all night, what will it do to their body?
    Community Answer
    If you only do it once, it won't affect you much. You'll just be tired the next day. If you do it all the time, your health will suffer, you'll get sick easier, and it might even stunt your growth.
  • Question
    When is the best night to do it?
    Community Answer
    Do it on a Friday or Saturday so you don't have school in the morning. If you're on vacation, you can do it anytime.
  • Question
    I didn't get my snacks when I had the chance. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Be as quiet as you can, and sneak to the fridge or cabinet to get your food. Do not make a sound, alert younger siblings, or alert your pets. If there is a baby monitor, be extra careful.
  • Question
    How do I do it when my parents are very light sleepers and are in the room next to mine?
    Community Answer
    Try to get all of your supplies ready before doing it, avoid eating foods that make noise when being opened and if you are using a phone, laptop, computer or console, keep the volume to a minimum.
  • Question
    If I get too tired in bed to walk around, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Have a cold cloth next to you or bucket of ice water to splash or put on your face. Have a screen next to you to wake your eyes up, too. Or, you could just go to sleep.
  • Question
    How do I make sure I am not very tired the next day so my parents don't suspect anything?
    Community Answer
    If you don't sleep all night, you will probably be tired the next day. Just say you had trouble falling asleep or you woke up in the middle of the night because you had a nightmare and you couldn't fall back asleep.
  • Question
    Can I do flips on my bed at night?
    Community Answer
    No, I don't recommend this. It can be very loud, and you might get hurt doing it.
  • Question
    How long should I sleep the night before?
    Community Answer
    A good, full nights sleep of 9-11 hours should help you feel rested. If possible, stay up late and sleep in late to get your body used to a later sleep time.
  • Question
    What do I do if my parent wakes up while I'm sneaking around?
    Community Answer
    Say something like, “I was going to get some water” or you could just pretend you were sleepwalking.
  • Question
    What do I do if my parents catch me staying up late?
    Community Answer
    Accept any consequences. All nighters are at your own risk, after all. Remember to apologize, and if you want to do it again, be more careful.
  • Question
    My parents are extremely light sleepers. What do I do?
    Holly Dounson
    Community Answer
    Don't wander around your house, and stay put in your room. Prepare the things you will need earlier in the day.
  • Question
    Is it okay to ask my parents for permission?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but your parents will probably say no.
  • Question
    What do I do if I want to stay up all night but I get scared?
    Community Answer
    Keep reminding yourself that there is nothing to be scared of. Monsters, ghosts, etc. aren't real, and your house is just as safe as it is during the daytime. Keep a nightlight on if that helps.
  • Question
    What do I do if I sleep next to my parents?
    Community Answer
    If your parents are light sleepers, give up. But if they are heavy sleepers, try sneaking out of bed and going into a different room -- but this is risky and could get you caught.
  • Question
    What if I didn't make a map and I'm in bed already?
    Holly Dounson
    Community Answer
    You should try to see if you can stay awake without sneaking around the house. Try reading a book or using a tablet or other technology. If you know your house really well, you could still go ahead, or you could just try another night if you think it will go wrong.
  • Question
    Do we have to play with an electronic device?
    Webkinzjammer866 AJ
    Community Answer
    You do not have to play with an electronic device, that is your choice. Although, it'd keep you more occupied.
  • Question
    What if I usually go to sleep at about 8:30 and my parents go to sleep at 1:00 am? What should I do if my parents catch me?
    Community Answer
    If your parents go to sleep at 1:00 you should go under the covers, read a book or play on a phone or Kindle with the sound all the way down. Turn the brightness down, and if your parents catch you either tell the truth or say you couldn't sleep or you were getting water.
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm falling asleep while my parents are still awake?
    Community Answer
    Drink something with caffeine in it or splash some cold water on your face. If you're really sleepy, it might be better to just go to bed and try again another night.
  • Question
    What If one of my parents sleeps downstairs in the middle of the living room (due to snoring and sleep walking), and the other one is in the room next to mine?
    Community Answer
    Try to gather everything you might need in your room ahead of time so you won't have to venture out during the night. If you can't do this, just try to be extremely quiet when you sneak past your sleeping parents.
  • Question
    What if my parents always come in to check on me and they only go to bed at like 11 p.m.?
    Community Answer
    Just pretend to be asleep until after they check on you, or turn on your side away from the door and read a book, use a device, etc. If they catch you awake, just say you were having a hard time falling asleep.
  • Question
    What if your house is very small, like mine?
    Community Answer
    It shouldn't make much of a difference. Just be careful and make a map of your house like the article says, and avoid your parents' room as best as you can.
  • Question
    What if I sleep on the couch?
    Community Answer
    Find a comforter that light doesn't shine through and put it over your head. Try to stay awake until about 2:00 AM, when your parents will likely be deeply asleep.
  • Question
    What if I share a room with my younger sibling?
    Community Answer
    Get them in on it or do something like bribe them with something they don't want said, or just do something for them.
  • Question
    What if I'm afraid of the dark?
    Community Answer
    Keep a flashlight. Only use it when you need it and don't shine it around the room a lot, as someone might see this from the other side of the door.
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