Q&A for How to Take Care of a Cockatiel

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    What do I need before I bring my cockatiel home?
    Hayley Heartfield
    Bird Specialist
    Hayley Heartfield is a Bird Specialist and the Owner of About Birds, a Pet Bird Shop in Montgomery County, Texas. Hayley specializes in pet bird care, behavior, training, and breeding. Hayley studied Animal Science at Texas A&M. About Birds carries many species of birds and offers grooming and boarding services as well as bird care products.
    Bird Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Pick up a cage, food, perches, a carrying cage, and at least 3-4 different toys.
  • Question
    How can I make my cockatiel happy?
    Hayley Heartfield
    Bird Specialist
    Hayley Heartfield is a Bird Specialist and the Owner of About Birds, a Pet Bird Shop in Montgomery County, Texas. Hayley specializes in pet bird care, behavior, training, and breeding. Hayley studied Animal Science at Texas A&M. About Birds carries many species of birds and offers grooming and boarding services as well as bird care products.
    Bird Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Purchase a variety of different toys, along with different types of perches, and a swing. A play stand can also be helpful when you have playtime away from the cage.
  • Question
    Why do cockatiels make so much noise when owner is out of sight?
    Community Answer
    Your cockatiel will make noise if you leave the room because they are calling you and want you back in sight.
  • Question
    Can I take my cockatiel out into public on my shoulder (with clipped wings) without it flying off?
    Community Answer
    You should always have a leash or harness on your cockatiel when it's outside since it could be easily startled and glide away, even with clipped wings.
  • Question
    What kind of fruit can I feed a cockatiel?
    Community Answer
    You can feed it apples and sometimes bananas. Do not give your bird an entire piece of fruit at once, however -- just small pieces.
  • Question
    What bird is better for a person who has never had a pet bird before?
    Community Answer
    Anything that's smaller, like budgies, lovebirds, cockatiels, Quaker parrots, Senegal parrots, etc.
  • Question
    Is the loss of feathers around a cockatiel's eyes concerning?
    Community Answer
    Unless your cockatiel is molting, you should go and see a vet as soon as possible. The loss of feathers could mean an infection or mites.
  • Question
    What happens when the room is cold?
    Community Answer
    Cockatiels are tropical birds and should be kept away from air conditioning vents and overhead fans. Your house, or the room the bird is kept in, should not dip below 65 degrees. In some cases, a blanket may help overnight.
  • Question
    Why would my bird seem unbalanced on his feet?
    Community Answer
    This is either a symptom of age or a sickness of some kind. Take him to the vet, because cockatiels only show sickness when they are really ill.
  • Question
    Can I move my bird to a larger cage?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you should be able to move your bird to a larger cage without much concern. Your bird may sit on one particular perch for a while taking in its surroundings, but then it will start to move around.
  • Question
    What do I do if I've had a cockatiel for a week but he won't let me scratch his head?
    Community Answer
    Bonding with your bird can take time. Play games with your bird to gain his trust.
  • Question
    Is it OK to use automatic water containers if you plan on being away for a few weeks? Or should the water be changed every day?
    Community Answer
    It should be changed because it can attract harmful bacteria. Also, your bird might run out of water or food.
  • Question
    Is leaving a cockatiel for a week with someone coming in to care for him daily stressful for him?
    Community Answer
    No this is not stressful for the bird. Most cages one can remove food and water holders from the outside without disturbing the bird. Show the helper how to talk softly and calmly to the bird and discuss things to be careful about so that the helper does everything right. Give the helper your contact details in case they have questions about the care arrangements.
  • Question
    How often should I get my cockatiel's wings clipped and how much does it cost? How often should I take it to the vet for annual check ups and how much average does it cost?
    Community Answer
    You should get your cockatiel's wings trimmed every other month. It cost as low as $7. You should get your cockatiel checked about twice a year. The cost will vary.
  • Question
    Will my bird be depressed if he doesn't have another bird to interact with?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how much attention you give to the bird. You should give at least an hour of attention to your bird every day (depending on the breed). If you are worried that you won't be able to spend that much time with your bird, a second bird wouldn't be a bad idea.
  • Question
    When purchasing cockatiels, is it better to have two of the same sex, or a male and female?
    Community Answer
    It is better to get two of the same sex. If you get a male and a female, they will spend more time with each other trying to breed and may lose some of their tameness. Breeding cockateils is not a good idea, as the chicks would need to be tamed; they would also need good, loving, and caring homes.
  • Question
    Can I train my cockatiel to be a little more quiet?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Try giving him a treat whenever you tell him to be quiet and he complies.
  • Question
    How can I get my bird to be more friendly? He will not come to me or get on a stick.
    Community Answer
    You just have to work with him. If he won't step up normally, go behind his legs and make him step up backwards.
  • Question
    What can I do if the parents are only feeding one of their two babies?
    Community Answer
    Buy hand feeding formula and try to feed the others. Remove the nesting box after the babies are grown up. It could be that the birds just aren't good parents, and it would be good to prevent them from breeding (by not putting a nest box in) unless you want to hand feed again. Although, hand feeding results in a tamer bird as it gets used to humans!
  • Question
    Can cockatiels eat any human foods?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Cockatiels enjoy vegetables and fruits (make sure that you look up any fruits or vegetables that could be harmful). They also enjoy other special treats that are low in sodium and sugar, like cheerios.
  • Question
    Can I have a cockatiel if I'm still in school?
    Community Answer
    If you're still capable of providing for the bird and giving it the attention it needs every day, then yes.
  • Question
    What should I do if the parents don't keep the chick warm?
    Community Answer
    If the chick is under 1.5 weeks, and if the parents don't feed it either, make a brooder and keep the chick there. Call your local bird farm or bird breeder.
  • Question
    How do I get my cockatiel to bite his toenails off?
    Community Answer
    You don't. Take them to a vet or avian specialty store. Clippings can cost as low as US$7 for birds as small as cockatiels. You can clip them yourself but it is highly recommended that you get them done by a professional.
  • Question
    Is it okay to keep my cockatiel's cage open all of the time?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can keep the cage open as long as your windows and doors are closed and any fans you have are turned off.
  • Question
    Why does my sister's cockatiel nibble my glasses?
    Community Answer
    It's very interested in the texture and wants to find out how it tastes.
  • Question
    Is 4 to 6 weeks too young for a baby cockatiel to be sold to a fourteen year old child? She has already lost one baby at 5 weeks and now has another from the same hatching.
    Community Answer
    It isn't about age in this circumstance but responsibility. From the little revealed here, this 14 year old girl in question appears to not yet be responsible enough or prepared to care for another cockatiel. Do not compromise the health and safety of the bird unless you are willing to be its primary carer at this stage.
  • Question
    How can I bring my cockatiels to the vet if they keep biting me or running away from me and my cage is too big to carry?
    Community Answer
    Wear gloves and buy a small carrier cage (only for transport). Make the cockatiel sit on a pencil or stick and place it in the carrier cage.
  • Question
    I broke my bond with my cockatiel and have not been able to scratch him. I take him out every day, but he still won't let me touch him. Will he adjust back?
    Community Answer
    Yes. It will just take time. It is on his terms rather than yours, so it may take a bit longer. Just keep offering him treats.
  • Question
    How can I get my bird to come to my hand?
    Community Answer
    Just put your hand in their cage once in a while. Once the bird is used to it being there, it will come to it.
  • Question
    Is it bad for my cockatiels if I feed them only pellets?
    Community Answer
    You should feed them different kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.
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