Q&A for How to Teach Children Chess

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    Why are the queen and king the main pieces?
    Top Answerer
    Your king is your most important piece, because if he gets captured, you lose the game. The queen is your most powerful piece, because she can move in any straight direction any number of open squares. No other piece can do that.
  • Question
    How many squares can chess pieces move?
    Muniyat Choudhury
    Community Answer
    Pawns can only move one space forward (two spaces if it is the first time the piece moves), and can only capture diagonally. Bishops can move any number of spaces diagonally as long as there is nothing blocking it. If so, it can capture. Knights move in an L shape (2 spaces forward, backward, left, or right, then you turn for one space). Knights are the only pieces that can "jump" over spaces, so it doesn't matter if any piece is blocking its way. Rooks can move forward, backward, or side to side for any number of spaces and capture that way, too. Queens move forward, backward, side to side, and diagonally for any number of spaces. The King can move any direction but only one space at a time.
  • Question
    Is en passent is only possible to capture pawns?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. No other piece is captured that way.
  • Question
    Can a pawn take out an opponent behind it?
    Top Answerer
    No. A pawn can never move backwards.
  • Question
    What are some good apps for kids learning chess?
    Community Answer
    Play Magnus is a great one that allows the child to work their way up through levels as their gameplay gets more advanced.
  • Question
    What is a stalemate?
    Community Answer
    A stalemate, or draw, is when one of the players cannot make any legal moves and isn't in check.
  • Question
    How many squares are on a chessboard?
    Top Answerer
  • Question
    Can only the king and queen take out the opposing king or queen?
    Community Answer
    No, any piece can take out any piece if put in the right position. Even a pawn can take out a king or queen if it is in a space diagonally behind and adjacent to it.
  • Question
    What is the purpose of castling a king?
    Community Answer
    So it can switch places with the rook. This is an easy way to bring your rook out and move your king simultaneously.
  • Question
    Why is it important to keep the rook until the end of the game? Should it be kept by the king?
    Community Answer
    It is the second strongest piece. It can be kept by the king for "castling". For more information, read wikiHow's article How to Castle in Chess.
  • Question
    How can you trick someone into a stalemate when you are losing?
    FlowerPower 💖
    Community Answer
    Always think ahead and look at all your possible options. You can try sacrificing your remaining pieces at the right time if your king has no moves left, or move your king to the edge of the board for less mobility.
  • Question
    If I make deliberate blunders, won't they just start becoming too dependent on that and not improve?
    FlowerPower 💖
    Community Answer
    That's true. It's best to go easier on them in the beginning, and as they're getting stronger at chess, you can make fewer mistakes. An alternative way is to allow children to play against each other (if it's a group) or send them to tournaments to let them play with kids their age.
  • Question
    What are the letters and numbers on a chessboard for?
    Community Answer
    They are like coordinates, and tells which square is which. You read it as square letter number.
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