Q&A for How to Tell if a Dog Is Going to Attack

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    How do you tell if a dog is angry or playing?
    Indigo Will
    Professional Canine Expert
    Indigo Will is a Canine Expert, Trainer, and Founder and Owner of K9-INDIGO® Holistic Dog Training LLC™, a dog training service in Los Angeles, California. Indigo specializes in understanding canine temperament and dispositions to allow canines to reach their full potential. He has studied various methods of training and philosophies to develop a unique, innovative, and result-driven method for canine behavior training.
    Professional Canine Expert
    Expert Answer
    Pay attention to the dog's body language, since there are many signs it will display if it's being aggressive. For example, an angry dog may have raised fur, its tail may stiffen, and it may show its teeth.
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    My dog poops on my shoe. Does that mean he wants to challenge me?
    Community Answer
    No, probably not. If he wanted to challenge you, he would probably howl, snarl, and attempt to growl. If you mean challenge as in challenge in a game of tug of war or something, still no. He would bark at you, and be basically asking for attention.
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    Why does my puppy cry when I leave him alone?
    Community Answer
    All puppies do, it's nothing to be worried about. Dogs are social creatures, and he isn't used to being left alone yet. Just be sure to give him lots of love and attention when you're around.
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    I have a three-year-old Anatolian shepherd. She will sit and intensely stare, but she's never done anything aggressive. I've owned her 2 years. Need I be concerned?
    Community Answer
    I am sure you have no need to be concerned. She's probably just looking for attention.
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    When my dog and I play tug of war, she shakes her head vigorously. Is this normal?
    Community Answer
    Very normal. Is just part of pulling/playing.
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    My son's dog chased a cat outside once and killed it. Now my son is living with me and the dog keeps lunging to get my cats. Is there a way to teach it not to chase my cats?
    Guinea Piggles
    Community Answer
    Try to keep a muzzle on the dog and train it not to attack. Keep it well away from your cats until you are absolutely sure it can be with them. It is quite possible your son's dog have a high prey drive. Ask your son to maintain responsibility over the dog, such as building a confined area in the yard with a high fence that will discourage the cats from entering.
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    Our cavalier was mauled by two husky dogs and now he shows aggression and has attacked smaller dogs. How do I prevent this again and get him back to being normal?
    Guinea Piggles
    Community Answer
    Is he skittish and scared or just aggressive? Keep him away from other dogs until he can socialize with them non-aggressively. Prevention is up to you - good fences, non-contact with other dogs when your dog has no supervision from you and supervising all interactions with other dogs and your dog are some examples.
  • Question
    I'm taking care of a dog and every time we get remotely close to him (10 feet), he starts growling. Any closer and he barks at us. He stays under a table all day. How do I get him to feel comfortable?
    Community Answer
    Just leave him alone to settle in and get used to you, your family and the household routine. Try to comfort him using familiar objects or favorite toys. Do not make sudden movements or loud noises. In time, he'll become more used to you and the household.
  • Question
    I have a mixed breed and he is really polite to people and others. But when I am on my phone, he is always looking around like something is going to happen and when my grandpa is around he starts to growl?
    Community Answer
    When you are on your phone, he may feel he has not gotten attention so he is trying to make you give him more attention. As for the growling to your grandpa he is growling because he thinks your grandpa is not trustworthy or if he is growling at something else he is trying to protect your grandpa.
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    Every time I look at my dog, she always avoids eye contact with me. Should I be worried?
    Heaven Doute
    Community Answer
    No, eye contact in dog language is a sign of hostility and defiance and it shows she respects your place as alpha, this is a very good thing!
  • Question
    My puppy is always snapping and she does draw blood sometimes. Is this normal?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. Puppies are usually nippy while their teeth are erupting. She may simply be teething. Provide her with things to chew on such as bones, toys, etc.
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