Q&A for How to Understand Your Bird's Body Language

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    What if my baby lovebird is opening and closing its mouth?
    Community Answer
    Don't worry. It is most likely trying to make sounds, but is still too young.
  • Question
    How can I bond with the bird so that he won't fly away when out of his cage (without clipping his wings)?
    Community Answer
    Gently feed its favourite food from your hands. Always be gentle with the bird and don't show sudden actions. Be friendly and make it happy and satisfied -- then a special bond will be created in between you and your bird.
  • Question
    Can they die of coldness?
    Community Answer
    Yes, so keep your bird in a warm area.
  • Question
    A sparrow sitting on top of the bird feeder appears to be shivering; another sparrow hops to the ground and then flies up and appears to be either feeding him or kissing, what does this mean?
    Community Answer
    The sparrow atop the feeder is most likely a fledgling. What looks like shivering is just the baby's way of getting parent's attention. The other sparrow is going up to regurgitate food into the fledgling's mouth.
  • Question
    What do I do if my bird doesn't like my singing?
    Community Answer
    Learn to sing better.
  • Question
    How do I get my bird to eat out of my hand?
    Community Answer
    It takes time, but put some of their favorite food in your hand and just slowly put your hand in the cage. Do not force the bird to eat if they do not want to eat, take your hand out and try again the next day.
  • Question
    How can I figure out what is scaring my bird?
    Community Answer
    Consider the bird's environment first. Think about sounds, sensations (like wind from an open window) or other factors, like pets, that may be scaring the bird.
  • Question
    What does it mean if my parrot regurgitates food when I touch it?
    Community Answer
    You probably touched their stomach which is sensitive in some birds. Do not touch the bird right after he has eaten and be gentle.
  • Question
    Why is my parrot biting me so much?
    Community Answer
    Your parrot is probably biting you because he/she feels threatened or scared of something.
  • Question
    My bird keeps showing regurgitation when I give him his food. I think he wants me to feed him that way. He is 14 months old. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If it regurgitates some of the food to you, it may be a way of asking you to be its mate.
  • Question
    My bird's eye is red. Should I take it to the vet?
    Community Answer
    It would be a good idea.
  • Question
    How do I stop my bird from chirping loudly?
    Community Answer
    Talk quietly around it and make sure it's environment is quiet. Also, give it enough love.
  • Question
    Is it okay to leave my bird hungry and thirsty for a while to make it eat from my hand?
    Community Answer
    No, it is a bad idea to do this. It will take a while and a lot of patience for the bird to be comfortable eating from your hand, but you should not starve it while you are working on training the bird.
  • Question
    Can Budgies fly?
    Community Answer
    Budgies can fly.
  • Question
    What can I do to entertain my bird while I'm at school?
    Community Answer
    Provide your bird with interactive toys and items that will stimulate its mind. Go to your local pet store and find some that you think will entertain your bird.
  • Question
    Why does a canary lean forward?
    Community Answer
    It may be looking at something, or it's mating season and it's trying to get your attention.
  • Question
    One of my budgies keeps one of her eyes closed and the other open. She eats everything and is also active but she keeps on scratching her eye which she keeps shut most of the time. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    It could be the beginning of an infection. I would recommend visiting a vet.
  • Question
    How old should a guinea be before being sold?
    Community Answer
    Guinea Pigs are usually around 9 weeks old when they are put up for sale.
  • Question
    What do I do if my bird is plucking its feathers?
    Community Answer
    It might be nervous about someone or something in the room, or simply pruning itself, which is getting rid of dust and old feathers. Consult your veterinarian to make sure your bird doesn't have any parasites or an illness that might cause it to groom excessively.
  • Question
    My lovebird sleeps in my hand like that's his bed. What does this mean?
    Community Answer
    He clearly trusts you! That is a good thing; he's bonded with you and feels safe around you.
  • Question
    My pigeon fledgling is shaking/shivering. What should I do?
    The Artist Bird
    Community Answer
    Your pigeon fledging could be cold, or it's trying to get your attention. Be sure to check if the room the pigeon is in is warm enough, and don't forget to give it attention.
  • Question
    Why does my bird seem to be panting?
    Community Answer
    If your bird is panting, it could be thirsty, so ensure that it has plenty of cool, fresh water.
  • Question
    My lovebirds are screaming and flying from place to place. I know they don't sing like that, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    You should give them attention and make sure it is not hurt, because sometimes if they have a sore throat they will start tweeting strangely.
  • Question
    My finch stays only on the mirror! It seems happy, but is it possibly sick?
    Community Answer
    There are many instances of birds getting attached to their reflections. This can cause some types of mental issues. Sometimes, they even try to feed their reflections by regurgitating their food which can make them sick and dirty. You should try to get your finch to distance itself from the mirror and maybe spend more time with it.
  • Question
    My birds are always biting each other. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You should probably separate them if they can't get along.
  • Question
    What should I do if I got two budgies and after five days, they have been perched on their food containers not moving?
    Community Answer
    Your birds are just uncomfortable. Try to tempt them with millet treat from your hand.
  • Question
    What if my chipping sparrow (that's about 14 days old) starts making clicking noises?
    Community Answer
    This is normal. Hence the name- chipping sparrow.
  • Question
    I have a baby house sparrow and I don't have a heat lamp or heat pad so I have a tiny heater and it's keeping it warm. Is it safe to do so?
    Community Answer
    As long as your bird is not constantly shivering and it is able to move around.
  • Question
    I went to a pet store, and there was a bird that tucked one leg into his body. What does that mean?
    Community Answer
    That is just a bird's way of resting without sleeping or sitting down. It isn't a problem!
  • Question
    Every time I put my hand into my canary's cage, it opens its wings and its mouth. Why does it do this?
    Community Answer
    This is defensive posturing, evidence of fear. It would be best to speak softly, and avoid eye contact when you need to clean the cage or feed it. Also, minimize putting your hands in the cage, at least for now.
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