Q&A for How to Write a Letter to Grandma

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    How do I ask my grandma in a letter to come stay with me?
    Community Answer
    Don't start with that. Start with expressing what she means to you, why you appreciate her, an how she has influenced her. Then, clearly state that you wish she would come stay with you, and tell her why.
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    Should I include anything else in the letter?
    Community Answer
    Include a recent picture? Most grandmas love to see one. You could also put a dried flower in the letter if it's a kind she likes.
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    How should I introduce the problems that I'm having?
    Community Answer
    You should start by telling her that you really trust her and feel comfortable sharing deep things with her. Then, launch into what you want to share.
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    How do I write an apology letter to my grandma?
    Community Answer
    Start the letter with a greeting, and then tell her what you did (even if she already knows) and why you're sorry. Close with affection (ex. Love, [Your Name]).
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    What should I give her as a present?
    Community Answer
    The safest option is to go with something that you know she has wanted for a while. Or you could send her something that has to do with a hobby that she might have. If she plays the piano you could send her sheet music; if she paints, you could send her some new paint or paint brushes, etc.
  • Question
    Recently my grandma had her poem in the newsletter, what should I say to her?
    Community Answer
    Say congratulations and tell her something you liked about the poem.
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    How can I describe something important to my grandmother in a letter?
    Community Answer
    Speak from the heart and tell her that you are thinking about her. Also if the matter of importance is urgent, tell her what is happening. Your grandma would rather be in the know and be involved, than to not know at all. Keep in mind to only get right down to the point while doing so though. She might have a short attention span as other things that are important to her creep into her mind.
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    Should I write the letter in cursive?
    Community Answer
    That's up to you. If your cursive handwriting looks nice, you can use cursive. But if it's messy and not very legible, stick to print.
  • Question
    How can I share my problems with granny?
    Community Answer
    Ask her questions, like: "I've been struggling with this, and I need your advice." She can help. Or, if you just want to share, say, "Something that's been bothering me is this."
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