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This article is about the tool called lasso in Red Dead Redemption. The article features on its uses and how to use it.

  1. First you must start the mission "Wild Horses,Tamed Passions"
  2. First you need to find a Wild horse(Wild horse are the ones roaming around the world and have no saddle). Select your lasso with L1/Left shoulder button and right analog stick. Aim with L2(and Keep it held down) and move the cross hair until it is over a wild horse. Press the R2 button to fire(Remember you can't be to far away from the target or else it won't reach and it fail.) Once the horse is lassoed, you can walk up to the horse and press triangle to get on to the horse. This will start the horse taming mini game.
  3. You need to keep John on the horse by using the right analog stick to keep him centered. If he leans too much to the right you need to move the stick left,but not so much that it makes him lean too much to the left. If you fail by leaning to much to one side, you will fall off and you will fail to tame the horse.
  4. Lassoing people is done the same as horse except you and hold the L2 button to drag the person around even while you are on horse. You may also walk up to the lassoed victim and hogtie him by pressing Triangle or if he's already tied up you can press the circle button to let him free. You may also pick up the hogtied victim and put him on the back of your horse before you get on.(this is mainly useful for capturing bounties and robbers).
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  • Question
    When I try and catch a wild horse, it doesn't let me catch it. They just keep running away from me. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    It is very important to hold in the left trigger button (xBox) to keep the lasso around the horse's neck. Otherwise, it falls off. You can keep the lasso on by holding the trigger while dismounting your horse and walking up to the wild horse. Keep holding the trigger as you mount the wild horse.
  • Question
    How do I pick up a weapon off a dead person?
    Nolan Salzman
    Community Answer
    It will drop. Just walk over it. When you pick it up, you will get more ammo. However, you cannot get 2 of the same weapon.
  • Question
    Can I lasso a dead animal to tow back to the butcher in Red Dead Redemption?
    2026 Alexis Barajas
    Community Answer
    You can lasso and drag animal corpses to The Butcher. And you can get an extra carcass to sell by using the lasso to drag a dead animal to the butcher.
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      • While a victim is hogtied you may execute them by equipping the knife and then pressing the attack button while close to them. John will slit their throat.
      • For fun you can hogtie a woman and pick her up and put her on the train tracks and wait for a train to run her over(there will be lots of blood). After you have done this you get the achievement/trophy titled "Dastardly" or a man but won't get the achievement/trophy "Dastardly".
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