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Learn how to write emails with proper etiquette and impressive content
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Email is an important part of business communication, and we're here to help you write them like a pro. While emails aren't usually as formal as letters, it's critical to make sure they're professional and present a good image of you and your business, community, or position. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about how to write a professional email and follow business etiquette.

This article is based on an interview with our professional etiquette coach, Tami Claytor, owner of Always Appropriate Image and Etiquette Consulting. Check out the full interview here.

  • Properly address your recipient with “Dear” or “Hello” and ensure your subject line clearly states the topic of your email.
  • Keep the body of the email short and to the point and address the most important information first.
  • Thank the recipient for their time and include your full name, job title, and relevant contact information in the signature.
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  1. If your job has given you a company email address, use it for all work-related emails. If you don’t have one with your company’s domain, choosing an email address with your legal name is probably best. Avoid using your childhood email with a name like “ILoveUnicorns@domain” for example. [1]
  2. The subject line is the first thing your recipient sees upon receiving the email, so clearly state the topic and goal of your email. Be as specific as possible without becoming overly wordy. Try to keep your subject line under 60 characters and address the email’s goal in one sentence. Try things like: [2]
    • "Sales Report Update"
    • "Issue Regarding Lunch Breaks"
    • "Meeting Overview for March 12th"
  3. Follow the format of a formal written letter. Write your greeting as the first line of the email and use a professional tone throughout. If you don’t know the person you’re emailing or you have a formal professional relationship, address them with “Dear” followed by their honorific and first or last name. If you have a familiar professional relationship, you can address them with “Hello” or “Hi” instead. [3]
    • If you are composing an email to a group of recipients from whom you require a response, greet them as a group (if the number of recipients is 4 or greater) or include each of their names in the greeting. This also applies to emails with CC’s.
  4. If you’ve never met the person you’re writing to, state your name and position so they know exactly who they’re communicating with. Then, thank and acknowledge them for taking the time to read your email. This helps keep your email from seeming cold or impersonal. [4]
    • Pique your recipient’s interest by highlighting a common connection or shared experience (“We met at the annual Women as Leaders conference in Toronto last year”).
    • It's all right to skip the introduction if you're already acquainted with the person you're writing. If you’ve contacted the recipient before but you’re not sure they remember you, leave your credentials in your email signature.
    • If you are emailing someone for the first time, keep introductions brief and let them know who you are in one sentence. For example: "It was great to meet you at [X event]."
  5. When it comes to professional emails, remember your recipient is probably busy and it’s best to get to the point as quickly as possible. Include all relevant information and anything you may require from your recipients. Make sure to address the most important information first, so your recipient doesn’t miss it if they skim the email, and outline any actions or steps they need to take. [5]
    • Try an introductory sentence like "I'm writing to inform you that your membership has expired and needs to be renewed in person before you can continue receiving member benefits." You can then follow up with whatever pertinent details the recipient needs in order to take action.
    • Typically, you’ll address only one topic per email, so if you need to discuss multiple projects, send them in different emails.
  6. A call to action is a statement that directs the reader to take action. Use a call to action when you need your recipient to do something in response to the email, like providing needed information or availability for a meeting. [6]
    • For example, “It’s important that you memorize the security clearance number provided with this email” or “Please update your summer availability by the end of the month.”
  7. According to the “five sentence rule,” using exactly 5 sentences is the sweet spot for getting someone to read your email. Messages shorter than 5 sentences may come off as brisk or rude, whereas anything longer than 5 sentences puts you in danger of losing your reader’s attention. See if you can remove or condense anything in your message to shorten it to just 5 sentences. [7]
    • Of course, sometimes it’s impossible to get your message across in only 5 sentences, so don’t worry too much if you need to write a bit more. Just try to be as concise as possible.
  8. Be mindful of the language you employ to avoid confusion or misinterpretation. Don’t say anything in an email to your boss or coworkers that you wouldn't say to them in person. Always use calm, polite, and congenial language even in situations where you don't feel that way yourself. Avoid using slang and profanity and use proper capitalization (in other words, don’t write in all caps or all lowercase). [8]
  9. After stating the reason for the email and outlining any necessary action, it’s important to thank your reader and encourage them to follow up with any questions or concerns. For example, “Thank you for attending today’s meeting. I’ve attached the PowerPoint here so you can share the information with your team. Please let me know if you have any questions.” [9]
  10. To keep your email professional, end it with another thank you to your reader or a formal goodbye such as “Thank you for your consideration” or “I look forward to hearing from you.” Then, include a signature listing your name, job title, relevant contact information, and professional websites or social media. Don’t bog down your signature with unnecessary details, quotes, or graphics. [10]
    • Avoid casual closings like “Cheers” unless you are good friends with the reader, as these types of closings are less professional.
    • Ensure your signature offers the recipient all of the information they need about who you are so you don’t have to introduce yourself at length within the message.
    • To save yourself some trouble, save a custom signature in the email platform you use so that it will be displayed automatically in future messages. [11]
    • Providing links to your social media accounts like LinkedIn will give unfamiliar contacts a more complete picture of you.
    • Career expert Shannon O’Brien says one way to make your email sign-off stand out is to use positive language, especially when applying for a job and attaching a resumé. “Something I’ve used a lot,” she says, “is ‘Please see my attached resumé’ followed by ‘Thanks’ or ‘Much appreciation.’”
  11. Remember, your email reflects on both you and your company, so you want to avoid any careless mistakes like typos or misspellings. Read your email aloud to catch any errors you might have overlooked, and correct any formatting issues or sentences that need clarification. Your goal is for your email to be as simple and straightforward as possible. [12]
    • When editing, use short sentences, words, and paragraphs. This helps make the email quick and easy to read and understand. If it's possible to cut a word out, do so.
  12. Oftentimes, professional emails include attachments with additional important information, like PDFs, presentations, or spreadsheets. Ensure any and all documents have been attached so you don’t have to send a follow-up email afterward. [13]
  13. Double-check that the recipient’s name and email address are correct before sending the email. Then, if the information is urgent and it’s within regular working hours, go ahead and send it. Otherwise, schedule it for a later date or time to ensure you send it at an appropriate hour.
    • Some studies show the best times to schedule an email are at the top of the hour in the morning (10 A.M. being the best, followed by 9 A.M.) or right after lunch (at 1 P.M.) [14]
    • Consider adding the recipient’s email address after you’ve proofread to avoid accidentally sending the email before it’s completed.
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  1. 1
    Subject: Interview for the Available Position

    Dear Mateo,

    Thank you for your interest in the position with our company. Please send me a copy of your resumé and your availability for an interview next week. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards,
    Jada Booker
    Hiring Manager
  2. 2
    Subject: Meeting Follow-up and Side Project Interest

    Hi all,

    I appreciate your attendance and attention during today’s meeting. If you’re interested in participating in the side project, please respond to this email by the end of the week. I’ve attached a copy of the presentation for you all to review. Enjoy the rest of your week!

    Thank you for your consideration,
    Gita Patel
  3. 3
    Subject: Re: Meeting availability?

    Hi, Dr. Li,

    I hope your week is going well. In response to your email requesting a meeting, I have open availability between 1-4 P.M. on Wednesday and Friday. Please let me know what works best for you.

    Thank you,
    Candice Green
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  1. A professional email is an email sent in an academic or business setting. You may send one to your boss, coworkers, or a professor. Professional emails contain a clear, actionable message. [15]
  2. Digital communication is becoming more and more common. You need to know how to craft a clear and accurate message because the recipient won’t be able to read your body language and other nonverbal communication cues. Professional emails reflect both on you and your company or institution. [16]
  3. In addition to using professional emails with your boss or professor, use them when contacting individuals outside of your organization, such as clients, vendors, and partners. Send professional emails when communicating with customer service and government officials, as well as during the job application process. [17]
  4. Always include a subject line, greeting, concise body paragraph, and call to action when writing a professional email. Be sure to use an appropriate sign-off and signature, as well. [18]
  5. Use the CC or BCC field for recipients who don’t need to reply. The CC (or Carbon Copy) field allows recipients to access the information without the expectation of responding to the email. The BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) field does the same but protects recipients’ identities as others cannot see who else received the email. [19] Some examples of when to BCC include:
    • Writing a mailing list that includes people who don’t know each other
    • Sending a newsletter to a subscribers list
    • Delivering a farewell message to your colleagues
  6. Choose “Reply to Sender” if you just have a note for the original writer of the email, or choose “Reply to All” only if the information is relevant to everyone involved in the conversation. [20]
    • If you were BCC’d, you only have the option to reply to the original sender.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Do I need to put my home address and the recipient's home address at the very beginning of a cover letter email?
    Community Answer
    No, you don't. If the recipient needs your address, it should be included at the top of the cover letter.
  • Question
    How do I mention the cc:?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    In professional communication, recipients usually read the list of other recipients, both the to: and cc: fields. If the list is short, they'll read each name; if the list is long, they'll simply register 'it was sent to many people', or if applicable, look for the presence (or absence) of one or several key recipients. E.g., 'Did the boss get this?' Therefore, there is not really a need to mention who you've put in cc:.
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      • If you can say something positive about your recipient or their work, do so. Your words won't be wasted.
      • Keep introductions brief by writing them as if you were speaking face-to-face.
      • Want to get better at writing emails? Try writing your message as if it will be forwarded to the CEO. This helps you keep your tone and language consistent and professional.
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      • Be careful with the CC field. If you are emailing tons of contacts who don't know each other but all need to know the information, make sure to use the BCC field to protect their privacy.
      • Remember, anyone can print, screenshot, or forward your email to someone else. If you don’t want a written record of something you’ve said, don’t include it in an email.
      • Never send an email while angry. If you need to blow off steam, write the angry version first but don’t send it. Come back to it after you’ve calmed down to reword so your tone is appropriate. [21]

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To write a professional email, start by opening your email with a formal greeting followed by the recipient's name, like "Dear Mr. Smith." If you don't know the name of the recipient, you can open with "To whom it may concern" instead. Next, state your reason for emailing, and try to communicate everything you need to say in 5 sentences or less if possible. Then, end your email with a formal closing, like "Best regards," or "Sincerely." Finally, add your name, title, and contact information under your closing. To learn how to address a professional email, read on!

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        May 20, 2024

        "I was not aware of the five sentence rule, but through this articles I was made aware of the five sentence rule."
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