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If you’re like most Gemini women, you’re a fun-loving, quick-witted intellectual that’s curious about everything and everyone. It makes sense you’d want to pursue a Scorpio man, the mysterious and brooding bad boy of the zodiac—he’s so different from you, but that’s what makes him intriguing! Your airy charm and inquisitive nature are excellent tools for snagging this sensitive thinker’s attention and affection. Read on for a thorough list of ways to attract a Scorpio man and make yourself the object of his deep desire.


Show off your sparkling intellect.

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  1. This is good news for a Gemini gal who knows a little bit about everything! Sprinkle facts and opinions about any topic at all into your conversation with a Scorpio guy. He’ll be fascinated by the breadth of your knowledge and curious about how your brain works.
    • Cliché tricks like reading or journaling in public will catch a Scorpio’s eye. He’ll be dying to know what you’re working on.
    • Pique his curiosity by dropping a really niche stat or fun fact, like how there was a town in Alaska that had a cat as mayor for 20 years. He’ll have to find out how you knew that.
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Have deep or philosophical conversations.

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  1. He’d rather jump right into an esoteric discussion about subculture or learn about your upbringing than chat about the weather. Speak confidently about your passions and any rebellious or profound thoughts you have. His deep nature finds this kind of talk super alluring.
    • A Scorpio guy definitely doesn’t fall for the “playing dumb” type. Let your brain shine and articulate your thoughts and feelings clearly.
    • Don’t be afraid to get a little vulnerable in these chats. A Scorpio guy wants to be your emotional protector, and he’ll find a chance to fill that role attractive.
    • Spark some philosophical talk with intriguing questions like “Does technology make us more unhappy?” or “What is consciousness?” (or just start with your opinion and watch how curious he gets about you).
    • Reader Poll: We asked 610 wikiHow readers who've dated Scorpio men, and only 7% of them agreed that the best way to attract them is by being intelligent and analytical. [Take Poll] While philosophical discussions may interest your Scorpio, it’s much more important to be yourself and connect with him about things you both enjoy.

Embrace your individuality.

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  1. Putting on airs or pretending to be someone else to impress him will backfire immediately. This might be a struggle for a Gemini since they easily adapt their behavior based on who they’re around. Be your truest self around a Scorpio and whatever is special about you will rise to the surface. [1]
    • Quirky accessories or decorations, hilarious personal stories, and candid observations or opinions are great ways to show a Scorpio man who you are.
    • Bond with your Scorpio guy over anything rebellious, niche, uncommon, or subcultural you enjoy. His nonconformist nature will love it.
    • If a Scorpio man is unsure of who you really are, he might perceive you as fake—a big no-no for this deep, sensitive sign. [2]
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Flirt with sex appeal.

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  1. A Gemini woman naturally has the flirty wit and humor to charm him, but it’s important to look the part too. A little mystery is intriguing to him, so wear a sleek, form-fitting outfit that shows just a little skin to turn on your Scorpio guy (bonus points if your outfit is black). [3]
    • Whatever you wear, wear it with confidence! Sex appeal aside, a Scorpio guy loves a woman who’s sure of herself.

Pull him off to the side for alone time.

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  1. He’s drawn to your social butterfly energy but will hesitate to approach you in a big group setting. Ask him to come order a drink at the bar with you or step outside at a party so the two of you can get some 1-on-1 time away from the crowd. He’ll relish the chance to have you to himself for a moment.
    • Encourage him to approach you by sitting alone at a café or standing off to the side at a party for a minute. He’ll be more confident when there are less people around you.
    • A Scorpio guy wants all your attention and might get jealous or possessive because of your expansive social circles. [4] Show him you can balance the two to put him at ease. [5]
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Ask questions to get to know him.

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  1. Lean into your inquisitive air sign nature and try to learn more about the bad boy of the zodiac. He knows that he’s deep and rarely understood, so an effort to get to know him will mean a lot. If you can find the beauty in his dark side, he’ll be yours.
    • Lay off the personal questions if you sense he’s getting paranoid or suspicious of you. He’s very private and might get sensitive if you pry too far.
    • A quick-witted Gemini is one of the few people that can keep up with a Scorpio’s turbulent emotions. Stay curious about his feelings so he feels secure and cared for.
    • Try gentle questions that won’t force him to totally open up, like “If you could live anywhere, where would you live?” or “Who’s your favorite author of all time?”

Reveal yourself to him slowly.

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  1. Geminis generally enjoy talking about themselves (a lot), so resist the urge to tell him your whole life story right away. Instead, give him a few puzzle pieces—a few interesting facts or stories about you—that’ll make him curious to know more about you. [6]
    • Regardless of how much you tell him, make sure it’s true and not too exaggerated. He’ll be turned off by any hint of insincerity.
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Play it cool at first.

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  1. He’s a little paranoid and might think you’re up to something if you come across overly familiar or intrusive with him. Let him make the first move so he feels in control. It might take him a while to warm up to you, but if you catch his attention with a sharp look and a sparkling wit, it’s only a matter of time.
    • Patience is critical when you’re dealing with a Scorpio man. He doesn’t come to any decision lightly and will take his time to consider if it’s emotionally worth it to pursue someone.
    • As an effervescent air sign, his hesitation might seem strange to you at first. Remember that water signs like Scorpio are cautious folk and don’t want to risk any unnecessary ripples in their emotions.

Enjoy comfortable silence with him.

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  1. This doesn’t always gel with a Gemini, the chattiest sign in the zodiac. Try reading next to each other, or snuggling up and watching a compelling documentary (he’ll take a deep doc over a rom-com any day). He’ll love that you’re physically near him and appreciate the mental space to decompress.
    • When a Gemini likes someone, they’re prone to overtalking and might slip up and say inappropriate things or have Freudian slips. [7] It’s OK to slow your roll and relax in silence.
    • You’re ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Look for ways to communicate with him besides just talking—body language, a piercing gaze, or the way you grab his hand can resonate with your perceptive Scorpio man as well as words.
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Reciprocate his devoted attention.

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  1. He remembers lots of details about you, and expects the same attention and memory in return. Listen to him closely, especially when he’s talking about his emotions. If you can pick up on his feelings and secrets without him explicitly telling you, he’ll feel super validated and relaxed with you.
    • It’s hard for a Gemini to give their undivided attention to one person. Remember that your reward will be an incredibly sensitive and attentive partner in return.

Show him you’re trustworthy.

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  1. He’s naturally guarded and might be suspicious of your dualistic Gemini nature. Stand by him, keep his secrets, and be upfront and honest with him no matter what. A Scorpio guy can forgive many things, but he’ll never get over broken trust.
    • He’ll judge your trustworthiness by how you treat other people too. Avoid unnecessary gossip about others around him or he might get paranoid that you talk about him too.
    • Scorpio is a tense sign. He’ll relax around you if you can look him in the eye and be accountable and upfront. [8]
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Be 100% honest with him.

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  1. He’s very shrewd, cautious, and will comb through everything you say for traces of dishonesty. [9] Resist the Gemini urge to bend the truth or omit something to spare his feelings. He’d rather work through a problem than discover you were dishonest.
    • Scorpios are the ultimate grudge holders. Lying to him one time can damage your relationship for good.
    • If there’s something you can’t or don’t want to share with him, just say you’re not ready to talk about it. He’ll appreciate the honesty, and his curiosity about you will grow even more.

Avoid dating or flirting with other men.

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  1. If you’re involved with other men while you’re getting to know each other, his innate trust issues and need to be in control will cause him to spiral. Make sure he’s the only guy you’re seeing to prevent a huge argument (and to keep him from just walking away). [10]
    • It’s a good idea to delete your dating apps too. A suspicious Scorpio might freak out if he spots Tinder on your phone screen, even if you’re not using it.
    • A Scorpio man in love wants to be the only man you’ll ever cherish. He’ll be deeply hurt if he feels like he’s not the only man in your life.
    • Scorpio is ruled by aggressive Mars and dark Pluto which, on a bad day, means he’ll destroy your relationship if he’s angry or hurt enough. It’s definitely worth it to avoid anything that might set him off.
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Take things at his slow pace.

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  1. It can be hard for a Gemini to stick around while he mulls things over given their tendency to bounce around from suitor to suitor. Be patient and enjoy the challenge of getting to know a Scorpio man. Attempts to rush him or speed things along might end up pushing him away.
    • When he finally decides he’s ready to commit, you’ll be rewarded for your patience with a deep, thoughtful, and caring man that makes a wonderful partner.

Join the Discussion...

I'm a gemini man and I am interested in a scorpio girl at work, we flirt all the time and I've heard these signs can have a lot of chemistry, I feel pretty confident she would go out with me based on how she acts toward me, but I'm not sure what the longterm potential is between these two signs. I don't want a fling, I'd love to actually date this person for the long term, but I'm curious about potential pitfalls and would love to hear from anyone who knows anything about compatibility between these two signs. Thanks.
I'm a Scorpio woman and my relationships with Gemini men have been both my best relationships and worst relationships, with nothing in between haha. I think the connection is just so strong and electric that you're gonna end up totally in love with each other or able to hurt each other in ways that you've never been hurt before.

One of the biggest frustrations I have with Gemini men is that they can have trouble committing! Like I'd pour so much of myself into the relationship and open up to my man and then he'd string me along, and it hurt. It sounds like you are serious about dating though so hopefully this won't be a problem for you. Just make sure to communicate to your Scorpio girl that you are loyal and committed to her so she feels secure in your relationship.
My girlfriend is a scorpio and I'm a gemini and our relationship has been going strong for a couple years now. We have very different personalities but I think we work well together. I really appreciate that we're both curious and are able to have long, deep conversations with each other. And the sexual compatibility is also super intense too. It took some time for the two of us to develop a deep foundation of trust, but it was worth the work.

Expert Q&A

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      • A Scorpio man is ultimately looking for the right woman to settle down with for good. If you’re not sure you’re ready for a long term commitment, this man is probably not the one to target.
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      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about zodiac compatibility, check out our in-depth interview with Angel Eyedealism .


      1. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      2. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      3. https://365daysofpositivity.com/how-to-attract-a-scorpio-man-8-tips-that-work/
      4. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      5. https://i.thehoroscope.co/scorpio-man-and-gemini-woman-long-term-compatibility/
      6. https://horoscopes.lovetoknow.com/Male_Scorpio_Characteristics
      7. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      8. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      9. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 23 December 2021.
      1. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.

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