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Capture & keep an Aquarius man’s interest with this helpful guide
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Aquarius and Libras are known to form instant and powerful connections. If you're a Libra woman with your sights set on a special Aquarius guy, you're in luck! Your communication styles are a perfect match, and once you understand the way his mind works, you'll have him in your grasp in no time. Read on for a complete guide to attracting an Aquarius man as a Libra woman.

This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Spend time hanging out with and talking to him to make him feel comfortable around you. Aquarius men like to be friends first.
  • Stand out from the crowd by showing off your creative side. Wow him with your poetry, art, or bold sense of style.
  • Ask him about his interests to stimulate his curiosity and intellectual brain. Then, share your own but leave an air of mystery to keep him wanting more.

Work on your friendship first.

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  1. It is important to cultivate your man's friendship over time, rather than attempt to seduce him straight away. [1] Expert psychic Stina Garbis says that "Aquarians often tend to blend love and friendship. Because of this, there may not be a clear line where one ends and the other begins." [2] As a Libra, you're extremely social and great at making friends, so this will be easy for you! Spend time hanging out and getting to know him. His romantic thoughts will blossom once he realizes you're the person he feels most comfortable with. [3]
    • Do things you'd do with any other friend, even if you already have feelings for him. Send him funny things to make him laugh and focus on having fun.
    • Be there for him if he needs you. Aquarius guys often need to feel comfortable with other people before pursuing romance, and your Libra friendliness makes you an easy friend and confidante.
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Be lighthearted and positive.

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  1. He'll prefer having fun to talking about his feelings! When the time is right, he might be willing to try more emotional conversations, but at first, stay lighthearted and playful. Since Libras tend to be optimistic, your energy will enthrall him right away.
    • When you get to know him, focus on topics he'll have fun talking about. Ask him, "What are your top 3 favorite foods?" or "What is your greatest passion in life?"
    • As a Libra, you've got a charming disposition and a good grasp of your emotions. When the relationship is new, Aquarius men will want to avoid intense feelings of anger or sadness.

Show him your creative side.

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  1. Use creativity to stand out from the crowd in his eyes and show him all the ways that you can be unconventional. Being your true self is actually key to attracting him--psychic expert Stina Garbis suggests you "wear something unique, be different and edgy, as this will definitely catch his attention." Libras have a natural creative streak, so you're probably already doing something that he'll find attractive! For example:
    • If you're naturally a gifted artist, be sure to give him a taste of your art—whether you draw, paint, write or play music.
    • Creativity also extends to your personal sense of style. Dress boldly, and don't be afraid to wear clothes that aren't "trending" at the moment.
    • Try to adopt hobbies and interests that they enjoy, too! [4]
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Have stimulating conversations.

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  1. He has a lot of natural curiosity, and to capture his interest, pay attention to the topics he enjoys discussing most. [5] Engage him in conversations that challenge his brain, practice actively listening to him, and be ready with your own opinion on each topic. [6] According to expert psychic Stina Garbis, a good approach is to "show interest in his topics of interest and ask him to explain some of the ideas to you." For good measure, Stina suggests further that it can help to "let him be smarter than you" when you are first learning about him, which you can achieve by listening actively and carefully. He'll realize just how smart you are too over time!
    • Bring up something you enjoy and ask him for his thoughts. "I find the psychology behind true crime stories so fascinating! What do you think?"
    • Talk about things that he likes, too. "I saw that your favorite director made another movie recently. What did you think of it?"
    • Acknowledge your mental connection. "It's so refreshing to meet someone who reads as much as I do. I think we have a lot to talk about! 😉"

Accept his eccentricities.

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  1. Listen when he wants to share his big ideas with you. Your Aquarius has probably been looking for someone who makes an effort to understand him, even when his thoughts are eccentric. His attraction will grow when he sees that you can be that person. [7]
    • Offer him a compliment to show your appreciation. "I really love talking to you. You're so great at thinking outside the box—no one sees things the way you do."
    • Aquarius prefers to confide in Libra because of their charm and social graces, while Libra enjoys Aquarius's communication style and intelligence. Conversations about Aquarius's ideals should be easy for the two of you!
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Prove you have a social conscience.

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  1. There's a good chance that your crush has a lot of ideas on what he would like to do to make the world a better place. He'll be attracted to a Libra lady who uses her own innate sense of justice to do the same. Have long talks about the issues that matter to both of you, including political and humanitarian matters. [8]
    • For instance, say, "Did you hear about the latest news out of Europe? It would be great to discuss it with someone who knows a lot about the situation."
    • Invite him to a protest or march. He'll be proud to stand up for his beliefs with someone as politically and socially active as he is.

Maintain an air of mystery.

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  1. Drop hints that there's more to you than meets the eye and let him learn about you gradually, sharing just a few details at a time. Libras are great conversationalists; just make sure you talk about yourself in increments rather than all at once. Your Aquarius wants to take his time getting to know you, so leave him wanting more each time you see him.
    • Be general when talking about your past. "I grew up in Florida. Which obviously means I have WAY too many wacky childhood stories to tell in one day!"
    • Give him a taste of your interests without listing all of them. "I do a lot of things for fun! Lately, I've been really into drawing."
    • When texting, you could flirt a little and say, "I have the funniest story about that! I'll save it for the next time we're together, give you something to look forward to. 😉"
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Go on spontaneous adventures.

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  1. Take him on adventures that can be both spontaneous and fun for both of you. Suggest activities he hasn't yet tried, and be willing to go with the flow when he has one of his big Aquarius ideas. Try not to worry when plans change—just let it go and develop a new plan on the fly.
    • It's important not to get stuck in a routine with an Aquarius guy. You don't have to make something new every day, but your Aquarius will be smitten if you add variety here and there.
    • Lively and creative Libras also have a taste for spontaneity, so the two of you are sure to have some grand adventures together.

Be independent.

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  1. Social and friendly Libras might find the Aquarius preference for independence strange, but remember that it's not permanent. Go and see other friends when he wants to be alone, and you'll find that you can both have the space you need. It's a huge turn-on for an Aquarius guy to see that you're still your own people when you're a couple.
    • Keep putting as much effort into your relationships with friends and family as you did before dating your Aquarius. As a Libra, you've probably got a big social circle, so this should be easy!
    • Libras can be so socially inclined that they struggle to set boundaries and be independent. Allow your Aquarius guy to take the lead and teach you to be more independent.
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Give him space.

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  1. Show him that you don't mind him being independent and that you respect his need for space. Let him go off by himself or with friends without pushing to be included. He'll feel most compelled to commit to you when he feels that there is no pressure or expectation for him to do so.
    • If he's too busy with work to go on a date one week, be understanding. "No problem at all. Good luck with your presentation! Not that you need luck—you're brilliant!"
    • He might even decline hanging out because he's busy reading an exciting book. Say, "I understand! Have a great afternoon. And let me know when you're done—I'd be interested to read that, too! 😉"

Be patient with him.

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  1. Make sure your Aquarius knows that you're happy to spend time with him however you can. [9] Commitment has to be his decision; if he feels like he's being forced, he'll likely back off. Luckily, Libras can be very patient when they feel a real connection to someone.
    • Your Aquarius will get spooked if you talk about the future, so go with the flow and let your relationship unfold at its own pace.
    • You can be flirty and instigate making plans without pressuring him. Just say something like, "We should probably go on another date soon 😘," or "What does your week look like? Any room for me?"
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Learn How to Date an Aquarius Man with this Expert Series

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    Can an Aquarius man come back?
    Stina Garbis
    Psychic Astrologer
    Reverend Stina Garbis is a Psychic Astrologer and the Owner of Psychic Stina. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in providing personal and professional advice through astrology and tarot card readings. Reverend Stina has experience working with high-profile celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and CEOs. She has been featured in many publications, including Bustle, Vice, The New York Post, and Readers’ Digest and she also has a 200k+ following on TikTok. Stina holds an Ordained Minister License from The International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary.
    Psychic Astrologer
    Expert Answer
    Possibly, but don't get your hopes up. When an Aquarian reaches a decision, it's hard to get them to change their mind. Still, although this air sign is emotionally frozen, you may be able to win them back physically or sexually. For instance, if you were to go to their house and surprise them in a seductive way, it may drive an Aquarius to want to spend time with you.
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      1. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      2. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      3. https://www.amoramargo.com/en/how-to-attract-an-aquarius-man/
      4. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      5. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      6. https://astro79.com/get-aquarius-man-chase-you
      7. https://www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/aquarius-sign
      8. https://astro79.com/aquarius-libra-friendship
      9. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.

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