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Put your BitLife character on the silver screen after following this guide
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Are you trying to become an actor in BitLife? BitLife is a life simulation game where you can be anything —but with the game's update in March 2022, how you become an actor got a huge overhaul. In this article we'll teach you the most reliable way to become an actor in BitLife (without using God Mode!).

Things You Should Know

  • To access the actor career, you must have the Actor Job Pack or Boss Mode perk purchased from the BitLife Marketplace.
  • While having a high Looks score can be helpful, it's not 100% required to become an actor.
  • Start applying for jobs as an extra as soon as your character turns 18.
  1. Ideally, you want to start with a character that has a "Looks" score of at least 70. If your character has low Looks, consider re-rolling a new character. However, if you decide to play a character with low Looks, there are ways to do this once your character gets a little bit older.
    • You don't need God Mode to become an actor, but you do need to purchase the "Actor Job Pack" for $4.99 or the "Boss Mode" perk for $14.99 in the BitLife Marketplace to unlock the acting career path. [1]
  2. Progress the game until your character turns 8, then ask your parents for acting lessons. If they say no, you can try asking again whenever you age up.
    • You can ask for acting lessons by going to the Activities menu and selecting Mind & Body > Acting Lessons .
    • Attend acting lessons by going back to the Mind & Body menu and selecting Acting Lessons again. Complete at least three acting lessons per year.
  3. Progress the game until your character enters high school, then sign up for drama club. Once entering high school, you may get prompted to select an extracurricular, but if not you can do so by clicking the School menu and selecting your school's name (at the top of the list) > Activities > Drama Club .
    • If you don't get into drama club, you can try again when you age up until you graduate high school.
  4. Continue aging up until you graduate high school. You don't need to go to college to become an actor, so you can skip that to get a job right away.
  5. If your Looks aren't at least 70, there are a few things you can do to increase it. If you get a Looks boost, tap it for +16 to your Looks. Otherwise, go to the Activities menu and tap on any of the following: [2]
    • Mind & Body: Gym
    • Salon & Spa: Dye Job, Hair Stylist, Nail Salon, Waxing Salon
    • Doctor: Doctor (if you have an illness or disease)
    • Plastic Surgery: Any of the options, but a botched plastic surgery will decrease looks.
  6. Tap on Occupation > Special Careers > Actor > Extra to find a job as an extra. Take any and all extra opportunities that you find, and complete as many jobs as you can until you get a pop-up box stating you can't find any jobs as an extra.
    • You can start searching for jobs as an extra as soon as you turn 18.
  7. After you finish a number of jobs as an extra, you will get discovered by an agent who wants to hire you for a bigger acting job.
    • Once you get your first acting job, you will get the Actor achievement. [3]
  8. If your current contract is for a part in a TV show, your show can get renewed, which means you'll have a job until the show is either canceled or your contract is not renewed.
    • In the Acting menu you can get an agent that will help you find acting jobs and potentially negotiate for higher pay. This is optional, however, as you can be a successful actor without an agent.
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      • You don't need to fill your fame bar to get the "Actor" achievement, but if you want the "Famous" ribbon on your character's tombstone you'll need to maintain your character's fame through their life to avoid getting a different ribbon instead. [4]
      • Previously, you had to get a job as a voiceover actor to eventually become a full-fledged actor, but the voiceover actor career was removed with the acting career update.
      • While having a high Looks stat is helpful, you can still become an actor with a Looks stat below 70 if your acting skill is high enough.
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