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This wikiHow teaches you how to retract a bid on an eBay item, both as a buyer and as a seller. If there are fewer than 12 hours remaining in an auction, you will have to contact the seller and ask them to cancel the bid for you. You cannot cancel a bid from the eBay mobile app.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Canceling a Bid as a Buyer

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  1. Go to https://www.ebay.com/ . If you're already signed into eBay, this will open your eBay home page.
    • If you aren't signed in, click Sign in in the top-left side of the page, enter your email address (or username) and password, and click Sign in .
  2. It's a tab in the upper-left side of the page.
  3. This link is in the middle of the page.
  4. It's a blue button in the middle of the page. Clicking it opens a page with recently bid-on items.
  5. Click the item's name to select it.
  6. Click the circle button to the left of one of the following reasons: [1]
    • I entered the wrong amount. - Select this option if you bid too high or too low.
    • The description of the item changed significantly after I placed my bid. - Select this option if the item's reported condition, description, or selling terms change in a way that impacts the item's value.
    • I'm unable to contact the seller by email or phone. - If you've tried to contact the seller and you have been unsuccessful, select this option.
  7. This blue button is below the bid cancellation reason section.
  8. It's a blue button near the bottom of the page. Doing so will retract your bid.
  9. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Canceling a Bid as a Seller

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  1. Go to https://www.ebay.com/ . If you're already signed into eBay, this will open your eBay home page.
    • If you aren't signed in, click Sign in in the top-left side of the page, enter your email address (or username) and password, and click Sign in .
  2. It's a tab in the upper-right side of the page. Doing so prompts a drop-down menu.
  3. This option is near the bottom of the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the name of an item on which the bid was placed. You may have to scroll down to find your item.
  5. This number is to the right of the "eBay item number" heading that's in the top-right side of the "Description" tab. You'll need this information to direct eBay to the correct item.
  6. Click the [bid] link above the Place bid button, then find the name of the person who placed the bid that you want to cancel. You'll need this information to cancel the bid.
  7. It's in the top-left side of the page. This will take you back to the home page.
  8. It's at the bottom of the "Tools & apps" column of options that's at the bottom of the eBay home page. [2]
  9. This option is in the "Sell activities" group of options beneath the "SELL" heading.
  10. Complete the following fields:
    • Item number - Type your item's number into the field above this heading.
    • User ID of the bid you are cancelling - Type the bidder's username into the field above this heading.
    • Reason for cancellation - Enter a brief (80 or fewer characters) reason for the cancellation in the field below this heading.
  11. This will immediately cancel all bids placed on your selected item by the user in question.
  12. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Contacting a Seller

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  1. Go to https://www.ebay.com/ . If you're already signed into eBay, this will open your eBay home page.
    • If you aren't signed in, click Sign in in the top-left side of the page, enter your email address (or username) and password, and click Sign in .
  2. It's a tab in the top-right side of the page.
  3. You'll find this option near the top of the drop-down menu.
  4. Click an item on which you recently bid. You may have to scroll down to find the item.
  5. It's below the "Seller information" heading on the right side of the page. Clicking this takes you to the seller's profile page.
  6. This option is in the upper-right side of the seller's page. Doing so will open a contact page.
  7. It's in the "Didn't find the answer?" section. [3]
  8. Doing so opens a message field.
  9. Type something like "I would like to cancel my bid(s) on your item," followed by the item's name.
    • If you have a link to the item, use that instead.
    • You may have to fill out additional information depending on the seller.
  10. This will send your message. While the seller is under no obligation to cancel your bid, they will usually honor your request.
  11. Advertisement

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I remove the bid option if I want to sell my item as soon as possible?
    Community Answer
    When you list your item, you can set it as a "Buy It Now" fixed price listing.
  • Question
    If I won the auction and paid for my item, can the seller cancel my purchase?
    Community Answer
    Apparently, they can! I have had that happen. The seller didn't get the price he/she wanted, so he/she cancels the sale and relists it. It shouldn't happen, but it does.
  • Question
    Are there any fines for cancelling a transaction?
    Community Answer
    As a buyer? No. As a seller? No, but it may affect your performance rating, depending on the reason for the cancellation.
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      • If you cancel a bid due to bidding the wrong amount, you will have to go back to the item's page afterward to re-bid.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Sign into eBay.
      2. Click Help & Contact .
      3. Click How to retract a bid .
      4. Click Retract bid .
      5. Select an item.
      6. Select a reason.
      7. Click Continue .
      8. Click Retract Bid .

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      • Tracy Beales

        Apr 1, 2018

        "Very helpful and clear. Better than trying to find info on eBay!"
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