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If you’re wondering whether eastern box turtles can be pets, the answer is yes! Eastern box turtles are easy to care for and maintain, though they’re also a commitment—healthy turtles in captivity can live to 100 years. They’re excellent lifelong pets, which is why it’s so important to care for their needs, from a proper living space to a healthy diet. Read on for a comprehensive guide to caring for a pet Eastern box turtle.

Method 1
Method 1 of 5:

Choosing an Eastern Box Turtle

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  1. Turtles taken from the wild don’t make good pets because they have a harder time adjusting to captivity. Similarly, turtles from an unreliable breeder might be underfed or ill and are less likely to last when you take them home. Look online to find a trustworthy and well-reviewed turtle seller or shelter where you can purchase an Eastern box turtle. [1]
    • Shelters and rescue groups often have a wider selection because some owners aren’t able to keep the Eastern box turtle for its full lifespan, which averages 40 to 50 years but can be much longer!
    • Depending on its age, the average Eastern box turtle usually costs between $50 and $300, so budget accordingly.
    • Keeping Eastern box turtles may be illegal or require special permits in some areas. Check your local laws and guidelines to make sure you are allowed to keep an Eastern box turtle as a pet.
  2. Once you've found a turtle you like, pick it up gently using both hands. It should feel heavy in your hands, have no scratches or tears on its skin, and its shell should be hard with no visible blemishes. Check that its eyes are bright and clear, indicating a healthy turtle. If you see any discharge around the turtle’s eyes, nose, or mouth, it may be sick. [2]
    • Signs of illness may mean that the turtle won't live for very long once you take it home. This is sad, but ultimately it’s better to choose a healthy turtle so that you can care for them for a long time.
    • If many of the turtles you check look unhealthy or feel quite light, it may be a sign that the pet store or seller isn't taking good care of their turtles—and it’s time to look elsewhere for a seller.
  3. Before you purchase your new turtle, ask the seller if you can feed it a little lettuce or some insects. If they don't let you, or if the turtle doesn't eat when offered food, it may be a sign that it hasn't been fed properly or won't accept food in captivity. Ensure your turtle will eat before you take it home. [3]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 5:

Setting Up a Box Turtle Enclosure

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  1. Outdoor enclosures are best for the turtle because they mirror its natural habitat. If you have a large yard where temperatures regularly rise above 70 °F (21 °C), enclose a 4 by 4 ft (120 by 120 cm) area with a chain fence at least 18 inches (46 cm) high. Cover the top of the enclosure with wire mesh to protect the turtle from predators. [4]
    • Don’t leave your turtle in an outdoor enclosure if you live somewhere with temperatures below 60 °F (16 °C) during the cooler months.
    • Eastern box turtles love to burrow! To stop them from escaping, dig a trench around the perimeter and fill it with a single layer of bricks. Then, cover them with dirt and build the fence (or wall) above the bricks.
    • If you don't want to put up a fence , use cinder blocks or bricks to make an enclosure. Stack them around the perimeter of your space before covering the top with wire mesh to keep the turtle inside.
    • Ensure that all the plants in your yard and any lawn chemicals you might use are safe for the turtle before creating an outdoor enclosure.
  2. Create an indoor enclosure if you live somewhere with cold winters. Box turtles are cold-blooded and don’t like temperatures below 70 °F (21 °C), so buy a large plastic container , a glass turtle tank , or a wooden tortoise house to keep indoors if you need more temperature regulation. [5] The tank should be at least 3 by 1 ft (91 by 30 cm). Turtles like to roam, so the more space your turtle has, the better!
    • The tank's walls should be at least 12 inches (30 cm) high, but you don’t need a lid to keep the turtle inside since it’s safe indoors.
    • Glass tanks are a common choice, but it’s a good idea to cover the sides with paper if you get one. If your turtle can see outside the glass, it may try to escape and become distressed.
  3. Cold-blooded reptiles like the box turtle need to bask in warm light to regulate their body temperature. Place a heat lamp for reptiles over one end of your indoor enclosure, or ensure there’s enough natural sunlight in an outdoor enclosure to keep one side of the tank around 85 °F (29 °C) during the day. [6]
    • Natural light is the best source of UVB (Ultraviolet B) and UVA (Ultraviolet A) rays, which your turtle needs to stay healthy. If you invest in a heat lamp, ensure it emits UVB and UVA rays and keep it on for 12 to 14 hours daily.
    • The UV lamp should be placed within 12 inches of your turtle.
    • Replace the lightbulbs in your heat lamp every 6 months, as their UV emission gets lower with time and use, and no longer enough for your turtle. Write down the date on the bulb or make a note in your calendar.
  4. Give your turtle an area away from direct heat where they can cool down to prevent them from overheating. Plant some small trees or leafy foliage over half of an outdoor enclosure to protect it from the sun, or position the heat lamp so that it only covers half of an indoor enclosure. [7]
    • Install thermometers on each end of the enclosure to ensure the temperatures are in the right range at all times.
    • Though turtles can tolerate slightly lower temperatures at night, it’s best to keep the temperature above 60 °F (16 °C) and bring the turtle inside if the outdoor temperature drops.
  5. Your turtle will burrow into the ground to help regulate its temperature or get privacy. Put down a layer of substrate (simply put, a base layer) at least 2 inches (5.1 cm) deep across the floor of the enclosure to help the turtle burrow. Choose from wood chip mulch , substrate pellets , or terrarium moss to make your substrate layer. [8]
    • In a larger outdoor enclosure, you can set up a smaller area designed for burrowing. Cover around half of the shaded area of your enclosure with a substrate to give your turtle a cool spot to dig in.
    • Don't use gravel, sand, potting soil, cat litter, or anything else particularly gritty as a substrate. Your turtle may end up ingesting it and become ill as a result.
  6. Eastern box turtles need water for drinking and soaking in. Place a large saucer no more than 1 in (2.5 cm) deep in your turtle's enclosure and fill it with filtered, bottled, or treated water free from chlorine. Position the water away from a direct heat source to keep it fresh and cool for your turtle. [9]
    • Chlorine, which is found in most tap water, can be harmful to turtles. Use filtered or bottled water, or treat tap water with a water conditioner (available at your local pet store) to neutralize the chlorine.
  7. Add some decorations to the enclosure to make your turtle feel more at home and give it privacy. Place 1 or 2 large hollow reptile logs and some reptile habitat plants in the enclosure, along with a large, flat terrarium rock in the warmer section that your turtle can use to bask in the heat. [10]
    • Make sure any decorations you add sit sturdily on the ground and don’t fall over if nudged.
    • Only use flat rocks in the enclosure. Your turtle will climb on the rocks no matter what, and rocks that are too tall may cause your turtle to fall and hurt itself.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 5:

Eastern Box Turtle Diet and Feeding

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  1. Because they’re quite small, typically only growing between 5 inches (13 cm) to 7 inches (18 cm) long, Eastern box turtles only need to eat once every day. Pick a time you can feed them daily; the morning is your best choice since turtles are most active then, but any time of day will work so long as you do it consistently. [11]
    • Consult your veterinarian to find out exactly how much your turtle should eat daily since the amount varies based on their age and size.
    • Feed your turtle by either dropping food in front of it in the enclosure or by holding the turtle in one hand and feeding it with the other.
  2. Feed your turtle a mix of animal protein in the form of crickets, earthworms, slugs, mealworms, and grasshoppers. Serve them a variety of plant matter, including lettuce, kale, spinach, clover, and collard greens. Box turtles also tend to enjoy brightly-colored vegetables like carrots, squash, bell peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes. [12]
    • Purchase feeder insects at your local pet store.
    • Cut up hard vegetables into small pieces that your turtle can easily eat.
    • Some turtles enjoy being fed, whereas others prefer hunting for their food. Try both methods of feeding to see which one your turtle enjoys more!
  3. Turtles love sweet fruits but shouldn’t eat them as much as veggies because of the high sugar levels—roughly 10% of the plant matter you prepare for your turtle's meal should be fruit. Give your turtle fruits like strawberries, apples, bananas, grapes, blueberries, raspberries, cantaloupe, kiwis, and mangoes. [13]
    • Chop tough or hard fruits into small, bite-sized pieces for your turtle.
    • It might take some experimentation to find a treat that your turtle enjoys. Try different types of berries and fruits until you find something they love.
  4. While turtles get calcium from their diet, adding supplements keeps their shell strong and healthy. Purchase a calcium supplement for turtles that doesn't contain phosphorous or vitamin D3, and sprinkle a small pinch over your turtle's food. [14]
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Method 4
Method 4 of 5:

Eastern Box Turtle Behavior and Handling

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  1. Keep your fingers under the bottom shell and your thumbs resting on the top shell so you can hold the turtle carefully but firmly. Box turtles typically don’t like being handled, so while it’s necessary to handle your turtle sometimes, ensure you’re holding it properly to keep the turtle as comfortable as possible. [15]
    • Wash your hands before and after handling your turtle to protect yourself from Salmonella.
    • Check to see if your turtle is sleeping or eating before picking them up, as it’s best not to interrupt them.
    • Behaviorally, box turtles are more shy than aggressive. If you see your turtle retreat fully into its shell, that’s a sign of stress. Give the turtle plenty of hiding spots around the enclosure to help them feel less exposed.
  2. Although they initially don’t like being handled, frequent interactions with your box turtle will help them feel more comfortable around you, even when you pick them up. Gently handle your box turtle regularly, especially during feeding time, and offer the turtle a bit of food to help lower their stress levels before picking them up. [16]
    • Once turtles become comfortable around their human (you), they can actually be quite social! After regular interactions, they might start recognizing your face and voice when you visit.
  3. While toys may not seem important for a slow little box turtle, they can really improve the turtle’s quality of life. Toys are another valuable form of enrichment and keep the turtle entertained! Give your turtle toys like a plastic ping pong ball , a moss ball , a floating bath toy , or a treat ball for turtles stuffed with leafy greens.
    • Turtles can push around a ball for stimulation. Plus, a treat ball can help pique their interest during feeding time.
    • Don’t give your turtle anything small enough to accidentally swallow (unless it’s safe and edible, like moss balls).
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Method 5
Method 5 of 5:

Keeping Your Box Turtle Healthy

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  1. Eastern box turtles are considered exotic animals, so find a veterinarian specializing in turtle care—most run-of-the-mill veterinarian offices mainly care for cats, dogs, and other common pets. Look online for a vet with experience treating exotic animals or turtles and set up yearly check-ups for your pet. [17]
    • Yearly check-ups can give you peace of mind and ensure your turtle is happy and healthy throughout life. Your veterinarian can also give you extra advice on caring for your turtle!
  2. Take your turtle to the veterinarian if they stop eating, have swollen eyelids, get red spots or dry skin, develop abnormal or smelly spots on their shell, or seem to be acting differently. Respiratory infections, shell rot, and ulcers are all common problems associated with a poor diet or dirty living space.
    • If your turtle lives outside, it could also be at risk for gastrointestinal parasites. Signs include a poor appetite and off-colored excrement.
  3. Eastern box turtles thrive in humid environments, so maintain humidity levels between 70% and 80% in your turtle’s enclosure. Do this by manually misting the enclosure with clean water or installing an automatic fogger in the enclosure to keep it humid for you. [18]
    • If you want to know exactly how humid the enclosure is, purchase and install a tank hydrometer .
    • Only use filtered, bottled, or treated, chlorine-free water to mist the enclosure.
  4. Since your turtle spends a lot of time in the water, it’ll get dirty fast. Toss out the dirty water, scrub the water dish, and refill it with fresh filtered, bottled, or treated water daily to ensure your turtle always has clean water. Clean the dish with only water and a brush, as soap residue irritates your turtle.
    • If you keep multiple turtles, you may need to change the water more frequently to ensure it stays clean.
  5. While you don't need to clean out the entire enclosure daily, do a small spot clean every day to get rid of excrement in the enclosure. Check-in every morning and scoop out any waste you see before disposing of it. A clean enclosure decreases the chance of your turtle getting sick and keeps it happier!
    • If you notice your turtle's droppings become a white or grey color, it may be a sign that the turtle is ill. Take it to a vet as soon as possible for a checkup.
  6. Clean out the entire tank every 2 to 3 weeks. Start by removing all of the substrate material in the enclosure and disposing of it. Then, take out all the decorations and rinse them thoroughly with water. Lay down a fresh substrate layer and let the decorations dry before returning them to the enclosure.
    • To ensure you don’t miss a cleaning, pick a designated day every couple of weeks that you can set aside to clean your turtle's enclosure.
  7. Keep your turtle safe, warm, and healthy during hibernation . If you live in a cold area or expose your turtle to cold weather, they may want to hibernate for 3 to 4 months. Bring your turtle to the veterinarian to ensure that they’re healthy enough to hibernate. Give your turtle plenty of substrate to burrow under, keeping them warm while they hibernate. [19]
    • Feed your turtle a healthy, vitamin and fiber-rich diet in the summer months with enough nutrients to carry them through hibernation.
    • Your vet may encourage you to keep the turtle inside and in a temperature-regulated area to keep them from hibernating if they’re not equipped for hibernation.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How can you tell the age of an Eastern box turtle?
    Audra Barrios
    Marine Biologist & Reptile Specialist
    Audra Barrios is a Marine Biologist and owner of Lick Your Eyeballs, a business offering experiemces, reptiles, supplies and plants. With over 15 years of experience, Audra specializes in reptiles and exotic animals, environmental education, marine biology, conservation issues, and animal husbandry. Audra earned a BASc in Marine Biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and studied Natural Sciences at the College of Marin. She is the founder and Executive Director of Things That Creep, a non-profit dedicated to herptile conservation through education. She has spent the last nine years working as a biologist at the California Academy of Sciences.
    Marine Biologist & Reptile Specialist
    Expert Answer
    If the turtle is a baby or one to five years old, you can make a guess based on its size. Keep in mind, however, that while in optimal conditions a turtle might be full grown in five years, it might still be very small if it didn't get enough heat or food. For a full grown turtle, there is no good way to tell the age, unless you know when it came out of its egg.
  • Question
    How long cat Eastern box turtles live for and how big can they get?
    Community Answer
    Staying small in size, most range from 4.5 to 6 inches, but occasionally reach over 7 inches. In captivity, box turtles are known to live over 100 years, but in the wild, often live much shorter lives due to disease and predication.
  • Question
    Can I turn a wild box turtle into a pet?
    Community Answer
    If you live in an area in which they naturally live in the wild, I wouldn't recommend keeping it. If you still decide to, make sure it can roam freely in a garden. Don't take it inside, and since it's a wild animal, wash your hands before and after interacting with it.
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      Tips & Warnings

      • If your turtle won't eat, soak it in water for a few minutes before trying again.
      • If you want to keep multiple turtles in the same enclosure, avoid keeping more than 2 males. They will be very aggressive and may fight each other. For the best results, keep 1 male and 2 or 3 female turtles in the same enclosure.
      • Keeping Eastern box turtles may be illegal or require special permits in some areas. Check your local laws and guidelines to make sure you are allowed to keep an Eastern box turtle as a pet.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To care for an eastern box turtle, keep it in an outdoor enclosure if you live in a climate that's regularly over 60 degrees Fahrenheit, or keep it in an indoor glass tank that holds at least 20 gallons if it's too cold for an outdoor habitat. Either way, make one half of the enclosure warm using the sun or a heat lamp, and keep the other half cool using shade. To feed your box turtle, give it a mix of animal protein and plants once a day, as well as occasional fruits and berries. For more tips on how to keep your eastern box turtle happy and healthy, scroll down!

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      • Christie Busby

        May 12, 2020

        "At first when my son wanted a box turtle he didn't know what to really do. This article was a lot of help in ..." more
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