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Did you know that tortoises have been on the planet for over 55 million years? They’re also some of the longest living animals on Earth—some tortoises have been known to live to be over 150 years old! [1] Tortoises can make wonderful, rewarding pets as long as you’re committed to caring for them for the long-haul. In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about caring for your pet tortoise, from feeding them to handling them to providing the right type of shelter. Keep reading to learn how to keep your tortoise happy and healthy.

Part 1
Part 1 of 5:

Choosing Your Tortoise

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  1. Tortoises come in many varieties, and there are many factors to consider when it comes to choosing one, from the way you want your tortoise to look, the environment your tortoise prefers, and how much money you want to "shell out" on this shelled creature. Any type of tortoise you choose will make a wonderful pet for your family, once you commit to caring for this particular species. Some of the more common species of tortoises include the Sulcata, Leopard, Redfoot, Yellowfoot, Greek, Russian, Hermanns, and Indian Star. Here are some things you need to know about choosing a tortoise: [2]
    • Though the tortoise you bring home may be small and cute initially, some species of tortoises can grow over two feet in length after 5-10 years of care. If you're really committed to having one for a long time, try not to get caught in their appearance, and consider what species best suit your lifestyle, financial income, surroundings and whether or not you're able to provide the required care of that specific species.
  2. It's important to purchase your tortoise from a seller that you respect, who has a history of making a successful sale and who can promise that you have been given the tortoise under healthy conditions. Avoid getting your creature at a reptile show, because this may make it likely that you won't be able to get in touch with the seller again after buying a tortoise, so there's no way he or she can check up on how you're caring for your tortoise.
    • Find a seller who prides themself in customer service, whether you are going to a pet store or finding your creature online. If your seller says that he or she will be easy to contact after the sale is made, then it's more likely that you are making a solid transaction.
    • There are some legal restrictions on keeping or breeding some tortoises, especially Mediterranean breeds. If this is the case for the tortoise you want, then make sure the seller has a certificate from C.I.T.E.S. (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). [3]
  3. If you're only around to take care of your tortoise for a year or two before you want to jump ship, then it may not be the ideal pet for you. Tortoises can live between 30~100 years, which means that your lovely pet may live longer than you. Don't let this scare you, though; just make sure you get a pet tortoise when you live in a stable environment and know you can find someone to take care of your tortoise if you have to move or leave.
    • You don't have to be settled in one place for 50 years, but you should be prepared for many years of care for the new addition to your home.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 5:

Nourishing and Handling Your Tortoise

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  1. The type of food your tortoise eats will largely depend on the species of tortoise you've chosen. It's important to ask the source where you got the tortoise what you should make a part of its staple diet. In general, though, most tortoises eat mixed leafy greens, such as a typical "spring mix" you can find at any grocery store. When tortoises are babies, they need to eat softer or crispier foods, because their tiny jaws will find it hard to tear apart harder foods. Tortoises can eat most vegetables, such as broccoli, green beans, or kale, especially if you mix them in with the mixed greens, but it's important to know what your type of tortoise needs.
    • Your tortoise may need supplements to make sure that he or she grows healthy and strong. The supplements must have Calcium and a some Vitamin A, Vitamin D3 should be offered too if the tortoise is kept indoors without UV light.
    • Some tortoises prefer dandelion leaves, celery, lettuce, and sometimes fruit.
  2. It's important that your tortoise has enough water to stay hydrated and healthy. You can just pour some water in a shallow tray or saucer and sink it into the floor of the enclosure so that your tortoise can't flip it over. It should be shallow enough so that your tortoise can easily stand in it and can place its head in the water without being completely submerged. [4]
    • Replace the water daily. Your tortoise should have its own bowl of water, whether it is outdoors or indoors.
  3. Never drop a tortoise; if their shell breaks, they might die from an infection. Though you may be dying to hold your pet tortoise, you should try to take it easy on holding it, or letting others hold it. This can be stressful for your favorite creature.
    • If there are small children around, explain to them that it would be better if they would admire it through observation and contact is only necessary during care.
  4. Tortoises need to stay hydrated, especially when they are young. When you first bring home your tortoise, you should soak it in water a few times a week, so it feels fully hydrated, making sure to keep its head above water. Usually, after a tortoise is good and soaked, The tortoise will almost immediately begin to drink it. This will be a sign that everything is running smoothly. Remember that more isn't always more when it comes to soaking your tortoise. Every other day at most should be just fine. The water temperature should be about a baby bath temperature.
  5. Ideally, you should provide some outdoor shelter for your tortoise. Some people believe that it's inhumane to care for a tortoise only indoors. If you're really committed to having one, you should be prepared to have some outdoor shelter for it, unless it's a smaller tortoise or a variety that is really able to just stay indoors. If you're committed to having an indoor tortoise only, then you should do your research and pick a species that can handle this. [5]
    • You can also mix and match, keeping your tortoise indoors for the colder months and letting it roam outdoors during the warmer months. You should be prepared for both types of housing to keep it healthy and happy.
    • See the sections below for learning the proper care for your tortoise, whether it is an outdoor or an indoor creature.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 5:

Caring for a Tortoise in an Indoor Shelter

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  1. If you want to house your tortoise indoors, then you have to think about what kind of an enclosure you want, whether it's a glass aquarium or a terrarium. Just keep in mind that you should have at least 3 square feet available for a baby tortoise. A 10–20 gallon (37.9–75.7 L) tank can work for a baby, but it will outgrow it pretty soon, and you'll need to make sure your creature has enough room to grow.
    • You can use glass, but tortoises get frustrated because they try to walk through the glass. You can tape paper to the outside of the tank to keep them from getting confused.
    • You can also use a plastic sweater box or a cement mixing tub for a baby tortoise. They have the bonus of having foggy sides that won't frustrate tortoises as much as glass.
    • The enclosure should be high enough so that the tortoise won't escape.
  2. If your tortoise is outdoors, then you don't need to worry about him or her having enough light. But if your favorite creature is indoors, then you'll need to make sure your tortoise gets enough light, and therefore Vitamin D, to be healthy. Here are some things to consider as you find proper lighting for your tortoise: [6]
    • You should either use a desk lamp, which should have at least 100W of power for heating, and another UV light for your tortoise to bask in, or even a single mercury-vapor lamp to provide your critter with both heat and UV light.
    • The lamp's temperature should be between 30–35 °C (86–95 °F), but this changes, depending on the species.
    • Make sure you position the lamp correctly so your tortoise is able to soak up the heat and cool down at separate parts of their enclosure.
    • Not only is providing your tortoise with heat and UV light essential to his or her health, but it's also helpful for your creature's happiness. They actually love basking in the light!
  3. The substrate will cover the floor of your tortoise's environment and will need to have proper composition to ensure the health and safety of your tortoise. The most important thing, whether your tortoise is outdoors or indoors, is to make sure that it is not overly moist, or your tortoise will be prone to infection if they get cuts or unhealed skin from over shedding. The substrate depends on the species of tortoise you have. Here are some things to consider: [7]
    • If your creature needs mid to high humidity, then your substrate needs to be able to hold moisture well. It should include things like coconut coir, sphagnum moss, or peat moss, in this case.
    • If your creature needs a more dry climate, then the substrate should include dry coconut coir, grass clippings.
    • Avoid using sand in the substrate, because tortoises may eat it and cause great harm to themselves.
    • When your tortoise is outdoors, the substrate doesn't matter as much, as the natural environment should be suitable. You can add some peat moss to the environment, for additional stimulation. Just make sure that anything you add to the substrate is free of chemicals or pesticides.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 5:

Caring for Your Tortoise Outdoors

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  1. Having your tortoise outdoors during normal temperatures is ideal for your creature. However, you can't just let your tortoise do whatever it wants in your yard. Instead, you'll need to have an escape-proof barrier so that the tortoise remains in the perimeter. You can use concrete bricks that are mortared together or painted or sealed wood walls.
    • Your tortoise might try to burrow under or dig in to the corners of their enclosure, so it should be nice and secure. If your tortoise burrows, you can add a wire mesh below the surface of the barrier to keep your tortoise safe.
    • Tortoises really don't do well in the cold, so unless they're kept indoors the whole time, you'll have to prepare to temporarily bring your tortoise indoors if where you live can get below 60°F/15°C during its coldest months. If you live in a very hot climate and want to keep the tortoise outside, this will be easier, but always have shade available especially over moistened areas or water source(s).
  2. You'll need some kind of shelter for your tortoise to make it feel safe, and to provide some shelter from the heat, the rain, or other elements that may be in the way. You want to keep your tortoise nice and warm and to keep it from overheating as well. Ideally, you should make a hut for your creature, which will be where the tortoise sleeps and weathers the climates. You can make it out of wood and cover it with a few inches of soil, as well as a heating element for the cold weather, if needed.
    • First, just dig a large hole. You can place a plywood barrier inside the floor.
    • Add a top to the hide box to shelter your tortoise.
    • Cover the shelter with dirt and soil.
  3. You should keep an adequate amount of plants around for your outdoor tortoise so that he or she can eat and feel secure throughout the day. Look into the diet of your tortoise to see which plants are and are not toxic. In general, many tortoises will eat broadleaf weeds such as dandelions, any grasses, or clover.
    • Live plants can also help control Ammonia and Nitrates in the soil, which reduces the frequency of substrate changes in indoor enclosures.
  4. Your tortoise should have an exciting environment to keep it active and busy. You can add some clump grasses to help your tortoise burrow, as well as to allow for some shade. You can add a few boulders to give your creature some privacy, as long as they aren't too steep. You can also add some small trees for shade and shelter and just for the environment to look nice.
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Part 5
Part 5 of 5:

Keeping Your Tortoise Healthy

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  1. If you're taking care of your tortoise outdoors, then you will have to take precautions to make sure it is safe from other predators, such as cats. If you have a dog, never allow it to be near the tortoise; even the gentlest dogs have been shown to attack tortoises without warning. Though it's impossible to keep your tortoise completely safe from birds, foxes, or other predatory creatures, try to keep it as protected as you can by having lots of shelter and places for your tortoise to hide, keeping its enclosure intact, and keeping an eye on the outside environment. [8]
    • Some people recommend that you line a juvenile tortoise's home with wire mesh to protect it from pesky creatures.
  2. Many people think that something is wrong with a tortoise's eyes if it begins to keep them shut. In fact, this is rarely serious. If a tortoise keeps its eyes shut, soak it in a bit of water and cover up its shelter a bit to make the environment more moist if housed indoors. If this is a chronic problem, it could be a sign of an infection, but it's usually external, try applying a water+salt solution into its eyes 1-2 times daily until they're able to open them, then feed them small amounts of Spinach as a source of Vitamin A once every other day, the most common causes are Vitamin A deficiency and dehydration. If symptoms persist for over a week with home treatment, visit a veterinarian who specialises in reptiles.
  3. Though it's normal for baby tortoises to sleep for most of the day, if your critter is just completely inactive, then you have to start troubleshooting to locate the source of the problem. Here are some reasons why your creature may not be so active:
    • The most common reason is that your tortoise is too cold. Make sure that its enclosure is in a warm place relative to their environment.
    • If your tortoise is indoors, then make sure he or she get enough light in general. Brighter lights help keep it active.
    • Make sure your baby tortoise is getting a regular soaking throughout the day. One reason your tortoise may be inactive is because they might not be properly hydrated.
    • Try to minimalize handling, as stress could cause inactivity.
    • Make sure your tortoise is getting a balanced diet. Check to see that your mix of green veggies, and/or supplements is providing everything your tortoise needs.
  4. If your tortoise develops a soft shell, then it's likely because they're not getting enough light and Calcium. This is a rare condition for outdoor tortoises, but it can happen to indoor tortoises because it can be harder for them to have access to a steady light source. If your indoor tortoise has a soft shell, make sure that he or she is at least 8-10" from the UV light source, and that the bulb is changed after at least 9 to 12 months to remain fresh and active.
  5. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling your tortoise, as they can spread Salmonella.
    • Not only for reptiles, but you should wash hands after handling your pet.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    My tortoise keeps retreating to a corner of the room. Why?
    Community Answer
    If a heat lamp was situated above a corner, it might be basking. Although, if the lamp(s) was above the center, the area may be too hot for the tortoise, which drives it away from the middle into the corner. When a tortoise is stressed or tired but doesn't have enough hiding places or even a deep enough substrate in which to burrow, they have a tendency to scoot into one side of an enclosure for security.
  • Question
    How can I stop my tortoise's shell from caving in?
    Community Answer
    Your tortoise's shell won't cave in if it has the right diet. Low protein, high fiber and lots of calcium should keep it healthy.
  • Question
    When soaking the tortoise, should I use hot or cold water?
    Community Answer
    Neither. The water has to be warm, to stimulate his metabolism and encourage drinking.
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      • Some tortoises (like Russians) are frequently caught from the wild. This can stress them out and traumatize them. Don't support this! Captivity-bred ones are cheaper and better.
      • Watch out for the oxalate content in their greens. Whenever a tortoise ingests oxalic acid along with calcium, it renders some of the calcium indigestible, which then exits the tortoise as uric acid. Too much oxalate in certain greens can cause uric acid to accumulate faster than the tortoise could excrete, resulting in a bladder stone. It could also cause calcium deficiency if there are relatively more oxalate.
      • Don't drop your tortoise, they can get a fatal infection if their shell gets broken.
      • If you don't give your tortoise Calcium supplements, it makes it more important to understand the Calcium:Phosphorus ratio in their food to better ensure proper shell development.

      Things You'll Need

      • A large enough enclosure.
      • Lamps that emit heat and UV light. (For indoor enclosures)
      • Well-balanced foods.
      • Water to soak/bathe the tortoise, to maintain their enclosure's humidity and to keep the substrate underneath moist.
      • Hiding/sleeping place(s) for them.
      • A water dish.
      • Substrate.

      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about caring for reptiles, check out our in-depth interview with Anthony Menendez .

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To care for a tortoise, feed the tortoise a diet of leafy greens mixed with other vegetables, and sometimes fruit. Make sure the tortoise always has access to water for drinking and soaking. If possible, create an outdoor enclosure for the tortoise to enjoy good weather in addition to an indoor enclosure in case of bad weather. For your indoor enclosure, include a light to keep the tortoise warm and a mossy substrate to crawl on. Always handle your tortoise with care! For tips on creating an outdoor enclosure and keeping your tortoise healthy, read on!

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      • Maddie

        Jul 9, 2017

        "Thank you very much for this article! I am a pupil at a school which has just bought a tortoise, and I've been ..." more
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