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An Apple iPod Nano requires charging after 8 to 12 hours of battery use. You can connect it to your computer or to an outlet through an adaptor to charge it.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Charging With a Computer

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  1. The cable is included with purchase of an iPod Nano. If you lose your iPod charging cable, you can purchase a cable at Apple.com or you can purchase a generic cable at most tech or office supply stores.
    • First through third generation iPod Nano models may have arrived with a Firewire cable, which can also be used to charge your iPod. Your computer must have a Firewire port with more than 4 pins.
  2. The computer must have a free USB port.
  3. Make sure the USB port is directly connected to your computer. A USB port in a removable keyboard will not power the iPod.
    • You can use a USB hub to charge your iPod. This device is similar to a power strip. It plugs into your USB port and gives you several more USB port on which you can connect cables or flash drives.
  4. Fully charging an iPod battery takes 4 hours. Charging it to 80 percent takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes.
    • Your iPod will stop charging if the computer goes into standby mode or is turned off. Keep the top open on your laptop computer, to keep it active longer. [1]
  5. iTunes will pop up when you plug in your iPod. You will have the option to sync the iPod or download updates.
    • If you have set your iPod Nano to automatically update or sync when it is plugged into the computer, it will do so now.
    • If your iPod is set to automatically sync and you do not want it to, you may want to use the power adaptor method of charging.
  6. When it is charging it may say “Charging, please wait.” [2] Press the eject button on the left side of your iTunes program to safely eject the device when it is charged.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Charging With a Power Adaptor

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  1. This is a plug with an inlaid USB port. It fits a standard 2-pronged outlet and is compatible with your Apple USB charging cord. [3]
    • You can also find generic USB power adaptors online or in technology stores.
  2. You can also plug it into a power strip.
  3. It should say “Charging, please wait.” If it does not appear to be charging, it may be improperly connected to an outlet.
  4. Apple reports that you do not need to empty the battery and charge it all the way to preserve good battery function. Lithium batteries do not require this the way nickel-cadmium batteries do.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I charge my iPod Nano?
    Community Answer
    Plug in the skinny side of the iPod Nano, then find a USB port and plug the other end there.
  • Question
    What do I do if my iPod won't hold a battery charge anymore?
    Community Answer
    If your iPod is no longer holding a charge then you need to check the Apple website for iPod FAQs, or create a Genius Bar appointment at your nearest Apple Store.
  • Question
    Should the Nano be on while charging?
    Community Answer
    It makes no difference. You can have it on or off.
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      • Your iPod battery works best at temperatures between 32 degrees and 95 degrees Fahrenheit (0 to 35 degrees Celsius). Room temperature is best. [4]
      • If you are using the newest iPod Nano model (5th Generation) and news Apple computers, you can purchase a lightening to 30-pin charging cord. Apple reports the new lightning port charges faster than the USB port.
      • If you do not use your iPod regularly, it will still need to be charged approximately every month. The iPod still uses some battery power when not in use.
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      Things You'll Need

      • iPod USB charging cord
      • Firewire (optional)
      • iPod power adaptor
      • Lightening to 30-pin charging cord

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