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Make a Quizlet study set and flashcards
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Quizlet is a free service that allows you to create, edit, and share your own online flashcards for studying any topic. You can use your custom study sets to quiz yourself on any number of topics, or choose from millions of study sets created by other members. Here's how to create a set in Quizlet using the website, as well as in the official Quizlet app for Android, iPhone, and iPad.

Quick Steps

  1. Open the Quizlet app and tap + .
  2. Tap Flashcard set .
  3. Tap Create manually .
  4. Enter a set title and description.
  5. Enter terms and definitions.
  6. Tap the checkmark icon to create your set.
Section 1 of 4:

Using iPhone or iPad

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  1. If you aren't already logged into your account, do so now, or create a new account. [1] You can use Quizlet to create flash cards online for effective studies .
    • Quizlet is available for iOS in the App Store .
  2. This is at the bottom center of the app. A menu will open.
  3. This is the first option.
  4. This option allows you to manually enter the terms, definitions, and any other information. However, you can also select the following options to make uploading easier:
    • Scan document : Scan images from your textbook or documents
    • Select images : Upload images from your device to use with your cards
    • Paste text : Copy and paste text from another source
    • Select file : Upload a .pdf, .docx, or .pptx file to quickly transfer your text
    • Keep in mind that some image options require a subscription to QuizletPlus.
  5. This goes into the field at the top. For example, you can name your set as the subject, chapter, or unit you're studying.
    • If you want to add a description, tap + Description underneath the field.
  6. Each card will have these two fields: Term and Definition . If you're creating a vocabulary set, the word will go in the first field and the definition will go in the second.
    • Repeat this step until you've entered all your terms and definitions.
    • If you need to create more cards for the set, tap the + icon at the bottom.
    • To delete a card, swipe left on it and tap the trash can icon.
  7. This will create the flashcard set.
    • Your flashcard set will be made public by default. If you want to adjust your privacy settings, tap the cog icon first. Select Visible to and select People with a password or Just me . Tap Done .
    • You can find your completed set on your homepage underneath the Sets header or in the Library tab.
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Section 2 of 4:

Using Android

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  1. If you aren't already logged into your account, do so now, or create a new account.
  2. You can find this at the bottom. A pop-up menu will open.
  3. This is the first option.
  4. This option allows you to manually enter the terms, definitions, and any other information. However, you can also select the following options to make uploading easier:
    • Scan document : Scan images from your textbook or documents
    • Select images : Upload images from your device to use with your cards
    • Paste text : Copy and paste text from another source
    • Select file : Upload a .pdf, .docx, or .pptx file to quickly transfer your text
    • Keep in mind that some image options require a subscription to QuizletPlus.
  5. This goes into the field at the top. For example, you can name your set as the subject, chapter, or unit you're studying.
    • If you want to add a description, tap + Description underneath the field.
  6. Each card will have these two fields: Term and Definition . If you're creating a vocabulary set, the word will go in the first field and the definition will go in the second.
    • Repeat this step until you've entered all your terms and definitions.
    • If you need to create more cards for the set, tap the + icon at the bottom.
    • To delete a card, swipe left on it and tap the trash can icon.
  7. This will create the flashcard set.
    • Your flashcard set will be made public by default. If you want to adjust your privacy settings, tap the cog icon first. Select Visible to and select People with a password or Just me . Tap Done .
    • You can find your completed set on your homepage underneath the Sets header or in the Library tab.
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Section 3 of 4:

Using a Computer

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  1. Sign in to https://quizlet.com/ . Click Log In in the top-right corner to enter your email address or username and password.
    • If you don't already have an account, click Sign up for free to create one now.
  2. You can find this in the top-right corner. A drop-down menu will open.
  3. This is the first option.
  4. This option allows you to manually enter the terms, definitions, and any other information.
    • If you want to create cards automatically using existing data, select Generate from an upload instead . From here, you have the following options:
      • Paste text : Copy and paste text from another source
      • Upload files : Upload a .pdf, .docx, or .pptx file to quickly transfer your text
      • Google Drive : Upload files or documents from your Google Drive
  5. This goes into the field at the top. For example, you can name your set as the subject, chapter, or unit you're studying.
    • If you want to add a description, enter it in the Add a description… field below the title.
  6. Each card will have these two fields: Term and Definition . If you're creating a vocabulary set, the word will go in the first field and the definition will go in the second.
    • Repeat this step until you've entered all your terms and definitions.
    • If you need to create more cards for the set, click Add a card at the bottom.
    • If you want to import data instead, click + Import underneath the description. Copy and paste your data into the box, and then click Import .
    • To delete a card, click the trashcan icon at the top-right corner of the card.
  7. This will create the flashcard set.
    • Your flashcard set will be made public by default. If you want to adjust your privacy settings, click the cog icon first. Click the Visible to drop-down menu and select People with a password or Just me . Click Save .
    • You can find your completed set on your homepage under Recents or in the Your library tab on the left.
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Section 4 of 4:

Tips for Effective Sets

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  1. Quizlet sets are shared publicly by default. If you're studying a common subject, it's likely that another user has already created a set with similar terms. Before creating your set, use the search option on your homepage to find existing flashcards and study guides.
    • Once you find a similar set, you can choose to customize it to add terms of your own or delete terms you don't need. Just tap the three-dots icon next to the set title, and select Customize .
  2. If you have a long list of terms you need to add, select the Import option to quickly copy data from another source, such as a Microsoft Word document or Google Docs document, and paste it into Quizlet. Quizlet will automatically separate the terms and definitions, and create the set for you.
    • Before pasting, be sure the data follows a consistent format. If you have mixed formatting, your set may be imported incorrectly.
  3. If you tend to handwrite your notes rather than type them, you can opt to upload a picture of your notes to use as your flashcard. Select the Scan document option to get started.
  4. If you have a final test coming up, you can combine sets from previous units into one large set to test your knowledge of the entire course or semester. Rather than creating a whole new set with all existing terms, just combine them!
    • To combine sets, click the three-dots icon next to a set and select Combine . Select the set(s) you want to combine, and then create the new set.
  5. While you need a QuizletPlus subscription to upload your own images, you can use Quizlet's image library for free. If you're a visual learner, adding images can help you memorize your terms more quickly.
    • To use Quizlet's image gallery, select the image icon next to the flash card in Edit mode.
  6. If you're creating a set to study a different language, you can select a language for your set. As you type a term, select Language or Choose Language underneath the field, and then select a language.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Does Quizlet have a limit for the number of sets I can have?
    Community Answer
    No, there is no limit.
  • Question
    How do I send a Quizlet?
    Community Answer
    Right under the title of an premade Quizlet set, there is a button with an arrow that says 'Share'. Click on this button to send it to someone via email. Otherwise, copy and paste the link.
  • Question
    Where is the font button in Quizlet?
    Cordis Iesu
    Community Answer
    There is no font button unless you have Quizlet Plus, then you can access it. I use caps instead of bold, italic or underlined.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Open Quizlet.
      2. Click Create .
      3. Enter a title.
      4. Enter the first term and definition.
      5. Tap the plus sign.
      6. Enter additional terms and definitions.
      7. Adjust visibility and editing permissions.
      8. Tap Done or the checkmark to save.

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