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Become strong and powerful in Blox Fruits with Race V4
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Are you trying to get Race V4 in Blox Fruits? Race V4 is the strongest version of your Blox Fruits race, with upgraded abilities and passives. To get Race V4, you must first do the Sealed King quest to unlock trials in the Temple of Time. Completing the first trial unlocks Race V4, but you can complete more trials to fully max out your race.

How to Get Race V4 in Blox Fruits

Make sure you have access to the Third Sea, have Race V3 in any race, defeat rip_indra at least once, and have a Mirror Fractal. Complete the Sealed King quest to unlock trials, then wait for a full moon to complete the first trial. Speak to the Ancient One to finish the subsequent trials to unlock Race V4.

Section 1 of 6:

Unlocking Trials

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  1. There are a few requirements to unlock Race V4:
    • Be in the Third Sea
    • Have Race V3 in any race
    • Defeat rip_indra at least once
    • Obtain 1 Mirror Fractal from the Dough King
  2. The tablet is located in the area where King Red Head is trapped, behind the boss room. If you haven't defeated rip_indra, you must do so before continuing, as it's a necessary step of the Sealed King quest which unlocks the Race Awakening trials.
  3. At the top of the tree is an invisible NPC named "MISC."
  4. After doing this, you will be teleported to the Temple of Time.
  5. You will be teleported back to MISC on the Great Tree.
  6. If you interact with the tablet, it will say "That place may hold the key to a greater power, but you must undergo a trial to grab hold of it. Powers involving time always work best under the light of a full moon." This is a hint for the next step.
  7. You can do this by sailing in Sea Danger Levels 1 through 6, but you have a better chance to find one in Sea Danger Levels 4, 5, or 6. [1]
  8. You must have a Mirror Fractal in your inventory to complete the next step.
  9. After doing this, stare at the moon for a few seconds. Once you see the message "Your Mirror Fractal has resonated with the moon" you can move to the next step.
  10. After charging your Mirror Fractal, a Blue Gear will spawn somewhere on the Mirage Island. It will despawn when night ends. The gear emits a bright cyan blue glow. [2]
    • To proceed, simply touch the Blue Gear.
  11. Go to the hallway on the right, then immediately turn right next to the boxes. Keep moving forward until you can turn left, then jump up once you go past the boxes in this hallway. Turn around and jump onto the stone edge around the top of the hallway to find the lever.
  12. A door will appear. This door will give you access to the five trials to fully awaken your race to V4.
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Section 2 of 6:

First Trial

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  1. 1
    Wait for a full moon. Full moons happen every eight in-game nights. [3]

While you wait for the full moon, find two other players of different races from yourself and each other that are also trying to finish the first trial.

  1. Once the full moon shows through the clouds, you and the two other players must activate your race abilities at the same time in front of your respective trial doors.
    • Once you do this, the trial door will open.
  2. Each race has a different trial. You must complete the trial within the time limit to move to the next step, and you can't move to the next step until the other two users have finished their trials.
    • Humans must complete the Trial of Strength , which involves defeating either the Flame, Quake, Light, Dark, or Rumble Master within the time limit.
    • Sharks must complete the Trial of Water , which involves defeating a Sea Beast within the time frame.
    • Rabbits must complete the Trial of Speed , which involves completing a maze within the time limit.
    • Angels must complete the Trial of the King , which involves completing a cloud parkour obstacle course within the time limit.
    • Ghouls must complete the Trial of Carnage , which involves defeating all the waves of Ancient Zombies and Ancient Vampires within the time limit.
    • Cyborgs must complete the Trial of the Machine , which involves dodging all the bombs dropping from the ceiling within the time limit.
  3. Once you and the other two players have finished your trials, you must be the last one standing in a PvP battle against them. If you do not win the trial, you'll have to try again.
  4. Once you win, a glowing orb will appear that leads you to the Ancient Clock. Once you reach the Ancient clock, interact with the orb, and then the clock.
  5. This will unlock Race Awakening (V4) for your race, but you can continue doing trials to fully max out your race's skills and passives.
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Second Trial

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  1. The Ancient One is an NPC that looks like a red orb, and it's located near the stairs to the Ancient Clock.
  2. To gain access to the second trial, you must activate Race Awakening three times (which correlates to being in awakened form for about three minutes).
    • You can only enter your awakened form when your awakening meter is full. The meter is charged by taking and dealing damage, and you gain more charge when fighting other players instead of NPCs.
  3. Once you complete your training, you must give the Ancient One 1,000 Fragments to get access to the second trial.
  4. All trials follow the same format as the first trial, but get increasingly harder with each subsequent trial.
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Third Trial

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  1. To gain access to the third trial, you must activate Race Awakening five times (which correlates to being in awakened form for about five minutes).
  2. Once you complete your training, you must give the Ancient One 1,500 Fragments to get access to the third trial.
  3. All trials follow the same format as the first trial, but get increasingly harder with each subsequent trial.
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Section 5 of 6:

Fourth Trial

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  1. To gain access to the fourth trial, you must complete three training lessons. After finishing each lesson, you'll need to give the Ancient One some Fragments, and you'll unlock an upgrade.
    • Training 1: Be in awakening form for 4 minutes
      • Cost: 2,000 Fragments
      • Unlocks: Energy Training Tier 3
    • Training 2: Be in awakening form for 5 minutes
      • Cost: 2,250 Fragments
      • Unlocks: Energy Training Tier 4
    • Training 3: Be in awakening form for 10 minutes
      • Cost: 2,500 Fragments
      • Unlocks: Energy Training Tier 5
  2. All trials follow the same format as the first trial, but get increasingly harder with each subsequent trial.
    • The fourth trial is the final trial with a battle component.
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Section 6 of 6:

Fifth Trial

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  1. To finish maximizing your awakening, you must complete five training lessons. After finishing each lesson, you'll need to give the Ancient One some Fragments, and you'll unlock an upgrade.
    • Training 1: Be in awakening form for 8 minutes
      • Cost: 3,000 Fragments
      • Unlocks: Energy Training Tier 6
    • Training 2: Be in awakening form for 10 minutes
      • Cost: 3,250 Fragments
      • Unlocks: Energy Training Tier 7
    • Training 3: Be in awakening form for 13 minutes
      • Cost: 3,500 Fragments
      • Unlocks: Energy Training Tier 8
    • Training 4: Be in awakening form for 15 minutes
      • Cost: 3,750 Fragments
      • Unlocks: Energy Training Tier 9
    • Training 5: Be in awakening form for 18 minutes
      • Cost: 4,000 Fragments
      • Unlocks: Energy Training Tier 10
  2. Your race awakening is now fully complete, and the Ancient One will say "It seems you've made this power your own. I've done all I can for you."
    • You can complete Race V4 on other races, as well. If you decide to do this, you'll only need to start from the steps for the first trial.
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      • Yo I.

        Dec 14, 2024

        "I got Shark v4 very easily and early with two friends. I'm sending my thanks to the author for this!"
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