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While many communities on Reddit are public and easy to join, many other subreddits are actually private. You can still join a private subreddit, but you'll need to request permission from the moderators and wait until your request is approved. This wikiHow article will teach you how to send a private message to the moderators of a private subreddit and ask to join as a new member.

  1. Open Reddit in your internet browser. This will bring you to the Reddit front page. [1]
    • You'll need to use your computer's web browser to request to join a private subreddit. The mobile Reddit app for Android, iPhone, and iPad cannot display private subreddits and won't let you to send a message to a group of moderators. [2]
  2. Click Log In in the top-right corner and enter your username and password in the respective fields.
    • You may also log in via Google, Apple, or a magic link sent to your e-mail.
    • If you do not have an account, you can create one from the Reddit front page as well. [3]
  3. This opens a dropdown menu with your notifications and your messages. Tap the Messages section on the right to pull up all of your communications on Reddit.
  4. This button is located next to the inbox tab in the top-left corner of your screen. It will start a new private message.
    • Visiting the private subreddit's page should also present you with the options to Message the Mods or Request to Join , both of which will open this same private message form.
  5. Entering the subreddit name here will send your message to all of this subreddit's moderators. [4]
    • If you don't know a private subreddit's /r/name, open the subreddit in your browser and check the end of its URL link in your address bar.
    • For example, if the subreddit URL is www.reddit.com/r/privatesub1/ , you should enter /r/privatesub1 into the "to" field.
  6. Make sure your subject line is brief and to the point. Considering something like Request to Join Community .
  7. In the "message" field, politely explain why you want to join the private subreddit, and request an invite from the moderators.
    • Be sure to consult the About Community and the Rules tabs on the subreddit to see if there is any criteria for membership, so you can include any relevant info in your message.
    • There is no guarantee your join request will be approved. Some private subreddits have very selective criteria for accepting new members.
  8. This will send your message to all of this subreddit's moderators.
  9. Give the moderators some time to read your message, and regularly check your inbox for a reply. If your request is approved, you may receive an invite link from one of the moderators.
    • If you do not get accepted and still want to discuss the topic on Reddit, consider starting your own subreddit.
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  • Question
    Why are some subreddits private?
    Community Answer
    Private subreddits usually have content that wouldn't be appropriate for the whole world to see. For example, embarrassing/humiliating stories or personally identifying information that could give someone's identity or location away. They might also be only for a closed group of friends or family. Some private subreddits are actually empty or inactive, or are just joke pages. The information box in the subreddit should say what the subreddit is for.
  • Question
    Why is the subreddit "brokenmom" private?
    Community Answer
    Because it's for embarrassing and private content.
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