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Your guide to Libra’s weaknesses & the best ways to address them
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There’s plenty to love about a charming, friendly air sign like Libra, but like all zodiac signs, Libra has a few flaws, too. Born between September 22 and October 22, Libra is incredibly sociable, but their desire to be liked can give them people-pleasing tendencies that make them avoid conflict or appear “fake” to others. At the end of the day, knowing about potential flaws can help you overcome them, so read on for a complete list of Libra’s most common weaknesses.

This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Libra's biggest weaknesses include trying too hard to avoid conflict and please people. Their peacekeeping efforts can lead to self-neglect.
  • Libra is also highly indecisive. Their desire for balance makes them weigh every side of an issue, and they may doubt themself because of their fragile ego.
  • By boosting their self-confidence and learning how to handle confrontations in a direct and respectful way, Libra can overcome their biggest shortcomings.

They’re people-pleasers.

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  1. Ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, love, and harmony, Libra has a strong drive to maintain balance and keep the peace among other people. They want everyone to like and value them, so Libra may get caught up trying to make everyone around them happy, taking on tasks they don’t have time for, or agreeing with people even when they’d rather say “no.”
    • Tip: If you’re a Libra, work on setting boundaries with people and saying “no” when you don’t have the bandwidth to do something.
    • Ultimately, it’s impossible to keep everyone happy all the time, and continuing to try is exhausting. You don’t deserve to burn yourself out that way!
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They can be indecisive.

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  1. As an air sign represented by the Scales—a symbol of balance and justice—Libra can get preoccupied with weighing every issue, ensuring every decision they make is fair and reasonable. It’s easy for Libra to overthink, spend too long mulling over every possible course of action, and end up unable to make a decision for fear of upsetting someone.
    • Tip: If you’re a Libra, set limits to make the decision-making process smoother . Focus on the most important thing before moving on to other issues or restrict the amount of research you can do before making a decision.
    • Libra, your desire to make a fair decision is admirable! It’s one of the reasons people trust your judgment. You’re a great negotiator and mediator; too much info can simply overwhelm you.

They tend to be needy or codependent.

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  1. This air sign tends to need lots of reassurance from the people closest to them; it’s their way of maintaining their internal sense of peace and harmony. As a result, Libra may unknowingly come off as needy or become codependent upon others (especially romantic partners), and being too emotionally dependent on people typically leads to unhealthy relationships for Libra.
    • Tip: If you’re a Libra, maintain your independence . There’s nothing wrong with asking people for support, but you shouldn’t have to depend on them for peace and happiness.
    • Take time for self-care and solo hobbies. Break the cycle of codependence by learning to enjoy alone time—doing things for your own pleasure and not because a partner is doing them with you.
    • Ruled by Venus, the Libra zodiac sign is closely associated with partnerships, so romance is vital to them. Still, romance shouldn’t be the only important thing in life!
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They may seem “fake” or manipulative.

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  1. At their core, Libras aren’t malicious or intentionally manipulative people. They simply want to make others happy and be loved by everyone in return, so they instinctively tell people what they want to hear, even if it’s not the truth. Although unintentional, Libra’s charm, upbeat attitude, and tendency to play to others’ expectations can make it seem like they manipulate people into liking them. [1]
    • Tip: If you’re a Libra, the thought of someone being upset by something you said might seem disastrous. Ultimately, being genuine is better than telling people what they want to hear.
    • You mean well and just want to get along with everyone, but remind yourself how nice it feels to be yourself without worrying about what people will think.
    • Plus, being honest (rather than appeasing) makes you trustworthy in people’s eyes. They’ll feel closer to you if you’re honest with them.

They tend to overreact.

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  1. Libra is all about harmony and balance; they don’t like anything disrupting that! Thus, when something upsets them or a situation doesn’t go their way, Libra can get unexpectedly emotional over it—even getting so upset that they overreact (which doesn’t often happen since Libra usually avoids conflict).
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They can be stubborn.

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  1. Libra takes a long time to make decisions as it is, so once they finally make a choice, Libra prefers to stand by it. While Libra is open-minded and reasonable (not very stubborn), the exception is when people supply new information or an opinion after Libra makes a decision to try and change their mind. In those cases, Libra tends to put their foot down.
    • Tip: If you’re a Libra, remember that you can always hear someone out—even if you’re sure you’ve made a decision.
    • You’re usually great at listening and compromising with people; while there’s nothing wrong with being decisive sometimes, it’s still important to acknowledge other ideas.

They’re sometimes impatient.

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  1. Cardinal signs are the zodiac’s “instigators.” They’re leaders, trendsetters, and idea people who make things happen. [2] Thus, Libra will speak out when they feel strongly about something. It's not a bad thing, but Libra may take it upon themselves to jump in and control conversations if they feel their opinion isn’t being acknowledged and want people to listen right away.
    • Tip: Libra, it’s valid to want your opinions to be respected. Practice patience and remind yourself that just because you feel strongly about something doesn’t mean it needs to be discussed immediately.
    • As intellectual air signs, Libras are generally very open-minded. Embrace that mindset when you feel impatient; it’s wise to hear from multiple other perspectives (and you’ll still get a chance to talk!).
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They avoid conflict.

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  1. Usually, Libra’s charm and knack for diplomacy is one of this sign’s greatest strengths. Where other signs might bicker, Libra negotiates and compromises; in friend groups, they’re the peacekeepers. However, Libra can be so dedicated to avoiding conflict that they forget to air their grievances and hold onto resentments, letting them fester. [3]
    • Tip: Remember, there’s a big difference between resolving conflict and avoiding it. Talk about the problem when you’re upset rather than brushing those feelings aside.
    • Telling someone when you’re upset doesn’t make you mean or aggressive as long as you do it respectfully. Expressing anger in a healthy way prevents it from growing in the long term.

They gossip.

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  1. As an air sign, Libra has the gift of gab; they’re sociable and love to chat with everyone they meet, so they’re not immune to gossip when they hear it. Because Libra shies away from confronting people directly, they may gossip instead. Libra values harmony above all, and gossiping lets them vent their frustrations about people without disrupting the peace.
    • Tip: If you’re a Libra, steer clear of gossip ; sharing people’s secrets (or rumors that might not be true) can still hurt them over time.
    • Focus on maintaining harmony instead. Instead of gossiping, get used to respectfully disagreeing with people. Achieving real harmony means addressing issues head-on!
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They have fragile egos.

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  1. Libra tends to look to the people around them for validation, and their sense of self-worth can become heavily tied to the approval they get from their peers. [4] They also compare their lives and successes to other people’s, which can further damage their ego; Libra may even get so invested in outside opinions that they lose confidence in themselves.
    • Tip: If you’re a Libra, work on boosting your self-confidence . Other people’s achievements can’t diminish your own, so take pride in yourself and your work.
    • Be introspective rather than asking someone else for their opinion; as you learn to trust your own wisdom, you’ll feel more self-assured (and it’ll be easier to accept constructive criticism without letting it damage your ego).

They can be gullible.

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  1. As an “instigator” cardinal sign, Libra doesn’t always think things through before taking the plunge; they like to give people the benefit of the doubt and, as such, are easily influenced. Libra’s sweet, trusting nature makes them easy to get along with, but if someone with ulterior motives comes along, it’s also easier for them to manipulate Libra.
    • Tip: Libra, you’re kindhearted and adore connecting with people, but you can still do that and learn to protect yourself more carefully.
    • Be more self-aware and mindful when interacting with others; in time, you’ll feel more confident spotting signs of manipulation or deception.
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They’re prone to self-pity.

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  1. As an emotionally sensitive zodiac sign, Libra’s tendency to overreact in difficult situations also makes them sink into self-pity. While a little pessimism or self-pity is normal from time to time, Libra may get caught up in a spiral of despair and self-doubt and feel like they’re the only person suffering when, in fact, everyone has ups and downs in life.
    • Tip: If you’re a Libra, take a step back and look at the bigger picture whenever you’re feeling pessimistic. What are the positive things in your life? What are you looking forward to?
    • Focusing on the good (rather than the bad) gives you some helpful perspective and reminds you that even if life isn’t going your way, the hard times will pass.

They can be shallow.

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  1. As mentioned above, Venus rules beauty, money, art, and luxury, which means Libra has a strong appreciation for the finer things in life. It’s common for Libra to get distracted by visually appealing people (and things), forgetting there’s much more to appreciate beyond surface-level appearances.
    • Tip: There’s nothing wrong with appreciating beauty, but if you’re a Libra, remember to see and cherish people for who they are on the inside, too. There’s more to just about everyone than meets the eye.
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They sometimes get jealous.

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  1. Because Libra can have a fragile ego and emotional sensitivity, they may feel inadequate when comparing themselves to other people. They also fear abandonment because they can be a little needy or codependent. Those weaknesses feed Libra’s insecurities, making them react jealously if they feel their relationship is threatened.
    • Tip: Be more communicative and discuss your emotions when jealousy arises. You shouldn’t have to worry about the state of your relationship, so let go of jealousy and voice your concerns in a healthy, constructive way.
    • The more communicative you are, the easier it’ll be to trust your partner without comparing yourself to others or worrying that they find you inadequate.

They flake on plans

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  1. In other words, Libra doesn’t mean to be flaky or seem unreliable—they just don’t want to miss out on anything! A busy social life is important for extroverted Libra, so it's hard for them to say “no” when someone invites them out. Libra’s fear of being left out causes them to overload their schedules, making them seem flaky when they inevitably have to give something up.
    • Tip: If you’re a Libra, it’s natural to want to be with all your friends as much as possible, but you can’t be everywhere at once. Keep a formal calendar or schedule so you always know what you have planned.
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They can be too selfless.

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  1. Libras are genuinely very generous and thoughtful. They’re not only driven by the need to be liked; they enjoy making others happy. However, Libra can take this too far by sacrificing their own needs and desires to care for other people, which can leave Libra feeling tired, bitter, and taken for granted over time.
    • Tip: Remember, taking care of yourself comes first. You can’t devote your energy to helping people if you feel under the weather! Prioritize self-care first and foremost.
    • You might have to tell someone you can't help them immediately, but that’s better than neglecting your needs and pushing yourself too far. You deserve to be cared for, too!

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