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Ties are gaining increased popularity as trendy accessories that can be worn outside the traditional office setting. With the DIY movement also growing in popularity, it is no wonder that so many people are now inspired to make their own unique ties. Ties can be made from just about any type of fabric and are easy for anyone to create. You get to be in charge of picking out the pattern, fabric, and length of your tie when you make your own, and for a fraction of the price. Whether the tie is for you or you are making a fun tie to give your dad on Father's Day, there are easy steps that you can follow.

Method 1
Method 1 of 5:

Getting the Materials Ready

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  1. You do not have to limit yourself to a certain type of fabric to make a great tie, but heavier fabrics do tend to wear better. For one tie, you'll need at least 1 1 2 yards (1.4 m) of fabric for the front of the tie and about 5 x 6 inches of fabric for the back liner. [1]
    • Silk is a popular choice for tie liners.
    • For a casual tie, go for patterned cotton, linen or denim.
  2. Ties are made with a material called interfacing, which is sewn or ironed into the inside of the tie as a liner. It allows fabrics to keep a firm shape. You will need 1 1 2 yards (1.4 m) of interfacing in a color that matches the tie fabric.
    • For fusible interfacing, you will put the glazed side face down on the tie fabric to permanently adhere it to the tie. Be sure to buy sewable, fusible interfacing because you will be sewing the tie later on. [2]
    • Interfacing that is sewn-in does not have a glaze on it. It is sewn to the inside of the seam line so there won't be visible stitching on the outside of the tie. [3]
  3. In addition to the fabric and interfacing, you will need to buy the following supplies:
    • Fine thread that matches the tie fabric
    • A good pair of fabric scissors
    • Either a needle (if you're sewing the tie by hand) or a sewing machine
    • Straight pins
    • Measuring tape
    • Iron
  4. There are many tie patterns available for you to choose from. Once you find a style you like, you can print the outline for it online for free. The alternative to printing a tie outline would be to use a ruler to trace another tie out yourself. [4]
    • When tie outlines print, they will continue onto more than one page because the length of the tie will be longer than a standard sheet of printing paper. Simply tape the paper together when you trace them onto the fabric.
    • You will need about 3/8in of additional space outside of your trace line that you will later use for the inseam. [5]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 5:

Preparing Your Fabric for the Classic Tie Pattern

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  1. This pattern is a simple and versatile style. You can find different variations of outlines that range in width and length. Simply print out the one you prefer and make sure that it is the classic tie pattern and has a diamond cut at the bottom.
  2. If you're using a fabric other than silk, you should preshrink it by washing and drying it before you iron. This will ensure the fabric doesn't shrink if you have the tie steamed or washed.
    • If the interfacing has not been preshrunk, preshrink it by soaking it in hot water for 10 minutes, then letting it dry and running an iron over it. [6]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Tie
    Before you begin cutting, be sure to iron the back of the fabric on a low setting to remove any wrinkles, folds or ripples that will cause you to cut the fabric unevenly. To iron, lay the fabric flat on your work surface, "wrong" side up, and move the iron in small circles along the material.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 5:

Cutting the Fabric

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Tie
    It is important to cut the fabric for the tie on the bias (diagonally across the grain) which will allow the tie to have more elasticity. [7] Remember to make sure the fabric is laid out smoothly with no creases. [8]
    • If the fabric is patterned, envision how the pattern will look once you cut the fabric out. Rearrange the layout of your pattern to make sure it will show nicely.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Tie
    Use a weight or pin to hold the pattern outline down. Then, use a piece of chalk to carefully trace around the outline onto the "wrong" side of the fabric. Chalk is a safe and easy tracing tool for this type of project.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Tie
    Use a sharp pair of fabric scissors to cut the fabric about 3/8in around the outside of the chalk line. This will leave room for you to sew the inseam. [9] If you're using a fabric that's more difficult to work with, you might want to use a rotary cutter instead.
    • Cut slowly to avoid making a mistake and wasting fabric.
  4. Lay the tie outline on the interfacing and use chalk to trace the outline. Then, carefully cut out the interfacing using sharp scissors or a rotary cutter. The interfacing will end up having the same shape as the fabric you cut, but it won’t need added seam allowance so cut directly on the chalk line.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Tie
    You will need to measure out your back liner to fit the bottom diamond of your tie. This will be used to cover the back of your tie that will be left exposed after your tie is folded over and sewed. It is also a nice place to tuck in the back tail of the tie. It will be cut straight across on top, and then follow the bottom cuts of the tie pattern.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 5:

Applying the Interfacing

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  1. Before applying your interfacing to the fabric, double-check that it has been been preshrunk either by the manufacturer or by you. Also, depending on if you purchased sewable or fusible interfacing, be sure to follow the specific instructions for that type.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Tie
    If you purchased fusible interfacing, now is the time to iron it to the fabric. You will iron the glossy or bumpy side of the interfacing to the "wrong" side of the fabric. The best way to do this is to lay down the fabric with the front side facing the table. Then, lay the glossy side of the interfacing on top of the fabric. Instead of directly ironing on the interfacing, lay a thin towel on top of your interfacing to protect the materials from sliding around or sticking to the iron. [10]
    • Be sure the interfacing is smoothly ironed onto the entire tie surface.
  3. If you bought interfacing that has no glue, and was made to be stitched on, you will have to sew it to the fabric. This is a good option if you purchased a tie fabric that is sensitive to heat. You can sew on the interfacing by hand using a needle and thread or a sewing machine. Sew the interfacing to the "wrong" side of the tie fabric, and go around the entire edge of the tie. [11]
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Method 5
Method 5 of 5:

Sewing and Ironing the Tie

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Tie
    You can use a needle and thread or a sewing machine to do this. Like in most tie patterns, you will sew the point first. Then, you will fold over the back tie pieces to be sewn up the middle.
    • Make sure the edges are aligned correctly and your stitches are straight.
    • The tie should be sewn with the fabric folded inward so the seam doesn't show on the outside.
    • It's best to sew a tie together by hand because the stitches are more flexible. Machine-stitched ties don't tend to last as long as hand-stitched ones. [12]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Tie
    You will only need to sew the back liner to the three outside edges, and leave the straight line that goes across the tie left open so you can tuck in the back tail later.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Tie
    Sew the two edges of the folds closed from the top of the tie to the end of the fold. Be sure not to catch all of the layers as you stitch, since you don't want to be able to see the thread on the front of the tie.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Tie
    Use the iron to press out the creases and iron the tie until it is flat. Be sure that you set the iron to an appropriate setting for the material of the tie. Once the tie is smoothed out, it is ready to be tied how you prefer and worn.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you sew a tie?
    David Pew
    Professional Tailor
    David Pew is a Professional Tailor based in Seattle, Washington. He owns his own tailoring business, Sew Generously, which he founded in 2013. With over 15 years of experience, David specializes in bespoke tailoring and alterations. He uses his experiences, skills, and eye for detail to produce the highest quality of products. David believes in creating garments with the finest materials that are built to last, and is a dedicated craftsman. Through Sew Generously’s website, David runs a blog, Stitching Confidential, where he writes on different topics in the tailoring, fashion, and art worlds. The business also hosts Sew Generously Galleries, quarterly art shows where they invite local artists to display their art, host workshops, and perform for the community at their shop. David received a BA in German and French from Western Washington University.
    Professional Tailor
    Expert Answer
    There are a lot of ways to make ties. Two of the most common are the 3-fold tie and the 5-fold tie, which are both made of fabric folded around interfacing. There's also the 7-fold tie, which typically doesn't have any interfacing.
  • Question
    How do you cut the fabric for a tie?
    David Pew
    Professional Tailor
    David Pew is a Professional Tailor based in Seattle, Washington. He owns his own tailoring business, Sew Generously, which he founded in 2013. With over 15 years of experience, David specializes in bespoke tailoring and alterations. He uses his experiences, skills, and eye for detail to produce the highest quality of products. David believes in creating garments with the finest materials that are built to last, and is a dedicated craftsman. Through Sew Generously’s website, David runs a blog, Stitching Confidential, where he writes on different topics in the tailoring, fashion, and art worlds. The business also hosts Sew Generously Galleries, quarterly art shows where they invite local artists to display their art, host workshops, and perform for the community at their shop. David received a BA in German and French from Western Washington University.
    Professional Tailor
    Expert Answer
    It's important to cut the fabric on a bias, which will make it more flexible. Then, it's best to hand-stitch the tie, because machine stitches aren't very flexible, and the stitches will usually start to break before long.
  • Question
    I want to make a Hogwarts-themed tie. How do I make it striped?
    Community Answer
    Use fabric markers or dye. Your local craft store will likely have a range of colors to choose from. Be sure to follow the instructions on the product.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Silk or another tie fabric
      • Interfacing
      • Needle and thread or sewing machine
      • Scissors or rotary cutter
      • Tie sewing pattern
      • Chalk
      • Iron

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To make a tie, start by laying out the tie pattern on the fabric you’ve chosen. Trace the pattern and carefully cut it out with scissors. Next, repeat the same steps with the interfacing and iron it to the back of the fabric. Then, cut a piece of fabric for the back liner and attach it to the tie. Finally, use a slip stitch to sew the middle seam along the back of the tie, and press it with an iron to smooth it out. If you want to learn how to prepare your fabric before cutting it out, keep reading the article!

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