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Flash games are a total blast. Of course, that's when they work. Many schools have blocked flash game websites and even if you manage to get on them, your history will be tracked. Many schools and businesses have cut down on and gamers & procrastinators and have made it impossible for you to game at school/work. But nothing is impossible on a computer.

This does require you to have an unrestricted home computer, though this can sometimes be done on an unwatched library computer.

  1. Advertisement
  2. 5
    Find the URL. An example could be http://example.com/stuff/the-game.swf. Copy the URL and paste it into your Address bar.
  3. Wait for a few seconds to let the download finish.
  4. Hook up the portable device and open the .swf file in your browser of choice (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or whatever your school computer comes equipped with).
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    It says I don't have the appropriate program to open this file. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Use FireFox portable. Just download it, and put it on the flash drive. It's easy to get, just google it.
  • Question
    Will these steps work for a Chromebook?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they will. Just download a VPN, such as Thunder VPN, and you will be able to do whatever you want (at the expense of your personal data and privacy).
  • Question
    How do I get video games unblocked on my school computer?
    Community Answer
    Use VPN.
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      • When you are bored at work or school, you might be tempted to do a Google search for "flash games," and try to click on something like the 200th result. Sometimes you can find a good small website that isn't blocked yet, but most of the time, those pages are ridden with viruses, popups, and Trojans. To play it safe, stick with downloading the files, and only getting them from reputable sources.

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