Color plays a role in our daily lives, sometimes subtly, sometimes dramatically. Some ancient cultures practiced chromo therapy, or using colors to heal. Chromo therapy, which is sometimes called light therapy, continues to be a popular holistic healing treatment. Psychologists and medical researchers have conducted hundreds of studies on the effect of color on the psyche. Color is used in advertising to induce us to formulate certain feelings about products and places. For example, studies have shown that the combination of blue and yellow attracts more buyers than any other combination; the color red has been shown to negatively impact students’ performance on exams; rooms painted blue has been shown to have a calming effect on prisoners. For the same reasons, focusing on color during your daily mediation can have a significant impact on your well-being.
Understand the relationship between color and the chakras. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel. There are seven chakras in the body, located in a straight line with your spine; this line runs down the center of your body, from the top of your head to the base of your spine. Each chakra is an energy center and is represented with its unique color. Color meditation involves focusing on each of your chakras and their color vibration in order to bring about balance in your mind and body; promoting healing and peace of mind. (Each of the chakras relates to the elements of Earth, air fire water, ether, spiritual awakening and enlightenment). The seven chakras and their color associations are: [1] X Research source
- Red. This color represents the root chakra, located at the base of your spine. This is your life force and represents stability. Focusing on the color red and your root chakra will help you alleviate feelings of frustration, anger and raw passion. Physically, red is the color that stimulates your body and mind and increases your circulation. [2] X Research source
- Orange. This color represents the sacral chakra, located in the area of your naval. Focusing on the color orange and your sacral chakra will help you with issues involving sensuality, relationships, physical pleasure, emotional self-expression and creativity. Physically, orange is the color that stimulates your nervous system. [3] X Research source
- Yellow. This color represents the solar plexus chakra, located just below your breastbone. Focusing on the color yellow and your solar plexus chakra will affect your happiness, optimism and thought processes. Physically, yellow is the color that helps increase your overall vitality, mental alertness and analytical thought. [4] X Research source
- Green. This color represents the heart chakra, located in the center of your chest. Focusing on the color green and your heart chakra stimulates peace, love and nurturing. Physically, green is the color that induces healing. [5] X Research source
- Blue. This color represents the throat chakra, located at the base of your larynx. Focusing on the color blue and your throat chakra helps you with your self-expression and confidence. Physically, blue is the color that controls your thyroid gland and your lymphatic system, and affects your throat, neck and voice. [6] X Research source
- Indigo. This color represents the third eye chakra, located in the middle of your forehead. Focusing on the color indigo and your third eye chakra increases your intuition and your peace of mind. Physically, indigo is the color that affects your endocrine system. [7] X Research source
- Violet. This color represents the crown chakra, located at the top of your skull. Focusing on the color Violet and your crown chakra helps you align with universal consciousness. Physically, violet is the color that affects your pituitary gland. [8] X Research source
Meditate on a specific color to address any emotional or physical dilemma you are facing. Before you begin your mediation, mentally assess your thoughts and your physical feelings. Do you have a relationship issue that is troubling you? Focus on red and your root chakra. Are you having trouble speaking up for yourself? Focus on the color blue and your throat chakra. If you are feeling a physical weakness anywhere in your body, focus on the color and chakra that affects those conditions. [9] X Research sourceAdvertisement
Try an overall color meditation. [10] X Research source
- Sit or lie down in a comfortable position in a quiet room.
- Take a few deep cleansing breaths.
- Start breathing slowly and evenly.
- Visualize a golden light over your head and draw the light down through your body, all the way to your toes.
- Allow the light to illuminate every aspect of your being.
- When you feel completely relaxed, begin meditating on each chakra and its color. Start at your root chakra, which is red, and focus on the aspects of that chakra while you visualize the color red. Continue focusing on each color and chakra until you reach the crown chakra.
- Finish your meditation by taking a few more deep cleansing breaths.
- Once again, visualize your being with golden light before you come out of your meditative state.
Expert Q&A
- It’s not necessary to focus on every chakra during every meditation; you can focus on one or two colors and chakras to address immediate problems.Thanks
- You can easily remember the color associated with each of your chakras by thinking of a rainbow; the colors from your root chakra to your crown chakra correspond the colors in the same order that they appear in a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.Thanks
- Don’t overthink it. Let your intuition guide you; if you feel drawn toward a certain color before you begin your meditation, focus on that color and its chakra. Your unconscious mind is telling you that is the area you need to work on to balance your emotional or physical state of being.Thanks
- Color meditation is greatly enhanced when you address your body’s physical needs. Drink plenty of water and eat fresh, organic foods. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Exercise daily and eat a balanced diet that will supply you with all needed vitamins and minerals.Thanks
Expert Interview
Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about meditation, check out our in-depth interview with Mari Cartagenova .
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