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Q&A for How to Build a Basic Farm in Minecraft
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QuestionI can only plant wheat. How can I find any other things to plant?Community AnswerFind some sugarcane. It looks like bamboo, and will be next to water. You have to plant it next to water, otherwise it won't plant. Also, go to a village. They usually have a full range of things to plant in their farms
QuestionWhat can I do to make sure it is zombie proof?Community AnswerBuild fences, and put torches inside it to make sure they don't spawn inside it.
QuestionHow long does it take for melons and pumpkins to grow?Community AnswerThe stem takes awhile to grow. The more squares around the stem that are available for pumpkins to grow (up to 4), the faster the pumpkin will grow. You need an air block above the block that the pumpkin would occupy if it grew there. You need water (this one should be obvious) 4 blocks away from the pumpkin at most (diagonals count as 1 block, not 2).
QuestionHow can I make a farm with animals instead of plants?Tyson MooreCommunity AnswerBuild a fence two blocks tall like how they did above, but instead of breaking blocks, tilling, and placing water, just lure in whatever animals you would like and lock them in. Use wheat, seeds, and carrots to breed the animals to gain babies and have your farm grow.
QuestionHow do I make it without Endermen?OllieoxenfreeCommunity AnswerBuild a two-block-high roof over your farm. This prevents Endermen from spawning inside it.
QuestionIf I have a good wall around my home and farm, should I still build a two-block-high fence?OllieoxenfreeCommunity AnswerIf you have a wall, you can build a one-block-high fence.
QuestionCan I make underground farm without any problem?Community AnswerYour farm needs sunlight. If you want to make an underground farm, you'll need to dig down so that light can reach the middle of it.
QuestionHow can I make sure that skeletons don't start spawning in it?OllieoxenfreeCommunity AnswerYou can put torches around your farm.
QuestionHow many animals should I have in my farm?Community AnswerThe sky is the limit. You can any amount of animals you want.
QuestionHow do I harvest crops in creative?Community AnswerJust break the plant when its fully grown. It will drop some seeds.
QuestionWhat can I use beetroots for?Community AnswerYou can use it to make beetroot soup. Pigs like to eat beetroot, you can feed and breed pigs using it.
QuestionHow do I make my first house in Minecraft?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerDig a hole one block deep and make it as wide as you want your house to be. Fill the hole with the material you want the floor to be, and build walls, a door, and a roof. Inside, add a bed, furnace, chest, and crafting table. If you want it to be super secure, add an iron door, wall with overhangs, and a moat.
QuestionCan a pumpkin or a melon grow on top of water?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerYes, pumpkins and melons are capable of growing on water. Hoe the ground and put in the seeds and it will grow like any other crop.
QuestionHow can I get watermelon?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerWatermelon doesn't exist, there are just melons. To get them, get ground near water and use your hoe. Put in the seeds and watch them grow. Break the melon to get it.
QuestionCan I make a dog bed? I love dogs, I have 2 already.SunPuppyCommunity AnswerYes! Make a little den, add some sponges and torches, add a fence, and then make them sit.
QuestionWhat plants can I plant?MAYSA HASANCommunity AnswerSome example of plants are beetroot, wheat, potatoes, and also carrots. Melon can also be a plant for your farm.
QuestionCan I make the walls of my farm cobblestone (2 block thick) just in case I see a creeper and it explodes on me?Ashlyn MartinCommunity AnswerYou most certainly can. And don’t worry about the creepers, they can usually only break one block with cobblestone.
QuestionWhen I built it a creeper went near and exploded it. What do I do to not let that happen?ILikeSlugsCommunity AnswerYou can make the walls out of obsidian, as that is the only fully blast-resistant block in the game other than bedrock. Don't forget to add a door so you can get in. If you don't have a diamond pickaxe yet, you can make the walls out of cobblestone. Make it two blocks thick just in case.
QuestionHow do I grow carrots?ILikeSlugsCommunity AnswerRight-click a block with a hoe to make farmland. Destroy the block right next to it and fill the hole with water. Right-click the farmland holding another carrot, and it will be planted as if it were a seed. You can also compost carrots in a composter.
QuestionHow do you get the animals in the farm?VerinTop AnswererEither lure them in by holding their favourite food in out in front of them (wheat for cows and sheep, carrots for pigs, seeds for chickens, etc.), or use a lead.
QuestionCan you make a fishing farm?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerYes, you can do this. You can create a pool of water and start fishing in it. Spawning fish inside the pool isn't required. You could also just go fishing in a random body of water.
QuestionHow do you place bone meal?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerPut bone meal in your hand, and right click. Green + symbols should spawn and the crop should grow.
QuestionHow do I multiply my pumpkins because I only pick one up when I harvest them?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerThere is no way to "multiply" a pumpkin. You only get one pumpkin. It's only melons that give you multiple slices.
QuestionCan you build a multilayered farm but only with one water source?VortrexionTop AnswererYou can build a multilayered farm, but keep in mind that each layer can only be a 9 x 9. with the center of it containing the flowing water source to irrigate the crops.
QuestionWhat’s the harvesting tool called?VortrexionTop AnswererThe tool used to both plant and on occasion harvest crops is called a hoe.
QuestionHow am I suppose to use water to break my crops?VerinTop AnswererAll you have to do is use a water bucket on the ground next to your crops. The water will begin flowing outwards from where you placed it and use it comes into contact with a block occupied by a crop it'll just keep flowing through it a break it (as long as it is within 7 blocks from the water source, as water only flows up to 7 blocks horizontally).
QuestionShould you use villagers or bees to pollinate?D GirlCommunity AnswerHave little islands of tilled land (on land, with water holes), a beehive or nest in the middle and a load of flowers outside. This will ensure that the bees will have to fly over the crops to reach the hive.
QuestionCan you do that in the nether or end?Community AnswerWater is not able to be placed in the Nether, and it most likely that in The End, water can't be mixed in either.
QuestionCan you make villagers help?Khang4312Community AnswerYes, but a villager will take all of your results and plant it again.
QuestionHow can I know which grass has a seed?Khang4312Community AnswerYou can't know which grass has seed. Just break any grass you see and there will be at least 5 seeds.
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