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Do you play and enjoy Minecraft? Have you gotten tired of hunting and scavenging for your food? This article will tell you how to create a basic farm in Minecraft.

  1. This is where we will build the farm. Your farm can be as large or small as you want it to be, but 26 by 24 is highly recommended for all players.
    • Remember, the larger the farm, the more supplies it will take.
    • It is recommended that your land is flat, though this isn't mandatory.
    • There are infinite places to build your farm, but here are a few ideas.
      • Underground. Building your farm underground is the most versatile place to build your farm, though it is the most time consuming.
      • In a Field. This requires no special items, and is the easiest to build, though it isn't very safe from Mobs.
      • Inside. Usually this is a special building dedicated to a farm. It should have a glass ceiling to let sunlight in. It requires that you build a building for the farm, but is safe from Mobs.
    • If you don't have the means to perform step 6, put your farm adjacent to a pond so you can dig the canals from there and let the pond fill them up. Keep in mind that if you do this, the number of blocks you can use in your canals will be limited, but this can work as a stop-gap solution until you can get the iron to make a bucket.
  2. This helps to keep monsters out. [1]
    • Note: Make the perimeter two blocks high at least, or use fences, otherwise Mobs will jump over the built wall.
  3. This way, it prevents the Mobs from spawning in your farm. [2]
    • You can use glowstone under the water canals and under the fence
  4. These will water the crops. [3]
    • Keep in mind that the water will irrigate 4 blocks in each direction, so have 8 blocks between the canals
  5. Use the bucket to scoop up the water.
    • If you don't have the means to perform this step, put your farm adjacent to a pond so you can dig the canals from there and let the pond fill them up. Keep in mind that if you do this, the number of blocks you can use in your canals will be limited, but this can work as a stop-gap solution until you can get the iron to make a bucket.
  6. Crops will only grow on tilled land.
  7. Right click on the tilled land with seeds in your hand.
  8. Use Bone Meal to speed up the process.
    • Harvesting crops yields seeds.
  9. Advertisement

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  • Question
    I can only plant wheat. How can I find any other things to plant?
    Community Answer
    Find some sugarcane. It looks like bamboo, and will be next to water. You have to plant it next to water, otherwise it won't plant. Also, go to a village. They usually have a full range of things to plant in their farms
  • Question
    What can I do to make sure it is zombie proof?
    Community Answer
    Build fences, and put torches inside it to make sure they don't spawn inside it.
  • Question
    How long does it take for melons and pumpkins to grow?
    Community Answer
    The stem takes awhile to grow. The more squares around the stem that are available for pumpkins to grow (up to 4), the faster the pumpkin will grow. You need an air block above the block that the pumpkin would occupy if it grew there. You need water (this one should be obvious) 4 blocks away from the pumpkin at most (diagonals count as 1 block, not 2).
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      Things You'll Need

      • Seeds
      • Hoe
      • Blocks/fences
      • Buckets of water
      • Dirt
      • 4 Glowstones
      • Lots of torches

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Choose your farm size.
      2. Choose your farmland.
      3. Build a perimeter around your farm out of fences or solid blocks two blocks high.
      4. Light your farm using torches or glowstones.
      5. Dig water canals to water your farm.
      6. Fill the water canals using a bucket and water.
      7. Till the soil next to the water canals with a hoe.
      8. Plant seeds in the tilled soil.
      9. Wait a few day/night cycles for the crops to fully mature.
      10. Harvest your crops and replant them.

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        Oct 28, 2020

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