Q&A for How to Go Out with a Guy As Just a Friend

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    Can a guy and girl hang out alone as just friends?
    Connell Barrett
    Dating Coach
    Connell Barrett is a Relationship Expert and the Founder and Executive Coach of Dating Transformation in New York City. Connell has over five years of experience as an international coach who helps men connect with women by unlocking their best, true, most confident selves. He is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Dating Sucks but You Don’t,” and has appeared on Good Morning America, the "Today" show, Access Hollywood, and in Best Life, Cosmopolitan, and The Oprah Magazine. In 2019 he was named Datezie.com's “New York City’s Best Male Dating Coach."
    Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    Definitely! The key is treating each other like friends rather than offering romantic compliments or flirtatious comments.
  • Question
    I want to invite him to a party, but he'll be the only boy there. I don't want it to seem awkward, he's my only male friend. Should I invite him?
    Community Answer
    If he's your friend, go for it! If you're the one throwing the party, make sure any activities are fun for everyone (no makeovers, etc., unless he's into that). If it's someone else's party, just make sure he feels included with whatever's going on. Tell him ahead of time that he will be the only guy, and he can decide for himself if he wants to go.
  • Question
    What are some things to do with a guy best friend at his house?
    Community Answer
    Play video games or watch a movie. Think about what he likes. If he likes eating or baking, make cookies. If he likes board games, do that.
  • Question
    I want to invite my friend over, but I've never done it before. How do I do it? I doubt he'll think it's a date, but I cant figure out how to ask him to hang.
    Community Answer
    Think of something you guys could do together, and ask him specifically if he would like to do that activity. For example, "Do you want to come over and [watch YouTube, play video games, listen to music, etc.]."
  • Question
    How do I ask him?
    Community Answer
    Just say something like, "Hey, do you wanna go to ____ later?" If he asks if it's a date, say no. Just keep it casual.
  • Question
    This girl I know is dating someone else, but she wanted to hang with me. She never mentioned her boyfriend, why would she do that?
    Community Answer
    Maybe she thinks that's private information and none of your business, or maybe it just didn't come up. She might also have assumed you knew she had a boyfriend (which it sounds like you did).
  • Question
    What reasons could there be for why a guy only responds with short texts?
    Community Answer
    He may be playing hard to get, or he may genuinely not be interested in the conversation. You could try asking him a question that you know you could build upon. You shouldn't have to do all the work and carry the conversation, though. If he repeatedly answers with one or two word replies, just drop the conversation.
  • Question
    Why are boys mean to you when they like you?
    Community Answer
    Boys can be immature and they don't know how to express their feelings appropriately sometimes. I advise you to stay away from boys who act like this. They don't all do it.
  • Question
    We've been friends for a few months. I'm 38 and married, he's 26 and single. Would it be okay if I ask him out for dinner?
    Community Answer
    If you've mentioned to him a couple of times that you're married, it's safe.
  • Question
    I'm going to the movies later tonight with a guy I've dated before. I asked him, and I'm paying for him. I don't know if he still likes me. How do I make this not awkward?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Just tell him. "Hey, I want to go to the movies, I'd like you to come along, but I am sure that I don't want to get back together. Do you feel okay with that?"
  • Question
    I asked a young lady to the movies, and she said okay. Does this include dinner?
    Community Answer
    It can include dinner, if you want it to and plan in advance with her for the time and money. Totally up to you. Dinner provides a nice opportunity to talk and get to know each other better that a movie doesn't.
  • Question
    How do I hang with a guy at the mall who I like, but I'm not sure if he likes me?
    Community Answer
    Keep things casual. If he likes video games, ask him if he wants to go check out GameStop with you. If he's not into that, maybe just ask him to go to a movie with you. If he asks why you asked him, you can say that your friend canceled last minute.
  • Question
    How do I comfort a girl who is having sex for first time?
    Community Answer
    If she's worried, just tell her everything will be fine and let her know she can ask any question she wants. You may want to ask her if she actually wants to have sex, or is just too afraid to say no. If she wants to back out, let her. Just be supportive and caring.
  • Question
    I am stressed on what to wear on my first date because the guy is shorter than me and it's winter and I don't know what to wear. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Maybe just wear tight leggings and a hoodie along with Nike gym shoes or cute boots. Stay casual.
  • Question
    I am friends with a guy I dated once, and he knows I like him still. Whenever I slightly flirt with him he says he doesn't like me anymore, so how do I ask him if he wants to play video games?
    Community Answer
    Wait for some of the drama to subside and then talk to him. Tell him that you understand he doesn't like you that way and that you just want to be friends. Then ask him to play video games with you.
  • Question
    How do I ask a guy on a date if I'm not sure if he likes me?
    Community Answer
    Just ask him! Be brave and confident, it will impress him. If he says no, accept it and move on. But you'll never know what could happen if you don't try.
  • Question
    How do I ask out my close guy friend that's in a friend group of mine and has other mutual friends the same as me? I really like him, but it'll be awkward. How do I make it not awkward?
    Community Answer
    If you're asking him out as a friend, you can jokingly broach the subject like, "Hey, would you like to meet up for a coffee together? You know, just to hang out - not like a date or anything." To avoid trouble you might want to make that clear. If you're asking him out as a date, you must approach it seriously, such as, "Hey, I've been kind of into you for a while and I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime...?"
  • Question
    My best male friend said that he had a crush on me, then he said he didn't love me, later he was flirting with me and asking me about what movies to watch. What's going on?
    Community Answer
    Having a crush doesn't mean you love someone. It sounds like your friend is just a big flirt. Guys especially like to flirt with their female friends because they feel comfortable around them and don't worry so much about rejection. If it bothers you, ask him to stop.
  • Question
    I was planning on going to the movies with three friends, but two of them cancelled. I know the third one likes me, so I don't want it to become a date (I've been recently dumped by someone else). Any advice?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    No matter what the relationship is between you two, it is always important that both people know this. If he likes you, you can't really go ahead and preemptively dump him by saying, "Look, I want to go to this movie, but it's not a date", because it assumes he's going to want to date you. Instead, use signals to clearly let him know it's not a date. Wear a turtleneck, keep your distance, mention specifically that he's a friend, lean away from him as you're seated. Or postpone the movie until the others can go along. If he does flirt, then you can kindly let him know you're not feeling that way right now.
  • Question
    What do I do? He is coming over with his parents and he is just a friend. We do theater together and it is just me and him. We don't hang out just us.
    Community Answer
    Talk to him like you would in a group. He's most likely made it clear to his parents that there is nothing going on between you, but if his (or your) parents pepper you with questions about your "relationship", simply tell them that you are just friends.
  • Question
    My guy friend asked me to hang out later this week, but we can't think of anything to do other than swim in his pool or watch a movie (which we do every time). Any suggestions?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Learn a new board game, get massages together, go indoor skiing, invent a city game, pause a murder mystery movie halfway and really discuss and try to find whodunit, brainstorm ideas for the best and most epic Halloween ever, try parkour, go kite surfing, learn origami, just spend time together quietly, write a novel by each in turn writing the next sentence (it's hilarious!), learn a new card game, solve a mate-in-three chess problem together, learn how to juggle, learn how to solve the Rubik's Cube, learn watermelon sculpture carving...
  • Question
    He asked to go to the movies with me and said we would go as friends, but he sees me as more than a friend. What do I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Go to the movies, be friends. Look inside yourself: do you feel you want to be friends? If yes, be friends. Do you feel more? Keep that option open, get to know each other, and see if those feelings grow. But if he says you're friends, then he should behave as friends. If he wants to love you, he should sense if you'd like that too and if so, ask to go as a date, not as friends. If he does have feelings, it's up to him to do something about it. Unless you have feelings, then it's equally up to you. But it's just a movie; enjoy it together and let all these complications rest.
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