Q&A for How to Say No Politely To a Man Who Asks You Out

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    He has a girlfriend already and I really like him, but he is asking me out. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You should tell him you're not comfortable with being asked out by someone who already has a girlfriend. You should also consider whether you'd really want to be with someone like this. It's very disrespectful to ask out other people while in a relationship with someone, and if he did it to someone else, he could do it to you. If he doesn't want to be with his girlfriend anymore, he should break up with her before he starts pursuing other people.
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    My boss is asking me out, but I am not interested and I already have a boyfriend. How can I say no respectfully?
    Community Answer
    Just be polite and decline his offer. Tell him you're flattered, but you're in a relationship. Most guys will be understanding of this. If he continues to push the issue, tell HIS boss or someone in the human resources department that you're being harassed.
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    How do I reject someone that I really like because I'm not allowed to date?
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    Be honest with him. Let him know that you like him but you aren't allowed to date. Ask him if he'd like to be your friend for now.
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    I want to say no to the boy who is coming to see me because I already have a boyfriend. I want to be honest and I want to him to keep the secret. How do I know if the boy will keep our secret?
    Community Answer
    Just ask him. If the boy likes you then he should understand your need for privacy and why you didn't say no before.
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    He is a good friend and I'm very open with him, but I'm afraid he's going to ask me out. I don't see him in the romantic way, but think I could in the future. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Be honest with him! Tell him you're not totally sure about your feelings, but that you'd like to get to know him better. Ask if you guys can hang out and see how it goes, or just take things slow. If he really likes you, he'll probably be cool about it. If you don't want to do this, just tell him that for now, you'd like to remain friends only.
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    I was asked out by a boy I didn't like, so I said, "I'm really sorry, but I don't like you that way." I guess I did something wrong, because he started crying and ran away. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Some boys are really sensitive to being rejected (as are some girls). Time is going to be the only thing to fix this. You didn't say anything wrong, and if you try to rephrase what you said, he's likely to get the wrong idea and think you like him after all. It's best to just give him some time and space. He'll get over it.
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    A guy that used to be like a brother to me talked to his friends about my breasts behind my back. He said he's sorry, but now he wants to date me. I already have a boyfriend. What do I do?
    Top Answerer
    Tell him you are not interested and would prefer if he stopped talking to you. It is very weird that he talked about your breasts and then apologized and then professed his love for you. It sounds like he expected professing his love would resolve that issue. It didn't.
  • Question
    I said okay to a guy who called me out for a movie, but I do not want to go with him now. What do I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Kindly let him know you changed your mind. Consent is only valid until it is revoked, and it can be revoked at any time. Life is too short to go to movies with people you don't want to go with. You can even be even more gentle and come up with an excuse. "Oh hey, bad news, I said OK earlier, but I just realized I can't make it after all. So sorry. But thanks for asking me."
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    He was sincere but I don't want to date him. He is very nice, but we aren't friends.
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    Tell him, "I think you are really nice, but I'm not really interested in a relationship right now. Sorry." If you'd like to be friends, tell him that too.
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    How do I reject someone who is persistent and intimidating?
    Community Answer
    Politely tell them you're not interested. If the person is being aggressive and harassing you, call the police. File a report and fill out a restraining order if necessary. If it's someone you work with, contact someone in the Human Resources department.
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    There's a boy at school who I know likes me and will eventually ask me out. I'm a lesbian. How do I say no without outing myself or seeming like I don't have a genuine reason?
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    You can simply say, "For me, the feeling is not there." It shields whatever real reason you may have to say no, and it's not a lie.
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    We've been friends for a few weeks. He asked me to a dance and I said yes. Does this mean were dating?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    No, at least, not if you don't want it to mean that. So far, all there is is that you've met, talked, shared a few stories, spent some time together, and have danced together. That's good. If you like him, keep spending time with him, getting to know him and give him the opportunity to get to know you. If you want to call it dating, it can only be that if he calls it that as well. Casually say, "OK, it's a date" and see how he responds. But from the way this sounds, you're doing great!
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    A boy asked me out today. I said yes, but I don't know whether I like him. I'm scared because he is such a nice guy and I don't want to hurt him. Any advice?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    What will it take for you to know whether you like him? We all make decisions the very first second we meet someone, but that's just a first impression. Just because you agreed to go out doesn't mean you are now obligated to love him. Think of it as just a date; spend some time together, let him get to know you. Instead of dreaming about you from afar, he wants to know the actual you, see if he could love you. Finally, though it's sad, if you don't like him, you'll have to hurt him, and it's best to do so as soon as possible before his hopes go up too high. If he's nice, I'm sure he'll find a nice girl.
  • Question
    I've been his friend for a very long time and I consider him a great friend. Recently he asked me to a dance and ended it with "Love, ". I like someone else, but don't wanna ruin the friendship over a no.
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Try to make it the softest no you can think of. "Hey, I sense you like me, but I don't feel that way about you, but it's OK, we're the best of friends and I am flattered that you ask me to a dance." Alternatively, if he sends you hints and you send nothing back, he should pick up on the fact that it's a no, without any explicit confirmation, so expect him to stop his advances after a certain time. If he doesn't, hope is hard to let go of, so be kind when you let him down. Point out your friendship and how you appreciate it.
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    A guy who has been my friend for 10 years just confessed that he likes me. I don't see him in a romantic way at all. He is like a brother to me. I don't like him romantically. What do I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Be kind, it it happens. Let him know exactly how you feel; you're friends, after all. But it is tricky. He's kind of lost track of things. When we like people, we try to figure out if they like us back by dropping hints. If we register no reaction, we should conclude they don't like us back and come to our senses and stop sending hints, much less confess any love. But no reaction is often taken for "there might still be hope". Love clouds our judgment, and hope does die last. So even if he failed to accurately keep track of your feelings, you're still good friends, so consider it a little lapse and let him down easy.
  • Question
    A boy asked me out and I said I didn’t know. I still don’t know; what do I do?
    Tom De Backer
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    There's no harm in going on one date with him. It took some courage to ask you, and if you're not totally disgusted by the sight of him, who knows, it could grow. But if you want to feel wild attraction from the first glance, then this boy is not for you.
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    I'm lesbian but not that vocal about it. A good guy friend I consider a big brother to me recently asked me out. I don't like him that way, and I want us to stay friends without big explanations help?
    Community Answer
    Be honest and upfront. Unfortunately for him, you are going to have to friend-zone him do to your sexuality and make it clear that you aren't attracted to him in that way. Be honest, but also just give him the option to stay friends if you are still comfortable with that.
  • Question
    I started texting with a boy who had a crush on me before I even knew him, but I just wanted to be friends with him. He later scolded me for giving him hopes and refusing him. What should I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    There is nothing you need to do; you didn't do anything wrong. Feelings can't be forced, and it's high time he learned that. Even if you did initially have some romantic interest and felt nothing more than friendship once you got to know him, that's not your fault. Sure, he had hopes, but you can't go and spend your life with him if you don't want to just because he had hope. He has no right to scold you. Tell him gently that he should learn there will be a lot more rejection before he finds love, and that you hope he can come to his senses soon and you can be friends.
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    A friend of mine is really persistent on dating me, but I don't really love him. I've accepted, but not willingly. How do I break up?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Say no. Stop being kind. He is unacceptable. If a hundred men like you but you like only three back, and the other 97 all keep pushing you, you'd be spending hours each day explaining why you don't want to go on a date. This is exhausting, time-consuming, and most of all: extremely unpleasant. Nobody likes to be rejected, but to reject someone is no fun either. And he is forcing you to reject him over and over again, he's forcing extremely unpleasant feelings onto you, and that is unacceptable, especially among friends. He must stop, as this is borderline harassment.
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    I am really good friends with this guy, and I've noticed that he's been making subtle moves toward me. I actually like him, but I'm not allowed to date and am not ready for a relationship. What do I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    If you say 'yes', then that means 'yes'. If you say 'no', then that means 'no'. And if you say nothing, then also means 'no'. So if you don't encourage his subtle moves, he should figure out you're not interested. But you can do more. If he lightly touches your arm, you can firmly take his hand and remove it. All in good fun, with a playful smile, why not. But that sends a clear message. You can also just talk; you're friends, after all: "Hey, I know what you mean, but I'm not ready for that."
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